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Performing Arts Lesson Plan Format

Based on ITE Template with ACEI embedded in green
Name: Markiesha

Grade: Preschool

Date: October 24

Duration: 20 mins
Materials Needed: CD of various movement sounds, CD player and big open area.
Space Set-up: There is a big space for the students to move in the classroom. I
dont need to move any furniture.
Plans for Videotaping: I will rent the video camera from the CCC and abby will
record me since were both at UHMCC. Then we will swap for her lesson.
Context for Learning: Yes I am. Not all the students like to dress up but I noticed a
lot of them like to dance and listen to music. They have also grown especially
interested in bugs and animals. So, I will build my lesson around how animals move
and how music helps us imagine these different characters.
Background/Previous Lessons:
-Class sings simple songs with hand motions daily (morning circle)
-Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes / Poo, Poohiwi, Kuli, ame Manamana

-Exposed to dramatic play centers (stage with costumes and pretend doctors
Performing Arts Content Area:

Integrated Content Area:

HELDS Creative Domain

-Visual Arts

Academic Vocabulary related to the Performing Arts strategy:

-Tempo: fast/slow
-Dynamics: soft/loud
-Energy: how we move our body (heavy/soft, sharp/smooth)
Performing arts strategy, elements, skill, or knowledge:
-I expect students to learn about different ways they can move (energy) matching
various tempos and dynamics of music.
Big idea, understanding, and/or essential question:
-That music helps us imagine characters.

Specific content area standard/benchmark performance task gives
students opportunity to demonstrate knowledge to meet the benchmark
Creative arts expression and representation (Movement)
-GK.36-48.ll - Use body and energy to move in different ways.
-GK.48.pp - Move imitating adults.
Formative assessments applied appropriately throughout lesson
Summative assessment includes checklist or rubric
Task: Students will dance to given music using different energy levels to match
tempos and dynamics of music played. I will assess whether students are able to
use their body and energy to move in different ways that correspond to the
Formative Assessment:

GK.36-48.llUse body and
energy to move
in different
GK.48.ppMove imitating

Student is able to
use body and
energy to move in
ways that
correspond to the
music playing.
Student is able to
use body and
move imitating

Student is able to use
body and energy to
move in ways that
correspond to the
music playing with
some help.
Student is able to use
body and move
imitating adults with
some help.

Well Below:
Student is not able to
use body and energy
to move i ways that
correspond to the
music playing.
Student is not able to
use body and move
imitating adults.

Activities/Instructional Strategies
5 mins.

Introductiona) Gather all students in an open area and explain that we

are going to learn how music can help us imagine
1. Share, We are going to be dancing like our favorite
animals. Use your listening ears. If you hear me say freeze, you
have to freeze.
b) Instruct students explore different ways to move their
body by asking:
-How small/big can you make your body?
-How do you move slowly/quickly?
-Can you think of any animals that move fast/slow?
-Is there any other way you can move your body?


Main Lesson
a) Show students what area they are should be dancing in.

10 mins.
b) Explain that I will be playing Bop Till You Drop (by Greg
& Steve).
1. Share, You have to listen to the music. When it says
drop, you drop to the ground. When it says its time to
stand up, you stand up. Do as I do.
2. Dance according to directions given in the song and
if students do not know what to do, tell them to imitate
the teacher/their peers.
c) Explain that I will be playing Animal Action(by Greg &
1. Share, Listen to the music. Its going to tell us which
animal we need to dance like. Now, do as I do.
2. Dance according to directions given in the song. If
students do not know what to do, tell them to imitate
the teacher/their peers.
d) Share, Now, freeze! when the song it done.

2-5 mins

a) Instruct students to sit in a circle.
b) Ask students questions:
1. One person will dance in the middle of the circle,
without saying what animal they are. The rest of us will
try to guess what animal they are.
2. Would anyone like to share their favorite animal
3. As students are dancing remind them to use kind
words with our friends.
4. If students are not able to guess the animal, give
hints such as, Looks like theyre hopping. What animal
hops? or, Are they moving fast or slow? What animal
moves fast/slow? Do you remember?
c) Share, Thank you for sharing your dance moves. Now
give yourselves a round of applause! Clap with students.

Differentiation Plan
Adaptations connected to instructional strategies
Differentiate the learning environment, content, process, or performance
task for individuals or small groups (e.g., accelerated, ELL/MLL students).
Identify the type of need (e.g., ELL/MLL, accelerated students, reading needs, 504 students,
struggling learners, enrichment)
List the type of differentiation (learning environment,
content, process, or performance task) and tell how you will differentiate
Accelerated Learners: I will have accelerated learners create a small skit using only the
music (no dialogue). They will perform it in front of the group and after the performance they
will explain what their character was and how they used the different tempos and dynamics to
put their skit together.

Assessment Tool
Studnt name

GK.36-48.ll- Use body and

energy to move in different

GK.48.pp- Move imitating


Coding: M=Meets Proficiency, D= Developing Proficiency, WB=Well Below,


Reflection Questions with Video

1. What happened in my lesson?
a) What went well during the instruction? What did not go as well during

During instruction, I felt like the students participation went well. Most
of the students participated and my class management went pretty well.
However, one thing that did not go as well was following my lesson plan. I
left out a few things because I just wanted to get it over with. I was also a
little nervous so I did not want to drag it on. In addition, I should have used
more wait time towards the end of my lesson because when I was asking for
volunteers, the students took a while to answer me.
b) What adaptations or modification did I make to my plan while

One adaptation I made was to have almost all the students dance in
our circle towards the end of my lesson. The students still wanted to dance
and I should have let them dance to another song. Furthermore, I didnt bring
them outside because there was another class using the area. I didnt want
to crowd them with another class so I decided to just use the indoor space. It
wasnt as big as I wanted it to be. However, I believe it was better than
crowding the students with another class.
c) What ideas do you have to improve your lesson or address problems?

One way I could improve my lesson is to try harder to get all the
students involved in the activity. There were a couple students standing on
the side and I should have encouraged them to dance more. In addition, I
should have gave them dance scarfs to help them with their dance
movements. I believe that adding props would have got the other students
more involved in dancing.
2. What evidence can I show about the learning of three contrasting
Collect samples of their work and score the work according to the
assessment criteria in your lesson plan. Be sure to copy your rubric or
checklist to score each student
a) Describe what each of the three students learned as a result of

Student A:

GK.36-48.ll- Use
body and energy to
move in different

Meets Proficiency
Student is able to
use body and
energy to move in
ways that
correspond to the
music playing.

Student is able to
use body and
energy to move in
ways that
correspond to the
music playing with
some help.

Well Below
Student is not able
to use body and
energy to move i
ways that
correspond to the
music playing.

GK.48.pp- Move
imitating adults

Student is able to
Student is able to
Student is not able
use body and move use body and move to use body and
imitating adults.
imitating adults
move imitating
with some help.
As a result of instruction, student A learned how to move her body
purposely. During our circle at the end of my lesson, she was able to move
her body within the circle without colliding with any of her peers. In addition,
she was able to move in slow motion. When instructed to dance like a
feather, she moved her arms wide and slow like she was floating in the air.
Student B:
GK.36-48.ll- Use
body and energy to
move in different

Meets Proficiency
Student is able to
use body and
energy to move in
ways that
correspond to the
music playing.

Student is able to
use body and
energy to move in
ways that
correspond to the
music playing with
some help.

Well Below
Student is not able
to use body and
energy to move i
ways that
correspond to the
music playing.

GK.48.pp- Move
imitating adults

Student is able to
Student is able to
Student is not able
use body and move use body and move to use body and
imitating adults.
imitating adults
move imitating
with some help.
Student B was able to move slow and fast. However, he had to look at
how I was moving in order to dance accordingly. In addition, during our circle
time I noticed that he was hopping like a frog. The student that volunteered
before him also hopped in the circle. When asked if student B was dancing
like a frog he said, No, Im a cat! From this, I can assume that student B
learned new ways to move his body, but could not describe correctly how he
was moving.
Student C:

GK.36-48.ll- Use
body and energy to
move in different

Meets Proficiency
Student is able to
use body and
energy to move in
ways that
correspond to the
music playing.

Student is able to
use body and
energy to move in
ways that
correspond to the
music playing with
some help.

Well Below
Student is not able
to use body and
energy to move i
ways that
correspond to the
music playing.

GK.48.pp- Move
imitating adults

Student is able to
Student is able to
Student is not able
use body and move use body and move to use body and
imitating adults.
imitating adults
move imitating
with some help.
Student C did not participate during my lesson. I tried to get him to
participate. However, he danced for one portion of the song, then sat back
down on the side. In addition, during our circle time he was the last to
volunteer. While he danced, he quickly moved on all fours and flicked his
tongue. We asked if he was a snake, his response was, No. Im a flying
dragon bear! The purpose of the circle time was to recall animals that were
mentioned in the song we danced to. He was not able to recall an animal
form the song. Im not sure if he learned to move purposely because he did
not want to participate in the dance activity.
b) Discuss the learning needs for each of the three students. Use data to

discuss your next steps for each student based on their individual
Student A: She is an accelerated learner because she was able to move
slow and fast and recall an animal from the song. The next step would to
maybe do a freeze frame activity. I would have her explore different levels
and to instruct her to use facial expressions. This will further expand her
abilities to move purposely.
Student B: He probably needs further instruction on fast and slow. He
has an idea of how to move his body purposely. However, he does not
understand the concepts of fast and slow movements. The next step would
be expand more on my current lesson. I could stress fast and slow
movements. In addition, I could have him sing a song fast then sing it slow.
This will help him hear the difference between fast and slow.
Student C: He needs more one-on-one attention. It seemed like he
wanted to dance but he was unsure of how he was supposed to dance. The
next step would be to get him participating in dance activities. I would
probably have the class dance to another song and encourage him more to
dance. I would also dance with him to make him feel more comfortable.

c) How effective was your assessment plan for getting information about

the students learning?

I could have done a different assessment tool for gathering information
about students learning. It was hard to know if a student was actually
moving their body purposely. I should have changed my benchmark to,
Student is able to use body and move in slow motion/fast according to the
music being played. Another benchmark I could have used was, Student is
able to recall an animal from the Animal Action song. This could have
showed me that the students knew how to move their body in a way that
related to certain animals.

What three (3) best practices did I use or wish I had used (e.g.
create a safe learning environment.) Give supporting evidence from
watching your video. Note: this does not refer to B.E.S.T. practices of
dance but the best practices for teaching arts.
1. I created a safe environment because after each student volunteered
to dance in the circle, I made sure to praise them. In addition, while each
student was dancing I made sure that if someone was being silly, to
remind them to use kind words.
2. I side coached during my lesson. For example, when the song Animal
Action said, Move like a snake all the students went to the ground and I
said, Ohhh, I like how everyone got down on the ground. Another
example is when students were instructed to move like an elephant I said,
I like how everyone has their trunks out. But are elephant feet heavy or

3. I showed enthusiasm and energy while doing my lesson. An example

is that I danced with the students during both songs. I moved throughout the
whole dance area and used various facial expressions. I used my body in
ways I wanted to students to use theirs.

4. What was the impact of my lesson on diverse learners (ELL/MLL or

SPED or Gifted or Multiple Intelligences or combination.)
During my lesson I dont think my lesson on diverse learners impacted
any students. I dont think I even used my accelerated learner differentiation
instruction plan. I didnt use it because we did not have enough time for one
student to act out a skit with no dialogue. In addition, the preschoolers
attention span is so short that I was lucky to get at least 15-20 mins. of their
attention. I dont think they would have been able to focus any longer.

In what ways did your lesson support Common Core Standards for
Language Arts or for Math? Be specific. You may discuss the potential for
addressing Common Core.

According to the HELDS my lesson supported standard LA.48.c: Identify

characters and recall an event in a story. Because during our circle time
students were instructed to act out their favorite animal from the song
Animal Action. In addition, it supported standard LA.48.g: Respond
appropriately to specific vocabulary and simple statements, questions, and
stories. Because when the rest of the students were trying to guess what
animal their peer was acting out, they had to answer the questions I asked.
Such as, How are they moving? Are they fast or slow?
6. What have I learned about my own teaching strengths and what is
my personal goal for professional growth in performing arts
I learned that I need to work on classroom management the most. I
was afraid that if I corrected/moved towards the couple students that were
not engaged, then I would lose the focus of the other 15 students that were
engaged. This lesson taught me that I need to be more descriptive in my
assessment tool, espacially when trying to assess dance and movement. I
need to explain to my students what I expect them to be able to do (For
example, dance in slow motion or dance like your favorite animal) in order to
have a more effective assessment. However, one of my strengths is being
enthusuastic and energetic while teaching. This is important expecially in
preschool because thats how you get them to participate/excited about an


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