Parentbor Final

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Parents Bill of Rights

1) Parents know their child is learning

Teachers are obligated to teach using sound theory and methods in the classroom.
Teachers will also assess formally and informally, summative and formative. The
data will be used as a diagnostic tool to ensure that learning has occurred, and
understanding of content has taken place.
2) Parents know their child is safe
Teachers will as diligent and careful with their students as they would be with their
own children. When learning occurs, the teacher has already considered possible
safety issues, and has done their diligence to remove or reduce the possibilities of
injuries occurring.
3) Parents know their child is receiving a quality education
Teachers will instruct based upon the standards outlined in the state/district
curriculum. Teachers will continue to develop their craft by continuing to attend
professional developments. Teacher will not assign busy work, but will
continually teach with the students best interest in mind. The crafting of all
lessons and activities will reflect this idea, and can be directly connected to
standards and objectives.
4) Parents are able to advocate for their child
Having constructive, regular feedback with teachers is the most effective way to
advocate for a child. Whether its by email, phone call, or in person, teachers
always have time to speak with parents. If parents feel that something needs to be
changed or modified in class, they should feel comfortable reaching out to the
teacher to address these issues. This applies to students with IEPs, 504s, or
general classroom concerns.
5) Parents know what is going on in the classroom
Teachers should clearly present a syllabus at the beginning of the semester that
outlines the plan for the classroom. Additionally, when possible, teachers should
provide resources so that parents are able to know what type of assignments are
taking place in class. This can include texting software, or placing assignment
outlines online for parents to view.

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