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Students Bill of Rights

1) Students can be taught the way they learn

Some students are visuals, other are auditory, while other students are logical.
Teachers will ensure that material is presented in a variety of ways to ensure that
all students are able to learn. Content, as appropriate, will be demonstrated in a
variety of methods to meet the needs of all students.
2) Students know they are safe at school
Regardless of the question, whether academic or personal in nature, all students
should feel comfortable speaking with their teachers. They should not fear
judgement or ridicule. Likewise, teachers should be diligent to eliminate bullying
and derogatory comments in the classroom, to make it safe for all students.
3) Students feel empowered in the classroom
Teachers must not allow or encourage learned helplessness. They must provide
procedures from the very beginning of the school year that will deal with issues
like: missing assignments, absences, and tutoring or independent instruction time.
Positive academic feedback will be provided in a timely, concise manner to help
students know how they are preforming in the classroom. Explicit instructions,
rubrics and allowing time for students questions will help with the students feel
4) Students know what is expected in the classroom
Classroom rules and procedures are discussed at the beginning of the school year,
and reviewed periodically thereafter. Important rules and procedures are
prominently displaced in the classroom. The rules are followed consistently and
the discipline for infractions are fair and consistent.
5) Students have a voice in the classroom
Students are able to speak freely with the teacher, providing it is not disrespectful
or an inappropriate time in class. Specifically, they can discuss their grades and
how to improve, they can also express frustrations of material or projects. Most
importantly, students will have a voice, where they can choose (when appropriate)
how they want to complete an assignment. Allowing students a voice where they
can choose their assignment will increase their likeness of completing the task, and
they will be more involved in the classroom. This can be as simple as providing
two choices and allowing students to choose which one they want to do, or
allowing them to choose their partner when they are working on a group

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