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Factor Trees

Step 1: Consider the number you were given. Is it prime?

If YES: Circle it; youre done!
If NO: Go to step 2.
Step 2: Find any two factors (other than 1) for the number you
were given. In this example, 2 and 12 are factors of 24.
Step 3: Look at your factors. Are either of them prime?
If YES: Circle the prime number; that branch is finished.
If NO: Go to step 4.
Step 4: Find factors for the unfinished (un-circled)
branches. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have
circles at the end of every branch.
Step 5: Write all of the circled prime numbers in a line
under your factor tree, as shown. To check your
answer, multiply them and see if it equals the first
number you were given.

Things to remember:
1. Every number that isnt circled should have TWO branches coming down from it.
2. Circle every prime number so that you dont lose any of them at the end.
3. The number 1 is not used as a factor in factor trees because it doesnt break a number
down any further. (Its extra work for no profit!)
4. There are multiple ways to draw most factor trees. If your math is correct, any set of
factors for one number will give you the right prime factors in the end. For example, the
above tree could also look like these:

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