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For the church that though the gift of the Spirit we may deepen our commitment

to God even though we do not see Christ

as Thomas did,

we pray to the Lord.

For all who struggle with faith or who lack belief that God's love and presence

may become known to them and bring light to their life, we pray to the Lord.

For all Christians that we may devote ourselves

to listening to the Scriptures and

to growing in prayer, we pray to the Lord.

For the grace

to be peacemakers and instruments of forgiveness that we may help

others experience the freeing and renewing power of forgiveness and

reconciliation, we pray to the Lord.

For all who are in need, for the poor, the homeless, the homebound, and those

who are ill that they may find hope and healing, we pray to the Lord.

For the deepening of community and fellowship that we may grow in our care and

respect for one another as children of God, we pray to the Lord.

For this assembly of faith that we may share our lives in support of the values we

profess, we pray to the Lord.

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