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Augustus Gatlin

Dr. Weaver
Web 2.0
1) Diigo
A great tool used to research and communicate different topics, along
with the ability to bookmark sections of a page and permanently highlight
them. Also, you can communicate with others by adding them to your
friend list and receive insight on what they enjoy and what they are
This can be used by the teacher not only to connect students, but also
to see that students are tagging the appropriate subject to ensure that
they are staying on track of the objective.
This can be used by the student to connect with classmates on
projects, and also be used to remember what they study more through the
bookmark aid that is provided.
Some advantages for using the tool is the fact that you can collaborate on
findings through bookmarks, notes, and forum discussions. Also, diigo
modifies your tags by offering topics that the user may be interested in.
2) Google Docs
Google Docs, connected with google, is a web 2.0 tool that allows
people to connect with others who have google email, allow people to
create all types of documents without download, allows you to always
have your work saved through the auto save feature, and gives access to
your account on any computer with internet access.
This can be used by a teacher by posting on the news section of google
docs and having the students be connected to the assignment through
google plus. Through other areas within google docs, the teacher can have
the student save their work through google drive for safe and secure
A student can use google docs for multiple reasons. One reason would
be to have their own personal email that could directly send to the
teacher without interruptions. Another reason would be to have an easy
connection with classmates, through google plus, one could see what their
classmates were researching. Finally, not only is google docs available on
a computer but also on any smartphone.
A major advantages are that everything that the class could/would
revolve around would be in one area where many people could access it,
or an area where one person can dictate it.
3) Edmodo
Edmodo is a great tool to connect the class with assignments, quizzes
and alerts-similar to ecourseware for the University of Memphis. Also,
groups can be created which can be used for differentiated instruction,
and also for other grade levels.
This tool can be used by a teacher through having groups for the
students and communities within the groups. Also, one can use the

Augustus Gatlin
Dr. Weaver
Web 2.0
planner application on Edmodo to use it to inform the groups and
communities of upcoming events.
This tool can be used by a student to be informed within the
group/community. Also it can be used to keep track of the badges given by
the teacher. Finally, the student can connected to google drive for
storages purposes.
The advantages of Edmodo would include information posts, groups,
users, apps, and more. The posts could be seen by anyone within the
group as well as the teacher, the groups can be separated to promote
clarity, users and apps can be used by anyone at the teachers
discretions, and much more.
4) Studyladder
Study ladder is a tool that is equips students with knowledge of
different topics for their academic success. It also allows teachers it gives
24 hour access and available online resources for academics.
This tool can be used by a teacher to help students in areas such as
mathematics, literacy, science, art, etc. With 24 hour access and a track
record of student progresses.
This can be used by the student to see individual reports of
improvement, along with set tasks for future occasions.
The main advantage of this would be the fact that the teacher can add
classes to this site, and the students have limited usage time to use the
site, which urges in a deadline agenda.
5) Schoology
Schoology is a website that allows teachers manage learning systems
through web hosting/ cloud service and it helps student with web pages,
documents, and text blocks.
This website usually helps teachers manage education through
connecting students with different groups and courses through the
website, and also keep track of their improvement.
This website helps students in major ways such as workload planning,
which is a great tool to use depending upon the student.
This website serves as an advantage because it can be difficult
handling up-scale management but with this site, the possibilities are


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