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The government and good people of Ghana have closely followed events in Syria
over some time now. We have observed Syria when it was peaceful and were
shocked at the sudden chaos that has taken over the nation. As a member of the
United Nations (U. N), and signatory to the laws backing the abolition of chemical
weapon use in wars or to control crime, we register our greatest displeasure against
the recent violation of this long standing UN Convention on chemical weapon use.
The current situation in Syria pertaining to chemical weapon is one of the issue
which we do not condone. Chemical weapon is a deadly tool for crime control that
have far reaching consequences on both human and other living creatures in our
already polluted environment. We make our stand clear that, we fully behind UN to
take necessary action to anyone who is responsible for such act and well
investigation should be conducted to punish the offender.
No, political solution will not work. Evidences from past strategies aimed at
resolving the conflict issues have largely failed due to lack of political setbacks. For
example, Kofi Anan resigned as joint special envoy for the UN and the league of
Arab states. Citing the lack of political unity among them was a major obstacle to
finding a solution to the crises. Furthermore, after Kofi Anans resignation, his
immediate predecessor, Lakhdar Brahimi also faced similar problem. The
government and opposition leaders were fighting for control of Damascus.
International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect

Our close following of events in Syria makes us reason that if any viable solution
can reduce the tension in the country, it must first start with a power-sharing
governance structure among the key factions. We propose that they should be a
coalition government whereby opposition leader should be involved in any activity
in Syria. That is they should be a sharing power system of government among them
to ensure peace and stability in the country. According to secretary of state John F.
Kerry during his speech said To end Syrian civil war, rebels must help form
transition government,DeYoung Karen and Sly Liz (2014).
Moreover, for the sake of peace to prevail, the people of Ghana entreat the ruling
party to step down and allow the parties to come to terms as to how the next
leadership should be chosen. We know this approach might not solve all the
problems, but we strongly believe it will reduce the crimes currently bedeviling the
Finally, the international community such as United Nations High Commissioners for
Refugees (UNHCR) should set up humanitarian camps to provide shelter for
displaced people. Taking a cue from the suggestions of United Nations Humanitarian
Commission for Refugees (UNHCR),If the aid agencies can effectively work in Syria,
more developed countries must step up their donations since the number of
displaced people keeps soaring daily. Amidst recent killing of aid workers, its our
view that they should be given strong and well appropriate security to ensure they
perform their humanitarian assignments without intimidation or fear of death.

DeYoung Karen and Sly Liz. (January 12, 2014). To end Syrian civil war, rebels must
help form
transition government, Kerry and others warn. Web. .The Washington Post
International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect (n.d.). The Crisis in Syria.
Retrieved from

United Nations Humanitarian Commission for Refugees (UNHCR).(2015). UNHCR

country operations profile- Syrian Arab Republic. Web.

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