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Lesson Plan Outline for Teaching with Technology (Social Studies/ELA Game)

Your Name - Kelly Pryor

Academic Subject - Social Studies/ELA
CT Social Studies Frameworks (Grade 5)
HIST 5.9 Explain probable causes and effects of events and developments.
HIST 5.10 Use evidence to develop a claim about the past.
ECO 5.1 Identify positive and negative incentives that influence the decisions people make.
GEO 5.3 Explain how human settlements and movements relate to the locations and use of various natural resources.
Westward Expansion

Prerequisite Knowledge:
General knowledge of U.S. history (1500s-1800s)
American Revolution

Close Read Book
Exit Slip
List the objectives for this lesson.
Students will be able to:
1. Read text and study photographs to infer and retrieve information about the Westward Expansion era.
2. Identify key people of the Westward Expansion era (Louis & Clark, Sacagawea, etc.)
3. Define key concepts of the Westward Expansion (vocabulary)
How will you teach the content?
This game goes along with April Close Read Books and included ELA activities.
1. The students will first participate in the close read on Westward Expansion.
2. Students will verbally answer questions before, during, and after the reading.
3. Students will next complete group work and independent work on the Close Read book.
4. Then students will play the Westward Expansion Vocabulary Game as part of their independent work.
1. Students will record game information (cards flipped and time) down on a piece of paper and hand it in.
2. Students will then complete an exit slip about the game.
Additional materials
Optional: Projector, SmartBoard
Close Read Book
Exit Slip
Pencil & Paper
Evaluation Strategies
Game: cards flipped, time, how many times played
Exit Slips

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