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Assignment 2: Information Literacy

Alicia Edwards

1.) Two Scholarly Journals

a.) Keywords Used: Ethics, Computer, Technology Science
b.) Databases Used: ScienceDirect & Business Source Premier
c.) I choose these two databases because I felt that they can be trusted and one particular because it was a
science related database.
Works Cited
d.) MLA Format Article 1
Narayanan, Arvind, and Shannon Vallor. "Why Software Engineering Courses Should Include Ethics Coverage."
Communications of The ACM 57.3 (n.d.): 23-25. Http://
%3d%3d#db=buh&AN=94803392. Communications of the ACM, Mar. 2014. Web. 28 Mar. 2015.

APA Format Article 1

Narayanan, A., & Vallor, S. (n.d.). Why Software Engineering Courses Should Include Ethics Coverage.
Communications of The ACM, 57(3), 23-25. Retrieved March 28, 2015, from

Assignment 2: Information Literacy

Alicia Edwards
Works Cited
e.) MLA Format Article 2
Stahl, Bernd C. "Virtual Suicide and Other Ethical Issues of Emerging Information Technologies." Exploring
Future Business Visions Using Creative Fictional Prototypes 50 (2013): 35-43. ScienceDirect. Web. 28 Mar.
2015. <>.
APA Format Article 2
Stahl, B. C. (2013). Virtual suicide and other ethical issues of emerging information technologies.
Exploring Future Business Visions Using Creative Fictional Prototypes, 50, 35-43. Retrieved March 28,
2015, from

f.) Scholarly Article 1 Screen Print


Assignment 2: Information Literacy

Alicia Edwards

Scholarly Article 2 Screen Print


Assignment 2: Information Literacy

Alicia Edwards


Assignment 2: Information Literacy

Alicia Edwards
2.) Search the internet to find a current eve2nt article.
New in emerging technology is talk of the Apple Car. Apple Car Rumors Fuel Geneva Debate About
Car of Future, is a recent article about a new idea of blending more technology in the cars that we
drive. With cars increasing ability to connect smartphones and other devices there are now more
business opportunities for technology companies to be rivals of the car industry. Companies like Google
want to get involved and emerging technology is in the works to make a driverless car.
APA Format
Apple Car Rumors Fuel Geneva Debate About Car of Future. (2015, February 28). Retrieved March 28, 2015,
3.) Find one additional Internet article on the same topic
a.) Keywords- Top, Emerging, Technologies
b.) MLA Format
"Top Ten Emerging Technologies For 2015 Include 3D Printing, Distributed Manufacturing." N.p., 9
Mar. 2015. Web. 28 Mar. 2015. <>.
c.) Search engines used: Bing, Ask, & Google


Assignment 2: Information Literacy

Alicia Edwards
Search Engines
Time Options

Moderately On-point
Moderately Current
Moderate ease of

Most Current
Best ease of

navigation of site

navigation of site

Better than Average
Moderately Current
Moderate ease

Bing was the search engine the yielded the best result. The results were relevant to the keywords that I
used, recent articles were posted first instead of having scattered dates,
it gave me twelve million results and just had the overall best quality of results.
4.) TRAPP Your Sources:
a.) Time- 6:55 pm March 9th 2015 and hasnt been updated
b.) Relevance- Yes, the article was extremely relevant to my search request
c.) Authority- The contributor Louis Columbus, is a senior analyst at AMR research with a background
in marketing, product management, sales an IT and has obtained a MBA from Pepperdine
University. I think this makes him qualified to write this article. His bio is in the right hand corner at
the top of the article this really helps you see his credentials. 3
d.) Accuracy- Yes, this appears to be accurate the author includes a link to see the whole list that was
generated for the article that supports his statement since he is not including all the information word
for word. He also gives background information on the group which is called the World Economic
Forum Meta- Council . This gives credit to them and their work.
e.) Purpose- This was written to inform the reader of the newest emerging technologies that are
planning to come on the scene.
5.) Compare the Internet and Journal articles.
Ease of Access
When it comes to ease of access I think that is much easier to access information from a search engine.
Keyword results are more accurate and current. Databases can only be accessed if you have access to


Assignment 2: Information Literacy

Alicia Edwards
them and not all of them are easily accessible you may have to pay for it. Search engines are free
anywhere there is internet access.
Databases require more time to use. With databases the results seem a little more limited. Some
articles are older on the databases that information accessed through a search engine whose results are
immediate in seconds. Using a search engine can be time consuming too if you didnt receive the best
keyword results or your keywords were just too broad. Search engines generate millions of results
quickly and it would take a while to go through all of the results.
Databases can be trusted more than information received through search engines. Information on
databases have been evaluated for the user whereas the internet is free to everyone to post information if
they like and it may not be truthful or have any evidence of proof. The author could be biased or isnt
someone deemed competent to write certain information on certain topics.


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