Mental Health Survey and Results

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Mental Health Survey

1. Stigma is:
a) A plan of treatment agreed to by patient and doctor
b) Lack of communication about mental health
c) Prejudice that prevents people from speaking up or seeking help
2. Mental Health is best defined as:
a) 12-18 months without having a mental health issue
b) A balance in all aspects of your life social, physical, mental
c) Being intelligent compared to the rest of the population
3. Who is most likely to get a mental illness?
a) People who are poor and uneducated
b) Everyone is affected regardless of intelligence, income or social class
c) People with stressful jobs
4. True or False: People who are mentally ill are usually violent?
a) True
b) False
5. True or False: Exercise can help relieve the experience of depression?
a) True
b) False
6. True or False: Half (50%) of people who feel they have suffered from depression or anxiety have never
gone to see a doctor about their problem?
a) True
b) False
7. List below any organizations or businesses you know of in Windsor that can help people with mental

The survey above was given out to grade 10 students on Monday Feb. 23rd (the beginning of our mental
health awareness week) and then again on Thursday Feb. 26th (at the end of our mental health
awareness week). The survey consisted of 7 questions 6 that tested students basic knowledge and
understanding about mental health and 1 question about students knowledge of local organizations
that provide assistance to people suffering from a mental illness.
The results of the first survey (Feb. 23rd) proved students had a thorough understanding of mental
health but many did not know of local organizations they could turn to if they or someone they knew
was suffering from a mental illness. 92 students filled out the survey and averaged a score of 81% on
questions one to six these questions tested knowledge and understanding of mental illness. Of the 92
students 52 (56%) did know of any local organizations that help people suffering from mental illness.
The results of the second survey (Feb. 26th) proved students gained a greater understanding of mental
health and were more aware of local organizations that help people who suffer from a mental illness. 84
students filled out the second survey and averaged a score of 90% on questions one to six an
improvement of 9%. Of the 84 students, only 19 (22%) students did not know of any local organizations
that help people who are suffering from a mental illness an improvement of 33%.
The results of this survey coincided with the two main goals of our mental health week. We wanted to
raise awareness and educate our students about mental health. We also wanted to connect our
students to local organizations if they or someone they know is suffering from a mental illness and
wants to help.

M/C Knowledge
(Questions 1-6)
S/A Practical
(Question 7)
Total Surveys filled

Average - 4.9/6
Average 0.7
Zeros 52

Average 5.4/6
Average 1.8
Zeros 19

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