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English 2010
Professor Brown
March 9, 2015

Fig.1 Jared Beutlar

Profiling Jared Beutler, Pharm D

Jared is a pharmacist who works on the psychiatric ward at Intermountain LDS Hospital.

He works closely with patients who receive their medications on the wing and monitors their
progress. Growing up in Wyoming as a child he always knew that he wanted to work in
healthcare as he enjoys helping others. He did all of his schooling in the state of Wyoming and
even graduated from the University of Wyoming with a doctorate in Pharmacy. Jared also
travels abroad to help out with relief in other countries to help establish healthcare in their
geographical region. Most recently, in 2012 he went to Haiti for a medical mission to bring
much needed medicine to that area while they are still rebuilding following a devastating
earthquake that left a lot of the area in ruins. Jared is also a beekeeper and avid climber as he

ventures around the world to climb with friends. Given Jareds background and current health
profession, I decided to pick his brain on matters of certain physical and mental health effects
from Utahs annual inversion as it sets in from the months of November to March.

Jared covers not just the mental health wing at the hospital, he can also cover other

floors and also the centralized pharmacy. He says what he sees most during the inversion
months is mostly associated with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, or COPD.
Patients with a history of these ailments will have an increased risk in complications like
pneumonia or RSV in infants and young children. The most
common treatment would be a steroid inhaler such as
Advair to reduce inflammation.(Jared Buetlar).
When I showed him the study done at Ohio State,
linking air pollution with higher rates of depression, I asked
him if he sees an increase of patients with depression
during the inversion months. He said, I have heard that
studies are being done to see if there is a correlation

(Commonly prescribed for use
in patients with COPD and

between high suicide rates in the mountain west and higher elevations. I do not know of data

concerning pollution, but would believe it is a factor. He goes on to explain, Our unit tends to
be busy in the winter, but I am unsure if that is due to pollution, or possibly post-holiday issues,
or homeless people seeking treatment to get out of the cold.(Jared Beutlar). It is worth noting
that Intermountain Healthcare is a non-profit organization which will accept anyone with
mental health needs and consider it a charitable donation if the patient is unable to pay for

his/her treatment. Jared also noted that most of the patients he sees have a history of mental
illness and that the hospital tends to be a revolving door for some.

When I presented Jared with

studies from the CDC about the link

between Autism and air pollution I
asked him his thoughts. He
says that the unit rarely

Fig. 3 Utahs Annual Inversion

sees people with autism and that he is not educated enough in that area to give an educated
answer. He does think that it could be a definite possibility when it comes to determining the
causes of Autism and would like to see studies done here.
Overall, the inversion does indeed have negative effects on our health mostly during the
winter months as it is at its worst. Jared says he recommends that if people have such a
conditions like COPD or asthma, to stay in doors during red days and for those who suffer from
what is called, seasonal depression, try and speak with your doctor regularly as well as
exercising whenever possible to help create your own bodies natural endorphins.

The information Jared provided about patient care was really insightful and informative

in regards to what hospital employees typically see during the inversion months of Utah. I
really value his work ethic as well as how he lives his life. Helping and caring for others as well
as indulging in the beauty of our planet and living life to the fullest.

Works Cited

Centers for Disease Control. Centers for Disease Control. CDC n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2015.

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Ongoing Concerns. WebMD. 2014. Web. 28
Feb 2015
Interview with Jared Beutlar PharmD. Personal Interview. 4 March, 2015.
Ohio State University. "Air pollution linked to learning and memory problems, depression."
ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 6 July 2011. Web. 17, Feb. 2015
Treating COPD with Advair Fig. 2. 18 Mar. 2015
Utahs Annual Inversion Fig. 3. 18 March, 2015

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