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ITE 325 Lesson Plan Format

Name: Markiesha Gervacio Title: Volume

Grade Level and Setting: 5th grade
Date Taught: March 6-7, 2014

Duration: 90 minutes, 2 days

Number of Students: 24

Overarching Mathematical Goal(s):

Students will gain a conceptual understanding of what volume is.
Students will predict the order of boxes by volume from least to greatest.
Students will determine actual volume of boxes using centimeter cubes.
Introduce the formula for volume to students.
Consider Your Students Needs:
Considering All Students:
Students have worked with centimeter cubes in the past.
Students have come experience with volume.
Students have some experiences working with manipulatives.
Students have done problems that dealt with multiplication (volume formula).
Students might have a hard time assembling paper boxes precisely enough so that the
centimeter cubes will fit in them. To address this, I will direct model how to assemble a
paper box.
For English Language Learners: I will provide pictures and diagrams of how the boxes are
supposed to look when put together. Pictures will be displayed to show what it means to order
objects according to how much stuff is in each box.
For Students with Special Needs: Assist students with special needs as they assemble their boxes,
if they need help. If they are having difficulties ordering the boxes from least volume to greatest,
I will have then only work with three boxes instead of all of the given boxes.
Materials Needed:
Each student will need:
Box templates letters A-F. One set to each group.
Each pair needs one plate.
Each student will need a volume investigation prediction sheet and a volume data log.
Sugar, beans, rice to help make predictions.
Centimeter cubes.
Teacher will need:


Sample of box templates not complete and ones that are complete.
Data log to show how to record.
Big sheet of paper and markers.

Challenger Center Investigation #1 and #2, Volume.
HCPSIII/Common Core Content Standards:

CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.3: Recognize volume as an attribute of solid figures and

understand concepts of volume measurement. (I can use materials to help me understand
that solid figures have volume and order objects from least to greatest volume)
CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.3a: A cube with side length 1 unit, called a unit cube, is
said to have one cubic unit of volume, and can be used to measure volume. (I can
explain that a centimeter cube if equal to one cubic unit of volume in a rectangle)
CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.3b: A solid figure which can be packed without gaps or
overlaps using n unit cubes is said to have a volume of n cubic units. (I can say that the
volume of a rectangle has n cubic units in the right context)
CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.5: Relate volume to the operations of multiplication and
addition and solve real world and mathematical problems involving volume. (I can
explain the relationship of volume to multiplication)

NCTM Process Standards/Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice:

CCSS.Math.Practice.MP4: Model with mathematics.

CCSS.Math.Practice.MP5 Use appropriate tools strategically
CCSS.Math.Practice.MP6: Attend to precision.

Observe: (Can Students)

-Estimate the order of boxes from least to greatest.
-Utilize centimeter cubes to determine the volume of any given rectangle.
-Record appropriate measurements for each box (using centimeter cubes) in their data table.
-Explain the relationship between the length, width, and height to the volume of each box.
-How did you determine the order of your boxes from least to greatest?
-What was your strategy for ordering your boxes?
-Do you see any relationship between the numbers in the height, length, width and volume
columns in your data log sheet?
-Is this true with any rectangle? How do you know?
-How do you find the volume of any given rectangle?


Assessment Recording Sheets and/or Rubrics:

Student is able to
arrange in order
rectangles from
least to greatest
volume using

Student is able to
arrange in order
rectangles from
least to greatest
volume with
some reasoning.

Student is not able
to arrange in order
rectangles from
east to greatest
volume without
consistent help
from teacher.

Student is able to
explain the
relationship of
volume and
multiplication in

Student is able to
explain the
relationship of
volume and
multiplication in
writing with some

Student is not able

to explain the
relationship of
volume and
multiplication in
writing with
consistent help.

Student can use

the volume
formula correctly
some or most of
the time.
CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.3a: Student is able to Student is able to
A cube with side length 1 unit,
explain that a
explain that a
called a unit cube, is said to
centimeter cube is centimeter cube is
have one cubic unit of
equal to one cubic equal to one cubic
volume, and can be used to
unit with some
measure volume. (I can explain
that a centimeter cube if equal to Student explains
one cubic unit of volume in a
that a rectangle
Student is able to
has n cubic units
explain that a
of volume.
rectangle has n
cubic units of
volume with
some help.

Student is not able

to use the volume
formula correctly
without consistent
Student is not able
to explain that a
centimeter cube is
equal to one cubic
unit without
consistent help.

Recognize volume as an
attribute of solid figures and
understand concepts of volume
measurement. (I can use
materials to help me understand
that solid figures have volume
and order objects from least to
greatest volume)
Relate volume to the operations
of multiplication and addition
and solve real world and
mathematical problems
involving volume. (I can explain
the relationship of volume to
multiplication and use formula

Student can use

the volume
formula correctly.

Student is not able

to explain that a
rectangle had n
cubic units of
volume without
consistent help.


Activities/Instructional Strategies
BEFORE: (Day 1) (30 mins.)
1. Assign students partners and share, You will be working in pairs for this activity.
2. Pass out box templates of letters A-F, on set to each group or pair.
3. Instruct students to cut out each box and to fold on the dotted lines.
4. Share, Make sure when you fold your boxes that the letters are on the outside. This will
make it easier for you to keep track of each box.
5. Model how to assemble the boxes and stress the importance of folding on the dotted line.
Model that students should tape the sides together to form a box.
6. Model that students should cut on the solid line.
7. Instruct students to write their initials on each of their boxes (A-F) and to place their
finished boxes into a shoebox.
8. Share, Tomorrow we will be using these boxes to help us with our math activity.
BEFORE: (Day 2) (10-15 mins)
9. Instruct students to pair up with their side partner. Move students if necessary. If there is
an odd number, have one group of three students.
10. Instruct students to brainstorm what they think volume is. Instruct students to speak to a
partner and explain their thinking.
11. Gather class back together and explain the definition of volume. Jot down some ideas and
have students explain their reasoning. Explain that volume is the amount of space that
certain stuff takes up. Students have some prior knowledge of mass. So, explain that
mass is measured with a scale and that volume is measured with centimeter cubes.
Emphasize that mass is how much something weighs and volume is how much space is
taken up within an object.
12. Instruct students to turn to their partner and share what the difference of mass and volume
DURING: (40-50 mins)
13. Share, You will be using a lot of hands on materials for this activity. So, make sure to
keep all of your sugar, rice or beans on your plate when you are pouring your materials
into your rectangles. If I find any materials on the ground, I will have to fine you and
your partner $15.
14. Explain that we are now going to predict the volume of each of your boxes once students
have assembled all boxes. Let students choose the materials (sugar, rice, or beans) that
they want to work with order to estimate volume.
Ask, If you want to use beans as you manipulatives, raise your hand. Instruct one
student from each group that wants beans to come up and get the materials.
Ask, If you want to use rice as you manipulatives, raise your hand. Instruct one
student from each group that wants rice to come up and get the materials.
Ask, If you want to use sugar as you manipulatives, raise your hand. Instruct one


student from each group that wants sugar to come up and get the materials.
15. Share, You are to fill your boxes with the material you have chosen. Talk youre your
partner to determine how you will find out which box has the most materials in it.
16. Instruct students to estimate the order of their boxes from least volume to greatest volume
and record their estimates on their Investigation #1 sheet.
17. Walk around to each group and assess whether students are estimating the order of their
boxes from least to greatest volume.
18. Bring class back together when all students have finished their estimations. Record each
groups estimation on large poster paper.
19. Call on each pair to explain what materials they used in order to get their estimates. Have
each pair explain why they chose the order of boxes that they did. Ask, Do you think
there is a more effective way to measure the volumes of these boxes?
20. Instruct students to brainstorm different ways. If students do not suggest centimeter
cubes, take the manipulatives out and ask, Do you think these would be useful? Why or
why not?
21. Model how to use the centimeter cubes in order to measure volume. Cubes should snap
together in order for students to accurately see the height, width, and length of each box.
Explain that there should be no left over space in the boxes while using the centimeter
cubes to measure volume.
22. Display data log on board. Go through each column of the data log with the students:
In the first column, you write down the letter of the box you are measuring.
In the height column, you count how many cubes high the box is.
In the length column, you count how many cubes is on one side of the box.
In the width column, you count how many cubes are on the side that is touching the
length part that you just measured.
Model each step with a rectangle that is already made with unit cubes on Elmo.
23. Instruct students to record the height, length, and width of each box in their data log for
each box. Explain that in order for them to fill out the volume column in their data log,
they have to know the total amount of cubes each box can hold. Instruct them to count all
of the cubes to find out the volume of a box Have them record for each box A-F.
24. Walk around to each group and pose questions:
If one cube is called one unit cube. How would I say there are n cubes in this box, n
meaning any number of cubes?
If I just say there are n cubes, how big is each cube?
Assess whether students use n cubic units in the correct context.
25. Ask, Do you see any relationships between each column of your data log? (Height,
width, length, and volume)
26. Instruct students to write down their own explanation of how height, width, length and
volume are related. Remind students to write in their own words so that they can
understand it.


AFTER: (30 mins)

27. Instruct students to share in their table groups what materials were easier to use to
measure volume? Walk around classroom and listen to students conversations.
28. Ask students, Was it easier to use the rice, beans and sugar to find the volume? How did
your prediction of the order of boxes compare when you used the centimeter cubes
29. Display practice question on board and have students try to figure out the volume for
given rectangle.
Practice Question: I have a cereal box that has a width of 3 in., a height of 13 in.
and a length of 8 in. What is the volume of this cereal box?
30. Ask, Does this formula work for all shapes? Have students brainstorm in pairs and
conduct class discussion.
31. Record students ideas and display them on Elmo.
32. Pass out Volume 13-5 for homework. If there is enough time, let students start homework
for the remainder of the lesson. (See other resources below for homework)


Assessment Data Table:


Estimates order of boxes
from least to greatest with
3.5 (predicted by weight)
4 (counted beans)
3.5 (predicted by weight)
5 (measured contents in

4 (dumped in &
4 (poured contents in A into
empty box B)
2 (followed partners ideas)
3.5 (predicted by weight)
5 measured contents in cup
5 measured contents in cup
3.5 (wider width=more
1 (could not explain)
5 (dumped in &
2 (little reasoning)
3.5 (wider width=more
Not present at this time
2 (followed partners ideas)
1 (could not explain)
4 (counted beans)

Explains relationship of
volume to multiplication.
Uses volume formula
2 (L & W)
3 (no explanation)

Uses n cubic units
in the correct context

3 (help from group)

2.5 (the term is L x W x H

= V)

5 (no hesitation)

2 (you times to get
3 (no explanation)
2 (H x W)
4 (count all & L x W x H)
3 (no explanation)
3 (mela?)

5 (no hesitation)
5 (no hesitation)

3 (help form partner)

5 (no hesitation)


Any other resources needed (worksheets, data tables, etc):


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Other Assessment Notes (other things students said and did):

Some students stated, The sugar was easier because its small and fills all the little
spaces in the boxes.
Most students stated, I should have chose the beans because it was easier to count.
When I asked students, what is volume? Some gave me the volume formula. I then said,
WHAT is volume? No one knew the answer.
When asked a pair why they ordered the boxes the way they did, they answered,
Because this one is heavier than the rest.
Another group poured box As contents into box B. They concluded that box B had more
volume because box As contents did not fill box B to its fullest.
All students that chose beans counted the contents in each box and ordered their
prediction according to which box had the least/most amount of beans.
Some groups used a small cup and poured each boxes contents into it, one by one, and
marked where each boxes contents filled up to.
Students asked, Which side is the length and which is the width? as they used the unit
cubes to test their predictions.
Some students did not understand what the height of the box was because they would
hold the box a different way. When the height was 1, one student said it was 5 because
they held it the other way up.
One student claimed he already knew the volume formula, but he did not know what the
height was of his boxes.
(Andreas) Reflection Questions:
1. What math concepts did you, the teacher, have to understand in order to teach this lesson well
(cite sources)?
One math concept that I needed to know was the definition of volume. The definition that
I obtained from our math textbook (pg. 391) states that, Volume can be used to refer to the
capacity of a container. To make it more student friendly language, I said that volume is the
amount of space that stuff takes up in an object. I also had to know the measuring terms
that volume is expressed, which is cubic inches or cubic centimeters. In addition, I had to
know the difference between length and width. I could not find any written sources about the
difference between length and width. However, my mentor teacher informed me that length
is always the longer side of a rectangular prism. Lastly, I had to understand the formula for
volume, length x width x height. This concept I remember from my elementary school.
2. What experiences did students have prior to the lesson that should have helped them be
successful? What are some concepts and procedures they should have had some
understanding of to be successful? (cite sources)
The students had some prior experience working with volume during a science lesson.
They had an idea of how to find volume. I knew this because when I asked the students,

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What is volume? two students said, You times the height, length and width. However
they did not know how the height, length and width of a rectangular prism associated with
its volume. Their prior knowledge of the volume formula should have helped them be
successful in my lesson because I figured they knew what the height, length and width were
of a rectangular prism.
In addition, the students had some experience working with the unit cubes in prior math
lessons. They knew that one of the centimeter cubes was called a cubic unit. Moreover, most
students were able to use n cubic units in the correct context when finding the volume of
their boxes. This should have helped them be successful in my lesson because they knew
how to handle the manipulatives and the correct measuring terms that were associated with
finding volume. Since the students had some prior experience working with centimeter
cubes, they should have some experience working with three-dimensional objects (pg. 393,
cubic units activity).
On the other hand, I believe that the students should have known where the height, width
and length could have been found on any rectangular prism. Since some of the students had
prior knowledge of the volume formula, I would have thought that they knew how to
measure the height of a rectangular prism. There were several students that I had to correct
because they held their box the wrong way. I had to explain that the opening of the box was
the top. Knowing this prior would have made them more successful in my lesson.
3. Reflect on your assessment plan. Were you able to use it? Why or why not? Useful data
allows you to monitor individual, small group and whole class progress toward developing
conceptual understanding, procedural fluency and reasoning/problems solving skills. If you
were not able to collect useful data for at least half of your children, how would you change
your assessment plan?
I was able to use most of my assessment plan. The benchmark that was the easiest to
assess was CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.3: Recognize volume as an attribute of solid figures
and understand concepts of volume measurement. (I can use materials to help me understand
that solid figures have volume and order objects from least to greatest volume). It was easy
because as the students worked in their pairs, I walked around to each pair and asked them,
Why did you choose this order? If they were able to back up their reasoning, I would give
them a checkmark and record their strategy. However, if they just said something like, Oh
we just guessed. Then I had to prompt them with questions to get them to think about
legitimate reasoning. For this benchmark, I collected data on all 19 students whom were
present during my lesson (4 students were absent). One student was not present at this time
of my lesson. He returned to class about half-way through my lesson.
Another benchmark that I was able to collect assessment on was
CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.5: Relate volume to the operations of multiplication and
addition and solve real world and mathematical problems involving volume. (I can explain
the relationship of volume to multiplication and use formula correctly). At the end of my
lesson, I had each student write down their own definition of volume is. I instructed them to
write it in their own words so that they will be able to look back at it and understand. All but
2 students were able to give me some sort of definition of volume and how it related to
multiplication. The two students who did not write down their definition were a pair. So, the
might not have had enough time to get to that part.

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The third benchmark was the hardest to collect data on (CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.3a:

A cube with side length 1 unit, called a unit cube, is said to have one cubic unit of
volume, and can be used to measure volume.) I was only able to collect data on 7 students for
this benchmark. I tried to walk around to each pair and ask the same question, however I was
not sure if they could use n cubic units in the correct context. For example, they were able
to say, This rectangle has 20 cubic units of volume. However, how can I be sure that they
can use it correctly if I only heard one sentence with the phrase cubic units used? I had to
help a couple of students, but they still seemed hesitant about using the phrase cubic units.
Since I was not able to collect data on at least half of my students for the third benchmark
(CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.3a), I think I would have just not included it in this lessons
assessment plan. It would have made it easier for me to focus on the other two benchmarks
that I assessed. Lastly, I used a checklist as my assessment tool. I realized that I did not leave
enough room to take notes. In order to improve my assessment plan, in the future I will make
sure that I have enough space to take other notes on students.
4. What understandings did the children exhibit? List at least five specific things the students
did and said that are evidence of understandings. If they did not show evidence of
understanding, what would you have asked to get more information?
The first evidence of student understanding occurred when I asked one of the pairs, Do
you think choosing sugar for your filler was a good or bad idea? One student answered, I
think it was a good idea because sugar is able to get into tiny little spaces in the box. The
beans left a lot of spaces in the boxes. I then asked the student why it was important to fill
each box to its absolute fullest. He answered, Because if there are spaces in between the
stuff then thats not all of it (referring to the total volume of the box).
The second evidence of student understanding was when one pair dumped box As
components into another box. I asked them to explain what they were doing. One student
exclaimed, If it overflows then that means the volume of box A is greater than the other box
cause it cant hold the same amount of rice as it. The student then filled up box A again and
emptied its components into box B. After emptying it out, box B still had some space left in
it. The student then stated, Look box B has more volume cause we can still fill it up some
more. This showed me that the student had an understanding that the capacity and volume
of an object depends on how much space it taken up in the object.
The third evidence of student understanding was when one of the students tried to figure
out what the height was for one of their boxes. I heard one of the students tell their partner,
The height is five. However, they held it wrong. Their partner then exclaimed, No thats
wrong because the opening of the box is the top! Ms. Gervacio, isnt it supposed to be
standing this way? They turned their box over so that the height was 1 instead of 5. I then
told the pair, Yes the top of the box I where the opening is. I knew this was evidence of
student understanding because they were having an engaging conversation about what the
height was. It was interesting because they did not just agree on one prediction of what the
height was.
The fourth evidence of student understanding was when one pair made predictions using
sugar. They filled up one box with their sugar and I noticed that they left some space at the
top of the box. I asked them, So, if youre trying to find the volume for the whole box,
should there be space left at the top of the box? The pair then looked puzzled then one of

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them said, Oh, no. We cant because then its not the true amount of stuff thats in it. They
then collaborated and came to the conclusion that each box needed to be filled to the top and
then leveled with their finger.
The fifth evidence of student understanding can be seen on one of the handouts that I
collected from the students. On one part of the handout, I had the students write in their own
words what volume is. One student wrote, Volume is the amount of stuff that is in an 3D
object. I can come to the conclusion that this student has some understanding that volume is
related to 3D objects. However, this was the only handout that mentioned 3D objects in their
definition of volume. So, I could have done a better job at addressing this.
5. What misunderstandings did the children exhibit? List at least five specific things that
students did and said that are evidence of misunderstandings? If they did not show evidence
of misunderstandings, what could you ask to get more information?
One misunderstanding occurred when the students were making predictions. A pair used
sugar to make their predictions. I asked them, What strategy did you use to order your
boxes? One student commented, I weighed them in my hands and felt which one was
heavier. The heavier one has more stuff. Although it was a good strategy, in the beginning of
the lesson I went over the difference between mass and volume. I stressed that we were not
weighing our boxes because it would not have related to the volume formula. This was a
misunderstanding about the definition of volume.
A second misunderstanding can be seen on one of my students handouts. In the precise
measurement section, she listed the actual volume of each corresponding box. However, she
labeled cubic square for the units that they were using. I went over with the class that they
were working with unit cubes. This particular student had a misunderstanding about the
correct unit of measurement that we were using for volume.
The third misunderstanding occurred when the students were instructed to measure the
height, width and length of each box after they filled them with the unit cubes. Many students
did not know the difference between length and volume. One group measured two parallel
sides of the rectangle; one was labeled the width and the other parallel side was the length. I
should have asked the class if they knew the difference between the length and width before I
had them measure their own boxes. I did model what to measure, but I did not clarify which
side was a width and which side was the length. At the end of my lesson, my mentor teacher
explained that the length is always the longer side.
I could not find any other evidence of misunderstandings from my lesson. However, I
know I could have asked more questions about when we use the volume formula. I did not
bring up the fact that the volume formula only works with rectangular prisms. Also, one of
the students asked, But one of the boxes is a square. So, is that a rectangle? I should have
clarified that a square prism is a type of rectangular prism. I could have asked more questions
geared towards that, as well.
6. What would you do the same and differently if you could teach this lesson again? Include
specific ideas that are related to the Process Standards (pp. 3-5), the Common Core
Standards for Mathematical Practices (pp. 5-7), Selecting Worthwhile Tasks (pp. 36-42),
Orchestrating Classroom Discourse (pp. 42-46) and/or Planning for All Learners (pp. 6470).

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One thing I would do the same is the communication that the students participated in
throughout my lesson. I asked the students to turn to their side partner and discuss the
difference of volume and mass. I then asked the students to talk in their groups about, what is
volume? I then brought the class back together and they shared ideas. This strategy relates to
the communication standard of the Principles and standards for school mathematics. The
students were able to communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to
peers, teachers, and others. In addition, this strategy correlates to classroom discourse (pg.
42-43). I conducted classroom discussions and asked many questions throughout my lesson.
Some of my questions included: Why did you order your boxes that way? Why cant box A
and box E be switched around? Why were beans/rice/sugar a good/bad choice to make
volume predictions? What types of relationships do you see between the height, length, width
and volume numbers in your data table?
Asking students various types of questions that made them think also promoted
metacognition. It promoted metacognition because the students had to think about why they
order the boxes a certain way or the reason why sugar was a good idea for measuring
A second thing I would have done the same was to have the students chose the materials
they wanted to work with when they had to make predictions about volume. This step
encouraged students to self-assess to see whether a strategy makes sense as they work,
checking for reasonableness prior to getting the answer, which is a standard for
mathematical practice from the common core state standards (pg. 6). The students needed to
come up with their own strategy for predicting the volume of each box, and the order of the
boxes from least to greatest. They then tested their strategy and gave reasons why it worked
and what they could have done differently.
One thing I would have done differently was to connect volume to other mathematical
ideas (pg. 4). In our textbook, it states that one standard for school mathematics is to
recognize and use connections among mathematical ideas. This also includes applying
mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics. I could have done a better job at connecting
the concept of volume to a mathematical idea that they knew. For example, they briefly
learned about different shapes. So, I could have tied in the idea that 3D objects have volume.
Moreover, I could have asked questions like, Why cant 2D shapes have volume? Or, what
is the difference between 2D and 3D shapes?
7. If you were to teach a follow-up lesson, what would be the focus of the next lesson? What
would the specific problem/task be? (Written as it would be presented to students)

The specific problem/task would be: How do you find the volume of other types of
3D objects or prisms?
Share, Remember last time we worked with different sized boxes and predicted the
volume for each? Then we found the actual volume for each box and we found out
that in order to find the volume of a rectangular prism, we used the formula length x
width x height. Today, we will be experimenting with 3D objects that are not
rectangular prisms and how to find their volumes.
Go over what the base is. Why is it called the base? Because it is on the bottom.
Instruct students to find the base of several different 3D objects: Rectangular prism,
cylinder, cones and pyramid.

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Instruct students to come up with their own strategy to find the volume of a pyramid.
Maybe give students manipulatives to fill empty pyramids and rectangular prisms and
compare the amount of content that is in each 3D object.
Have students record the differences and similarities seen when they compare
rectangular prisms and pyramids.
Refer to chapter 19 in our math textbook, page 393-394, and explain, The
relationship between the volumes of pyramids is one-third of a prism. I can make the
connection to fractions since the students have prior knowledge of fractions. I can
ask, what does one-third of a prism look like? How do we find one-third of a prism if
it has the volume or 40 cubic units?

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Reflection and Video Analysis Questions

1. Compare the amount of time written in your lesson plan to the video.
Lesson component

Time allocated in
lesson plan
(e.g., 5 minutes)


10-15 mins

Actual time of
(as evident in video;
write in minutes)
4:76 mins

Write down the time as

seen in the video frame
(e.g., 3:45-5:50)

(I do)
Collaborative Group
(you do it together)

5-10 mins

3:43 mins


40 mins.

41:38 mins

30 mins.

15:13 mins

10:44-20:01, 0-15:18,
19:03-20:01, 0-4:35, 011:30
15:21-4:40, 0-8:53


2. Explain the accuracy of your time management and pacing of the lesson. Were there
any time discrepancies and why did it occur? If there were no discrepancies, explain
how you were able to manage this pacing and/or explain if you should have adjusted the
time in any specific lesson component. Cite examples and the times in your video.
Overall, I believe the pacing of my lesson was a little fast. In my introduction, my actual
time was half of my anticipated time in my lesson plan. I believe this is because I did not go into
detail about what volume was. Some students knew how to find volume. So, I assumed that they
had some understanding about what volume was. Furthermore, I was supposed to give more
examples about the difference between volume and mass in the introduction. I did not give any
specific examples. I believe I spent a good amount of time going over the attention getter and
class expectations. Which was good, but I should have gone into more detail about What is
Another time discrepancy occurred at the closing of my lesson. I was not able to go over
the homework in detail because the class JPOs had to leave early (8:18, clip #5). Some students
did not understand a couple problems on the worksheet and I did not have enough time to go
over them because it was already time to get ready for lunch.

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I was able to manage the majority of my time by keeping all the needed materials and
worksheets organized. Before my lesson I pre-bagged each set of boxes, set up each cup of either
rice, beans or sugar, and had all those materials lined up in the back of the room. This helped my
time management because when I dismissed each group to get their materials (4:42, clip #1),
they were able to just grab their materials and bring it back to their desks. By dismissing groups
two or three at a time and assigning one person from each group to gather materials, also helped
keep the activity organized.
I should not have given the students the volume homework at the end of my lesson. I
realized that it contained questions about base area and that would be another lesson on its own.
If I did not give the student homework, maybe I would have had more time to conduct an indepth class discussion to close my lesson. When the students made predictions with their beans,
rice, or sugar, I recorded all of their estimations on the Elmo (13:35-15:10, clip #2). I should
have determined on the board what type of filler each group used to create more inquiry about
why the results were not all the same. I did not do this because I was too worried about time.
3. Select one observational lens from Borich (2011) that you have evidence of effectiveness.
If possible, select a different one from the first semester. Please note in this second
semester, effectiveness means rating yourself on the first, second or third space on the
left side of the continuum on instrument 3.1a. Explain why you selected that lens, how
you rated yourself on the continuum (take a digital picture of your rating on the
continuum and embed in this document) and give 2-3 examples of your effectiveness.
Upload one video clip supporting your example of effectiveness and/or write the time as
seen in the video frame if uploading the entire lesson.

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I selected the classroom management lens because I felt like I had effective classroom
management skills presented in the corresponding video clips. I rated myself on the second space
to the left because I felt my classroom management was not perfect, but effective. The first
example of why my classroom management was effective occurred between 0:09-0:39. Usually
the students do not participate in attention getters on a daily basis. So, I had to model what my
attention getter was for the duration of my lesson. I first explained what my attention getter was
(00:10-00:20). Next, I had them practice the attention getter with me (00:21-00:32). Lastly, I told
them the expectations of what I should see once the attention getter was over. This included all
eyes looking at me (00:32-00:38). It was effective because all of the students were quiet after I
did my attention getter.
The second example of effective classroom management occurred between 00:44-2:18. I
explained the rules and expectations of how the materials should be used. I made the students tell
me what they should or should not be doing with the materials (1:05-1:33). This way, the
students set expectations for themselves. I sited specific examples of what not to do and the
consequences that would follow (1:52-2:15). This was effective because at the end of my lesson,
I only had to fine one group $15. After I fined them, they realized what they were doing was
wrong and kept all their materials on their desk for the remainder of the lesson.
4. Select one observational lens from Borich (2011) that is an area for development. If
possible, select a different one from the first semester. Please note in this second
semester, development means rating yourself on the fifth, sixth or seven space on the
right side of the continuum on instrument 3.1a. Explain why you selected that lens, how
you rated yourself on the continuum (take a digital picture of your rating on the
continuum and embed in this document) and give 2-3 examples of your effectiveness.
Upload one video clip supporting your example of an area of development and/or write
the time as seen in the video frame if uploading the entire lesson.

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I selected the lesson clarity lens because I felt like I did not go into enough detail about
what I wanted them to learn. I should have gone over which math standards they were relating to
at the beginning of my lesson. This way, the students would have known the purpose of the
activity they participated in. I rated myself on the sixth space on the right.
One example occurs between 2:56-3:22 on my video clip evidence. I asked the students
if they saw any relations between a rectangular prisms height, width, length and volume. Most
students said, No. However, I wanted them to realize that if you multiply width, height and
length then you get the total amount of cubes. Which is the volume. Then I asked the students if
this volume formula works with all of the rectangular prisms in their data log (3:13) and they
answered, No. I dont think they realized that the volume formula should be true with each one
of their rectangular prisms.
The second example can be seen between 4:22-5:37. I asked the students if they thought
the volume formula worked with all shapes. Some students responded, Yes and one other
student replied, No. Since the students did not have a full understanding about the volume
formula, I should not have asked if it would work with other shapes. The students seemed
confused because they got silent at one point. They did not know how to answer me (5:17-5:37).
It was confusing for them because throughout the whole lesson they worked with rectangular
prisms and all of a sudden I brought up other shapes. The goal for this question was not clear in
my lesson.
5. How did watching and reflecting upon the teaching of a lesson develop your
understanding of the type of student responses and your response/feedback enhances

Gervacio- 21

students learning and changes in your pedagogy? List 2-3 combinations (student
response, teacher response, and teacher feedback) that support one or more
effectiveness and one or more that you could have differently. This question refers back
to the week 7 reflection and instrument 11.2 from Borich.
Reflecting and watching my lesson plan made me realize the power of questions. I found
out that when I address students questions to the whole class, it expands the learning and inquiry
of other students. Furthermore, it validates students answers that are correct.
My first example is a combination of student response and teacher response. This
occurred between 4:22-5:37. I asked the students if the volume formula works with all shapes.
Some students said, Yes and I replied, Okay. I then posed another question without
validating if the answer was correct or not. After I did this, the class became quiet because they
did not know what was right or not. This is one thing that I should have done differently. I
noticed that when I accepted students answers with a partial praise, they had to double think if
their answer was right or not. By not giving praise right away, it can confuse the student because
they dont know if their answer is right or not.
My second example is a combination of student response and teacher feedback. When I
worked with one group, a student asked me, How are we supposed to count the sugar? Its too
hard. I then posed the question, Is counting the only way you can measure how much sugar is
in the box? The student seemed puzzled for a while and then exclaimed, Oh, we can dump it
into the other box! This was effective because by posing another question and giving a hint, it
provoked student thinking. It created inquiry and the student was able to come up with a strategy
without the teacher telling him exactly what to do.

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