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Kristney Camp

April 25, 2015

Final ALE Reflection

Within the Discipline

Responsibility - Math
Time-management Education major
Hospitality Education major

Responsibility is my first skill that I have gained through my Math classes here at Tarleton.
Through these classes, especially my freshman year, I had to be self-sufficient. I had to be
responsible about when assignments and projects were due. This experience helped me in the
long run because I was able to transition it to being a Residential Leader. As an RL, you must be
responsible about your duties and job requirements. Time-management is my second skill that I
have gained from a class here at Tarleton. Being an education major, time management is key.
Majority of our classes, we do not have tests, just projects that are all due at the end of the
semester. Therefore, I acquired time-management skills from this and have been able to use this
skill while being an RL because you are balancing being an RL as well as a full-time student in
college. Those are both busy jobs and when you put them together, you have to have timemanagement skills to survive. Hospitality is the last skill that I believe I have acquired through a
content area or course while at Tarleton. I believed I have acquired this through being an
education major as well. During field experience, sometimes you have to interact with parents
and guardians of students. Hospitality is a great skill to have so that you can be as helpful to
them as possible. This skill has carried over to being an RL because we interact with parents and
students on a daily basis. Utilizing this skill, I have been able to help both parents and students
without them getting upset.
Beyond the Discipline

Kristney Camp
April 25, 2015
Responsibility, time-management, and hospitality are three skills that I will be able to take with
me out into the real-world and utilize them on an everyday basis. I will be able to use all three of
these skills inside and outside of my home as well as in my future career.
Beyond Academics

Use of technology
FFA show animals

The use of technology has been something Ive been surrounded with the majority of my life. As
it has grown and become more complex, I have adapted to each advancement to make myself a
better person overall as well as a marketable person. This has helped me in my academics
because I am able to comprehend and finish my online assignments in a timely fashion. This will
and has transferred over to the real-world because I am able to use multiple programs on a
computer to complete tasks asked of me. FFA show animals is an outside of the class room
experience that I will use every day because they taught me to never give up. I showed animals
for 6 years. I never won but I loved it because they taught me to never give up and to keep
trying. You shouldnt work for the reward but for the experience.
Being a Residential Leader has contributed to my understanding of the interconnectedness
between the three areas by showing how they connect and play off of each other. If you use one
skill or trait inside the discipline, I can guarantee that you will use it sometime outside of the
discipline and beyond academics. Through college, people believe they are just getting a degree
but youre actually getting so much more. Youre learning how to interact with others, be a
contributing member to society and how to achieve goals that you set for yourself.

Kristney Camp
April 25, 2015
Global Awareness
A stereotype or bias that I came into the position with was the thought that all people in Greek
life are stuck up snobs who look down on others and just pay their way out of college. After
being in this position, some of my best friends are involved in a sorority or fraternity and have
changed my view of this. Yes, there are some who act that way but not all of them and I am
thankful for this position and experience to gain this knowledge.
Broader Implications
Some global issues that I have encountered while being an RL is the discrimination and hate
towards others who think or believe differently than you. When the president was elected, there
was a huge issue between residents because they all thought they were right and that everyone
should think the same way that they do. Which is false, everyone is entitled to their own belief
and opinions. Through this experience, I have to keep my personal biases and beliefs in check or
to an absolute minimum because my residents and fellow RLs look up to me. I cannot be seen as
ignorant or unable to hear someone out and demonstrate how you can agree to disagree with
someone and still be friends.

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