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Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Porsche Chun

Date: 03/12/15

Class: Mathematics

Level: 4th grade

Purpose: [Reason for teaching this lesson.]

The reason for teaching this lesson is to solve word problems that involve subtraction of mixed
Objectives: [What are the expected student outcomes?]
Students will be able to subtract mixed numbers.
Students will be able to solve word problems.
Common Core Standards: [What are the Common Core Standards to be addressed?]
4.NF.3d Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the
same whole and having like denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations
to represent the problem.
GLOs: [List the relevant General Learner Outcomes addressed]
Self-directed Learner (The ability to be responsible for one's own learning)
Community Contributor (The understanding that it is essential for human beings to work
Effective Communicator (The ability to communicate effectively)
Quality Producer (The ability to recognize and produce quality performance and quality
Hawaii State Teacher Standards: [List the relevant Hawaii State Teacher Standards.]
Standard #1 Learner Development
Standard #4 Content Knowledge
Standard #6 - Assessment
Assessments: [Include assessment tasks and rubrics used to determine if lesson outcomes were
Module 7 Test
Materials/Set-Up: [Include a list of resources and materials used for the lesson.]
Module 7 test
Procedures: [Include a detailed description of what is done at each of the following stages of
the lesson.]
a. Introduction

Students will be given module 7 test.

b. Developmental
Work on test the entire class period.
c. Concluding
Collect tests.
Adaptations and Extensions: [Provide descriptions of differentiation, adaptations, and
extensions planned. Note if specific adaptations are being provided for specific students. Use
generic labeling strategy to identify students, keeping FERPA considerations in mind.]
I will be there to assist students that need more redirecting. Majority of the classroom is selfsufficient and can work without being assisted.
Management Considerations: [Include descriptions of planned actions to address behavioral
considerations as well as multiple modes of learning. Again, note as needed if the action
addresses specific students, using the labeling strategy detailed above.]
Some students may need to work on the other side of the room so they are not distracted.
Reflections: [Include what went well, the results of the lesson, and how the lesson could be
revised to further/improve student learning.]

Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Porsche Chun

Date: 03/12/15

Class: Language Arts

Level: 4th grade

Purpose: [Reason for teaching this lesson.]

The reason for teaching this lesson is to assess reading skills learned this week.
Objectives: [What are the expected student outcomes?]
The student will be able to identify cause and effect.
The student will be able to identify greek and latin roots.
The student will be able to use vocabulary words in a story.
The student will be able to read and summarize the leveled reader.
Common Core Standards: [What are the Common Core Standards to be addressed?]
4.L.4b - Use common, grade-appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots as clues to the
meaning of a word (e.g., telegraph. photograph. autograph).
4.RI.4 - Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or phrases in a
text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area.
GLOs: [List the relevant General Learner Outcomes addressed]
Self-directed Learner (The ability to be responsible for one's own learning)
Hawaii State Teacher Standards: [List the relevant Hawaii State Teacher Standards.]
Standard #1 Learner Development
Standard #2 Learning Differences
Standard #4 Content Knowledge
Assessments: [Include assessment tasks and rubrics used to determine if lesson outcomes were
Weekly reading test.
Materials/Set-Up: [Include a list of resources and materials used for the lesson.]
Procedures: [Include a detailed description of what is done at each of the following stages of
the lesson.]
a. Introduction
1. Introduce Test.
b. Developmental
Work on test.
c. Concluding

Finish test and turn it in.

Adaptations and Extensions: [Provide descriptions of differentiation, adaptations, and
extensions planned. Note if specific adaptations are being provided for specific students. Use
generic labeling strategy to identify students, keeping FERPA considerations in mind.]
Students will be working on centers that is an extended practice on the mini lessons taught the
days before.
Management Considerations: [Include descriptions of planned actions to address behavioral
considerations as well as multiple modes of learning. Again, note as needed if the action
addresses specific students, using the labeling strategy detailed above.]
Students are grouped based on their reading level.
Reflections: [Include what went well, the results of the lesson, and how the lesson could be
revised to further/improve student learning.]

Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Porsche Chun

Date: 03/12/15

Class: Social Studies

Level: 4th grade

Purpose: [Reason for teaching this lesson.]

The reason for teaching this lesson is to assess students understanding of the time period when
the first people came to the islands of Hawaii.
Objectives: [What are the expected student outcomes?]
Students will be able to explain the origin of early Hawaiians.
Students will be able to explain the culture of early Hawaiians.
Students will be able to speak loudly and clearly.
Common Core Standards: [What are the Common Core Standards to be addressed?]
SS.4.3.1 Explain the origin and culture of early Hawaiians.
GLOs: [List the relevant General Learner Outcomes addressed]
Self-directed Learner (The ability to be responsible for one's own learning)
Community Contributor (The understanding that it is essential for human beings to work
Effective Communicator (The ability to communicate effectively)
Quality Producer (The ability to recognize and produce quality performance and quality
Hawaii State Teacher Standards: [List the relevant Hawaii State Teacher Standards.]
Standard #3 Learning Environments
Standard #4 Content Knowledge
Standard #5 Application of Content
Standard #8 Instructional Strategies
Standard #6 - Assessment
Assessments: [Include assessment tasks and rubrics used to determine if lesson outcomes were
Final project.
Materials/Set-Up: [Include a list of resources and materials used for the lesson.]
1. Projects created by each group
2. Group assessment
Procedures: [Include a detailed description of what is done at each of the following stages of
the lesson.]
a. Introduction

Students will practice and set up for 5 minutes.

b. Developmental
Students will each present their projects created with their groups.
After everyone presents the class will give positive feedback and improvement feedback.
c. Concluding
Students will be given a group assessment and will have to assess how their group did. Each
student will give his or her peers a grade.
Adaptations and Extensions: [Provide descriptions of differentiation, adaptations, and
extensions planned. Note if specific adaptations are being provided for specific students. Use
generic labeling strategy to identify students, keeping FERPA considerations in mind.]
Students will be choosing their own projects. For those that need to be challenged, I can make
the task harder.
Management Considerations: [Include descriptions of planned actions to address behavioral
considerations as well as multiple modes of learning. Again, note as needed if the action
addresses specific students, using the labeling strategy detailed above.]
Students will be grouped based on their learning levels and personalities.
Reflections: [Include what went well, the results of the lesson, and how the lesson could be
revised to further/improve student learning.]
Students did very well presenting their projects. You could tell that all the groups worked very
hard on their projects. Students did well providing feedback to their classmates and were very
critical. One way to further student learning would be to have them take notes during the
presentation and grade the groups presenting.

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