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Work to save South Padre nature preserve

To the Editor,

While the full intentions of Willacy County may not yet be clearly stated with
respect to accessing the Nature Conservancy's South Padre Island Preserve, it is
nonetheless disturbing to see its attempt to use the eminent domain law to condemn this
beautiful and fragile tract of land.
I hope Willacy County's commissioners and residents know the Nature
Conservancy is an organization funded by ordinary working folks like you and me. All
over the country, these individuals have entrusted their often hard-earned money as
donations to this remarkable organization for the purpose of protecting our rapidly-
disappearing natural plant and wildlife habitats for future generations of Americans to
treasure and learn from.
Some 15 years ago I was fortunate to know Mrs. Abbie Lund, an 80-something
retired teacher, a survivor of the Depression, a mother of four and a selfless and giving
person. Abbie believed in the goals of the Nature Conservancy and gave regular
contributions to the organization from her limited teacher's pension. She told me how
pleased and proud she was to know she could trust this organization to manage the funds
she donated just as promised, to protect her beloved United States and its natural
resources for her grandchildren and future generations. I agreed with her, and still do.
I would ask the Willacy County commissioners to keep in mind the trust of
Abbie, who passed away recently in her 90s, as well as that of so many other contributors
to the Nature Conservancy. Head back to the table with the Nature Conservancy and plan
for the wise and competent management of this fine land treasure, which would serve the
public good in the truest sense, not just for us now but for our children and their children.

Joyce Hamilton, Harlingen


Now, go back through and find examples of ethos, pathos and logos in this letter. Write e,
p or l next to the places where you find each. We will discuss then go over it in class.

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