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Tune In and Preparing to Find Out:

LEARNING AREA: History LESSON TOPIC: Lesson One Introduction to Unit (Language, terms,
indicating time)

LENGTH of LESSON: 45 minutes

ACHHK029 How the present, past and future are signified by terms indicating time such as a long
time ago, then and now, now and then, old and new, tomorrow, as well as by dates and changes
that may have personal significance, such as birthdays, celebrations and seasons
Discussing, for example, what happened yesterday, what is likely to happen tomorrow,
upcoming birthdays, celebrations and seasons, and ordering these references to time in
sequence using terms such as before, after, next and then
ACHHS032 Distinguish between the past present and future
Using simple terms to denote time when students talk about their experiences (for example
'then', 'now', 'yesterday', 'today', 'tomorrow')
ACELY1656 Engage in conversations and discussions, using active listening behaviours, showing
interest and contributing ideas, information and questions
Participate in informal and structured class, group and pair discussions about content area
topics and information
By the end of this lesson students will

Engage in appropriate use of language and terms to distinguish past, present and future
Begin to develop an understanding significance in ordering events in terms of their timeline
and occurrence
Discuss and explain what happened yesterday, what is happening today and what is likely to
happen tomorrow

By the end of this lesson, students will
Order and identify significant personal events, or researched events within the past, present
and future
Form an understanding of denoting time within experiences, for example, what happened
yesterday, today and what could happen tomorrow
Show understanding of sequencing events and occurrences
Explore sentences and statements that express the past, present and future
What do we describe the sequence of time?

Basic understanding of the terms, yesterday, today, tomorrow and past, present, future
Understanding of statements - sentence and statement structure
Understanding of differences between occurrences in daily events and historical events

Whiteboard and whiteboard markers
Past, present, future, yesterday today tomorrow activity cards
Student activity card
Classroom Organisation
Students to gather on the floor as a group in front of whiteboard, using class movement phase
Motivation (Orientating Phase) 5 minutes

Ask children to gather on the group mat in front of the whiteboard

Teacher to lead class discussion, on introducing topic, and introducing key terms yesterday,
today and tomorrow

Procedure (Enhancing Phase) 15-20 minutes

Shift the discussion to allow children to further their knowledge and understanding on these
three terms by creating a word wall as a whole class on the whiteboard
Scaffold children to develop ideas on different terms used for yesterday, today and tomorrow,
teacher to record added words to word wall
Scaffold children to develop questions on events in everyday school life, family life and
personal life that occur within their daily routines, that can be categorised under yesterday,
today and tomorrow (forming understandings on why and how these terms are used)
Teacher to introduce key terms of past, present and future on word wall if these terms have
not been shared
Scaffold children to develop ideas of words that represent these terms such as then and
now, old and new, some time ago, a long time ago, next week and next year (these terms to be
added to word wall)

Children are to be spilt into three groups. Teacher to arrange what is best suited for children
to work in:

Teacher to present laminated word cards of past, present and future

Each group is assigned a laminated card
Instruct children to gather ideas, and write a sentence that corresponds with the tense they are
working with, guide children to word wall, and constant prompting on key focus words
Teacher to write on white board, beside word wall, prompting sentences starters, to help with
spelling and structure, for example, Today I, Tomorrow I will, Yesterday I did, In the
future I will, In the past we, In the past my family, Last year in prep.. etc.

Conclusion (Synthesising Phase) 5 minutes

Teacher to gather children back to floor
Discussion on some of the sentences that were created
Teacher to give students who are willing to share their sentences
Discussion of where this unit is going to develop towards

Our unit we are going to be focusing on the different rolls and structures of families, we will be
looking at the differences in families from the past to the present. At the end of our unit you all
will be given the opportunity to interview someone from the past and share their story that you
have discovered
To get students interested in next lesson, teacher to read out family poem to encourage
children to start thinking of family structures and differences, and the need for these to be

Remember that some students may not have family events of know of past events that have
occurred to share with the class, encourage students that they can research or ask their
parents or caregivers after todays lesson to share some past events with them
Have students who require extra attention or may disrupt the class sitting close to teacher
during group time
Allow students with physical ailments to sit on chairs during group time if required
Encourage all students to be engaged in class discussions and scaffold this
1. Assessment for Learning: Reflect on whether or not students were engaged in the lesson
and how they contributed to class discussion (have a quick checklist with all students

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