Fungi2 PPTX Jennifer

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What is

Where does
it grow?

Is it a bad or a
good thing?

Fungi Facts:
Fungi are simple, plant-like
They dont flower and do not have
true stems, leaves or roots like plants
They come in all different varieties
from the most common mushrooms
to moulds and yeast too!!
They are often found in damp places
like woodlands.

Fungi and the Irish Famine

The cause of the Irish Famine was actually an airborne fungus
(phytophthora infestans) originally transported in the holds
(place for carrying cargo) of ships travelling from North
America to England.
Winds from southern England carried the fungus to the
countryside around Dublin. The blight spread throughout the
fields as fungal spores settled on the leaves of healthy potato
plants, multiplied and were carried in the millions by cool
breezes to surrounding plants. Under ideal moist conditions, a
single infected potato plant could infect thousands more in
just a few days
The attacked plants fermented emitting a nauseous stench as
they blackened. There had been crop failures in the past due
to weather and other diseases, but not like this. Potatoes dug
out of the ground at first looked edible, but shrivelled and
rotted within days.

What makes them different to

The main difference between fungi and
Plants use the sun to make their own
food through a process called
photosynthesis (the plants green
chlorophyll makes its food)
Fungi do not make their own food
There are 2 types of fungi:
Saprophytes: Feed of dead plant

Saprophytes: Feed of dead plant

Like our household
Parasites: Feed on living things
Like trees

The structure of fungi

Spores are used to reproduce

The hyphae are the tinythread like structure that

they feed through by
digging into a food
The mycelium is
the part

Label it!

How do fungi grow and


Fungi reproduce through fruiting bodies that release

spores. The spores are microscopic bodies that float
through the air. When the spores land on food, they start
to grow and eat the food.

Lets do a spore test

Common Uses for fungi

Beneficial Fungi:

Harmful Fungi:

Penicillin A fungus that can

destroy germs

Poisonous mushrooms Death

Cap, Destroying Angel, Fools
Mushroom.some have no known

Yeast A fungus that can turn

sugar to alcohol and make dough

Honey fungus spreads on trees

and destroys them

Edible mushrooms
Dry Rot destroys roof timber
Truffles one of the most
expensive foods in the world
Decomposer break down dead
matter and waste
Enokitake; Shitake Asian
mushrooms that help fight cancer

Athletes foot and Ringworm Infects the skin

Blight affects plants (cause of
the Irish Famine)

In what conditions does fungi grow

The experiment: To explore the best
conditions for growing fungi?
What we need:
- 4 clear plastic bags
- Stale bread
- Labels with Moist and warm, Moist
and Cool, Dry and warm and Dry
and Cool
Lets begin!!!

How can fungi be prevented from

The experiment: To compare different
way of preventing mould growing on
What we need:
- 4 clear jars
- Bread
- Labels with Vinegar , Water, Water
and Salt and Control
Lets begin!!!

Record your result!


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