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The Honorable (Congressional Representative's Full Name)


Re: The North American Cooperative Security Act

S.853 & H.R.2672

Dear Representative (Last Name):

As a freedom-loving American citizen and a dietary-supplement consumer, I urge you

to oppose the unconstitutional North American Cooperative Security Act, and save
America, land of the free.

Under the pretense of protecting the American economy and its citizens from terrorist
activity, this "sell out" of my country by opening our northern and southern borders,
thereby creating a defacto "North American Union," will threaten American
sovereignty and my rights as a citizen.

This incremental plan of harmonization, already set in place by NAFTA, CAFTA, and
the upcoming FTAA legislation, will guarantee the loss of American laws and
customs. As part of this process, supplement laws will be harmonized to restrictive
UN Codex standards that are anti-health, anti-consumer, and pro-drug.

Opening our borders to Canada and Mexico will only make our currently porous
borders even more open to terrorists. It will also mean more surveillance and controls
over innocent American citizens, with an even greater bureaucracy with expanding
regulatory controls. This is in direct conflict with the original American concept of
freedom and individual rights.

Please help save America and vote to oppose this extremely harmful legislation.

I would appreciate hearing your views on the subject.


[Your Name & Address]

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