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1. Gender: Female

Date of birth:

2. At what age did you start learning to swim? ___________7______

3. At what age did you start competitive swimming training? _________9__________
4. On average, how many hours a week did you train? ____________5____________
5. What was your highest achievement as a competitive swimmer?
Club/School level (SAG, MSSS, Sportexcel, Presidents Cup)
State level (NAG, MSSM, SUKMA)
National level (SEA Age-Group, ASEAN/Asian Schools)
International level (SEA Games, Asian Games, Commonwealth Games, World
Champs, Olympics)
6. Why did you swim competitively?
(Please check all that applies and rank according to order of importance)
It was fun and I love the sport
For fitness/to stay in shape
3 All my friends were on the team
1 I had a goal that I wanted to achieve in swimming
I love competing
I get to meet new people and make new friends
2 I get to travel
I love my coach he/she inspired me to swim
My parents forced me to swim
7. At what age did you quit competitive swimming? __________22___________
8. Why did you quit competitive swimming?
(Please check all that applies and rank according to order of importance)
2 I got bored it was no longer fun/interesting/challenging
I got frustrated because I was not as good as I wanted to be
3 I hated practice it was too hard/boring
5 I did not like my coach
I wanted to play another sport/activity
4 Studies I could find the time and energy to study and swim at the same time
My parents forced me to quit I did not receive their support
I had no more friends on the team (all my friends had quit)
1 I achieved all my goals and it was the right time to retire from the sport

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