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Feature Source / Map

GISC9305 AutoCAD and

Matthew Reaume

GISC9305, Deliverable 2
Mr. Michael Wallace
Geomatics & Environment Centre
Environment, Horticulture and Agribusiness Division
Niagara-on-the-Lake Campus
135 Taylor Road
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON
L0S 1J0
Dear Mr. Wallace,

RE: GISC9305 - Assignment 2: Feature Sources / Map Output

Please accept this letter as our formal submission of Assignment 2 for the GISC9305 AutoCAD and GIS

This deliverable is comprised of a technical memorandum detailing the use of using raster images,
connecting to feature, stylizing images, and creating and publishing a map book in AutoCAD Map 3D.
This deliverable required the creation of a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Redding, California using
appropriate Mapping standards utilized by Northern Geospatial Solutions. The DEM includes a suitable
hillshading, contour lines, and vertical exaggeration to realistically display the features of Redding,
California. A 3D map layout and a 2D map book was created to illustrate the drawing that includes the
necessary cartographic elements.

Should you have any questions regarding the enclosed documents please contact us at your convenience
at or at 226-345-2440. Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to
your comments and suggestions.

Kindest Regards,

Matt Reaume BES

GIS Certificate Candidate

Niagara College
Enclosures 1.)

Hardcopy Submission:
- Technical Memorandum: Feature Source / Map Output (GISC9305 AutoCAD and GIS)
- 3D DEM Layout of Redding, California
Digital Submission
- ReaumeMGISC9305_D2.dwg
- ReaumeM_MapBook_D2.dwf

Technical Memorandum

3D Digital Elevation Model Analysis of Redding, California


Mike Wallace, CET, OLS



GISC9305 CAD and GIS


March 12, 2015

Prepared By: Matt Reaume, BES

This assignment serves as an introduction to the use of AutoCAD Map 3D for the purpose of
creating a 3D Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Redding, California. This analysis requires a
DEM of the study area, and a roads and contour vector layer. A DEM is a 3D representation of a
terrains surface (Redding, California), which is symbolized by different colours that represent a
specific height in elevation. For the purpose of this assignment, the DEM includes the roads and
contour vector layers draped over the surface, an appropriate hillshade that portrays shadows of
the mountains, and a vertical exaggeration that is suitable for the 3D map output. This
cartographic map output will include a 3D DEM raster image, as well as a map book that is
published to illustrate a 2D representation of the image. The 2D image will allow a GIS
professional to view street names within a specific extent. Please refer to Appendix A for a final
cartographic map layout of the 3D representation of Redding, California.

2.Study Area
The study area for this assignment is shown in Figure 1 below, which displays the location of
Redding, California in the United States of America. This site allows for a suitable analysis of a
digital elevation model due to the immense amount of mountain ranges within the location. The
DEM image for the final layout was assigned the NAD27 California State Planes, Zone 1(401)
US Foot coordinate system.

Figure 1: Study Area (Redding, California)

3.1 Create a Map Template
Upon importing the necessary file formats for the purpose of this assignment, a new map must be
created using the map2d.dwt template. This template will be used to show appropriate AutoCAD

Mapping standards, along with text and dimension styles. A NAD27 California State Planes,
Zone 1(401) US Foot coordinate system is assigned to this template that will be used for future

3.2 Connect to Raster Source

After assigning a coordinate system to the map template, the REDDING_CA.dem file was
imported into AutoCAD Map 3D using the Connect tool. Within the Data Connection by
Provider window, as shown in Figure 2, selecting Add Raster Image or Surface Connection
allows for further access to the DEM file and the roads network for Redding, California. Upon
selecting the files, connecting to the raster source images will allow the images to appear on the
model in AutoCAD Map 3D.

Figure 2: Connect to Raster Data

3.3 Stylize Theme for DEM

An appropriate height was determined for the DEM by assigning a themed palette, which is the
USGS DEM palette. This palette consists of 7 different classes based upon the elevation height
(feet), as shown below in Figure 3. This elevation palette was assigned to the DEM because it
portrayed suitable realistic 3D representation of the terrain with a minimum height of 131 feet
and a maximum height of 604 feet.

Figure 3: Stylize DEM Palette

3.4 Assign the Vertical Exaggeration for DEM

In order to display the DEM raster image realistically, the vertical exaggeration was set to x5 to
ensure the features stand out by displaying the mountain ranges and elevations accurately. This
vertical exaggeration significantly illustrates the various elevation heights in Redding, California,
as seen below in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Assign Vertical Exaggeration for DEM

3.5 Create Contour Polylines and Suitable Hillshading

Polylines were used to create contour lines that are symbolized in white with every 4 th line as a
major contour line. These major contour lines display a thicker line weight (0.2) at 200 foot
intervals, and the minor contour lines display a thinner line weight (0.17) at 50 foot intervals.
Figure 5 below shows the major and minor contour lines, and hillshading effects assigned to the
3D DEM image of Redding, California.

Figure 5: Created Contour Lines

Hillshading was created on the raster layer to give it a realistic display of the shadows on the
mountain ranges by the sun at angle 59 degrees in the southwest direction at 221 degrees. These

degrees were assigned to the DEM image because of the time at 1:30 pm with no daylight
savings on April 21st, 2012. Figure 6 below shows these properties in the sun angle calculator

Figure 6: Hillshade Parameters

3.6 Stylizing Roads Network Layer

The road network are stylized accordingly based upon the category of the roads themselves. The
major roads (arterial, highway/freeway, and collector) are colorized as either red, yellow, or grey.
Each category is given a line weight of 0 because these roads are clearly visible based upon color
and a thicker line weight would clutter the map. These major roads are seen from 3000 to
infinity, but do not show the street names. Figure 7 below shows a 2D representation of the roads
network draped on top the DEM image.

Figure 7: 2D View of Roads on DEM

Street Names

Figure 8: Roads Network w/

The roads were also stylized according to category when the extent is from 0 to 3000. These
roads are colorized as either red, yellow, grey, magenta, or green. They were given a line weight
of 0 because, again, the roads do not need to be thicker due to clear visibility of the various

colours. The roads do display the street names under a scale of 3000, as seen above in Figure 8.
Local and private roads are also seen in this scale range and not from 3000 to infinity. Arterial,
local and private roads have a font size of 0.2, collector has 0.25 font size, and highway/freeway
have a 0.3 font size to display different road names that are visually appealing and recognizable.
Figure 9 below displays the stylizing editor for the roads network (scale range of 0 to 3000),
which shows the rules for each street type, the colour style, the legend label, and scale range.

Figure 9: Style Editor for Roads Network

4.Data Table Analysis

The following data table, shown in Figure 10, demonstrates the AutoCAD Mapping standards by
the various field names listed for the road network. These field names describe the street name,
street type, ID, length of the road, prefix, and suffix. This data table classifies the road network,
which allows for features to be searched according to any data in the feature source, and can
linked to drawing objects on the map (Martin and Ellis, 2014).

Figure 10: Data Table for Road Network

5. Results
5.1 Creating the Final 3D Map Layout
A 3D map layout for Redding, California was created using proper cartographic principals. A
new map was created using the map3d.dwt template, which will be used to include the NAD27
California State Planes, Zone 1(401) US Foot coordinate system, layer styles, and appropriate
Mapping standards for future drawings. This layout includes a scale bar, north arrow, legend,
coordinate system, date, author, source, title, the 3D DEM image of Redding, California, and the
Northern Geospatial Solutions company logo. Please refer to Appendix A for the final 3D map
5.2 Creating and Publishing the Map Book
Map books are used to show the whole infrastructure because most maps are too large and cover
too much area to plot the entire map on a single paper. The map book separates the map into
tiles, which are then organized into pages (Martin and Ellis, 2014). In this case the road network
and DEM image of Redding, California is too large, thus creating and publishing the map book is
necessary to view the entire area, which links to each individual grid. The layout parameters
consist of a scale factor of 2000, tiling scheme by area (DEM image), column and rows naming
scheme, and 11x17 page layout. Figure 11 below, shows a layout of one grid within the entire
map book. It should be noted that the legend is not visible due to software complications.

Figure 11: Sheet A-5 of Map Book

After creating the map book, 12 sheets (4 rows and 3 columns) can be published to a DWF
format for future correction without cost and labour of plotting and organizing the sheets (Martin
and Ellis, 2014).

6. Conclusion
This assignment required a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Redding, California and a road
network that was produced using raster and vector data in AutoCAD 3D Map. In order to
produce a final map layout and map book, steps include: connecting to raster data, assignment
appropriate hillshade and contours to the DEM, and stylizing the road network accordingly. The
results of the steps taken throughout this assignment provided an illustrated cartographic 3D map
layout of Redding, California, along with a map book with 12 pages showing different tiles of
the entire study area of the DEM image.

7. References

Martin, R., & Ellis, R. (2014). A Practical Guide to AutoCAD Map 3D 2015. Cadapult Press.
Terms of Reference for Deliverable 9305-D2. (2015). GISC9305 CAD and GIS. Feature
Sources / Map Output. Niagara College, Niagara-on-the-Lake.

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