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0700hrs - 0730hrs

Co-ord brief at Medical Command Post
Distribution of comms sets, keys
Comms check

Personnel involved
All IC

0730hrs - 0800hrs

All personnel to report at common meeting point

Submit parade state
Briefing by EXCO

0740hrs - 0800hrs

Setting up of medical posts, FAPs

0800hrs - 0820hrs

Online entry form briefing

0800hrs - 1200hrs

BCS training - Teams B & C (Venue TBC)

- Practise opening & closing of BCS 5-tonners
SCDF LO, Mass Casualty IC
- Standardise BCS (light/ intermediate/ heavy) layout Teams B and C
- Be familiarized with BCS equipment

0800hrs - 1200hrs

Ambulance training
- Be familiarized with evacuation routes (within AO)
Evacuation IC
- Rehearse evacuation of ambulances from medical
16x Ambulance TO & medics
posts, and replacement of ambulances from reserve

0800hrs - 1200hrs

FAP medics training

- Practise evacuation of casualty from spectator
gallery to FAP to medical post using primary lift
- Practise evacuation of casualty from spectator
gallery to FAP to medical post using alternative lift
- OCBC Arena & OCBC Aquatic Centre FAP will
practise evacuation of casualty from their FAP
directly to medical post using primary & alternative

0800hrs - 1200hrs

1130hrs - 1200hrs

1200hrs - 1300hrs

Medical Post training - Teams A

- Familiarisation of medical post equipment and
- Resus drills and scenario play (4 scenarios 30min/scenario)
End Ex
- IC to conduct internal debrief & pack stores
- Return of comms sets, keys
- Team 1A (Tze Yi) and 1B (Wen Jie) to take over
North Medical Post
- 2x SIS medics to take over SIS Medical Post
Debrief for EXCO and ICs

1300hrs - 1400hrs

Debrief & AAR by EXCO

1400hrs - 2200hrs

Provision of no-duff coverage

- Collect dinner at 1800h

2200hrs - 2230hrs

Standdown of medical post

- MO & SM to conduct internal debrief and pack


Teams A
FAP medics
Respective ICs

Medical post to stand up

by 0800hrs

To time each component

Level Senior Medics to

ensure all FAP medics (i.e.
3.1 to 3.4) are involved
FAP medics

Liaise with show

management on
evacuation routes
If OCBC arena/aquatic
centre not available,

Teams A

Teams 1A and 3A are

expected to provide noduff cover during this

All involved

All involved
All IC
Team 1A and 1B
2x SIS medics
2x Tunnel medic team
9x ambulance TO & medics
Shi Hao, Tong Yuan
Team 1A and 1B
2x SIS medics
2x Tunnel medic team
9x ambulance TO & medics
Shi Hao, Tong Yuan

Stand down only on

command of Shi Hao/ Tong

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