Debate 3 Affirmativeandnegative

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(Main Point: Anti-dumping is causing more problems in)
Hello my name is ________________ and I will be representing the affirmative side and
presenting the first affirmative constructive.
Inherency 1: Dumping is when a company exports a product at a lower price than the
price it sells in its home market.
(Murthy 2009)"Dumping" involves an importing foreign company selling at lower
prices that lead to domestic suppliers of the same product suffering losses.
According to the WTO, a company can be charged with dumping if it exports a
product at a price lower than what it normally charges in its own home market or
if the import volume grows to an extent that leaves domestic manufacturers at a
Inherency 2: Anti-dumping is against the act of dumping products into another country.
(WTO 2013) The WTO Agreement does not regulate the actions of companies
engaged in "dumping". Its focus is on how governments can or cannot react to
dumping it disciplines anti-dumping actions, and it is often called the Antidumping Agreement.
(WTO 2013) Typically anti-dumping action means charging extra import duty
on the particular product from the particular exporting country in order to bring
its price closer to the normal value or to remove the injury to domestic
industry in the importing country.
(CHUGH) The purpose of antidumping duty is to raise the price of the commodity
when introduced in the market of the importing country
Harm 1: Currently, anti-dumping is harming the concept of free trade, causing major
harms to the international market.
(Ojha 2008) The WTO's Anti-dumping Agreement was made very complex to
help to deal with these problems. However, it has become too opaque to be able
to correctly determine the validity of some anti-dumping measures; thus
arbitrarily imposing anti-dumping charges on efficient and innocent producers,
posing to be a serious threat to the international market and jeopardizing the
concept of free trade.
(Chugh) In free trade, firms are allowed to charge different rates in different
Harms 2: Anti-dumping aids protectionism which can lead to isolationism. This in turn
hurts the global economy, because it focuses on domestic firms, and neglects the
widespread global effects.
(Murthy 2009) Dumping complaints can be used to mask protectionist trade policies.
(Murthy 2009) China said to be cutting losses by dumping goods in Africa, India and
other Asian countries.
(Chugh) As the antidumping duty is only meant to provide protection to the domestic

Harm 3: Anti- dumping duties causes the prices to rise
(Chung) the local processing industry is apprehensive of the proposed duty as it will lead
to a significant price rise of the raw material (PP); in some cases the price may rise to
almost double as the amount of duty is almost equivalent to the international market
(Klitgaard 1998) Second, the share of antidumping orders directed against U.S.exports
has grown.If the latter trend continues, U.S. producers stand to lose considerable
business as tariffs raise the price of their goods in foreign markets.
(Ojha 2008) when the average export and product prices of a product are calculated,
domestic sales prices below total cost are considered beyond the ordinary course of
trade and therefore excluded, while all export prices are included, thus artificially raising
the level of domestic price.
Harm 4: The current basis of anti-dumping is inefficient because its foundations for
duties in taking action against a dumping country are arbitrary.
(Klitgaard 1998) In Evaluating Import Prices: Such a standard ignores the fact that
setting different, prices in different markets is consistent with normal, business practices.
In markets that are not perfectly competitive, firms have discretion to decide how much
prices should be marked up over costs. Under antidumping regulations, however,
reducing prices in response to market-specific conditions is illegal. Evaluating Injury:
there was no evidence that a change in the value of imports from particular countries
had any effect on the injury rulings. A second factor that proved to be a good predictor of
an affirmative ruling was a decrease in an industrys capacity utilization. This finding
suggests that imports are often judged to be harmful in industries that are experiencing
difficulties on other fronts. Antidumping regulations clearly fall short of providing a sound
and reasonable response to foreign competition.

Plan: By amending anti-dumping laws, thus having less restrictions in place, it would try
to regulate the world economy in a more free trade manner. Thus we propose the following
plan: The World Trade Organization should amend anti-dumping law to make it more
challenging to stop product dumping.
Solvency 1: Amending anti-dumping laws would succeed in assisting exporting
(Ojha 2008) Benefits of dumping: On the exporting country, 1. It finds market for
its surplus production, 2. By exporting more, it is able to strengthen its balance of
payments position, 3. Consumers in the importing country benefit as they have to
pay lower prices for whatever they purchase of the commodity dumped.

Solvency 2: Amending anti-dumping laws will help the consumer, because dumping
allows them to purchase goods at the cheapest price possible.

(Hunt 2012) Low Prices, Always Low Prices that is the tag line of one of the
worlds largest retailers.

Solvency Maybe?: Dumping is seen as profitable for other countries such as China and
(Murthy 2009) China itself comes third in the WTO anti-dumping grumblers list for
the second half of 2008, with 11 filings, behind Brazil with 16.

Hi my name is ___________ and I am giving the second affirmative constructive speech.
We extend all previous arguments, as well as address the following:

Inherency 1: Dumping is when a company exports a product at a lower price than the
price it sells in its home market.

(Ojha 2008) The concept of dumping seems fair because it is recognized that producers
may sell their goods in different markets at different prices and that prices of a goods are
influenced by several market forces and may vary at different times. It may be a perfectly
legitimised business activity like discounts offered by airlines to students or senior
citizens etc. There may not seem anything intrinsically unethical or illegal about
(EconomyWatch) Nations dump products to eliminate competition, secure monopolies
and increase their share of international exports. Subsidies (in the exporting country) can
lead to aggressive dumping, since goods can be sold profitably at a price that is cheaper
than the cost of manufacture. History also sheds light on the numerous manufacturers
that have used dumping to sell off products that were banned in their domestic market.

Inherency 2: Anti-dumping is against the act of dumping products into another country.
(Ojha 2008) Smith has famously quoted, If a foreign country can supply us with
commodity cheaper than we ourselves can make it, better buy it of them with some part
of the produce of our own industry, employed in a way in which we have some
Harm 1: Currently, anti-dumping is harming the concept of free trade, causing major
harms to the international market.
(Top Reasons to Oppose the WTO) Free trade is not working for the majority of the
world. Instead, inequality has worsened both internationally and within countries.
Furthermore, it is now easier for production to go where the labor is cheapest and most
easily exploited and environmental costs are low.
Harms 2: Anti-dumping aids protectionism which can lead to isolationism. This in turn
hurts the global economy, because it focuses on domestic firms, and neglects the
widespread global effects.
(Subramanian 2009) Protectionism is steadily mounting, but not only through the usual
tariffs and quotas and the like. Instead, countries are skirting World Trade Organization
rules and erecting new kinds of trade barriers.
(Ojha 2008) Yet too often in reality either due to the complexities of the issues involved
or to protectionist considerations, anti-dumping authorities determine dumping without
carefully considering whether the difficulties of domestic producers resulted from their
own efficiency or inefficiency or from the allegedly dumped products. The consequent
imposition of anti-dumping duties tends to penalize the most efficient foreign producers.
Harm 3: Anti-dumping duties causes the prices to rise

(Energy Journal: EU China Solar Battle Escalates) Essentially, the cheap solar panels
from China are damaging Europes solar industry

Higher prices resulting from EU tariffs could destroy 85% of demand for new solar
panels on the continent and cost 242,000 jobs
The EU says imports of solar cells and silicon wafers from China have damaged
Europes own solar industry because they are unfairly priced and have benefited from
subsidies of the Chinese government
International Energy Agency states that the economic crisis, high gas prices and the
growth of renewable energy could mean a lost decade for European gas demand

Harm 4: The current basis of anti-dumping is inefficient because its foundations for
duties in taking action against a dumping country are arbitrary.
WTO, Anti-Dumping, subsidies, safeguards: contingencies, etc. In order to do that
the government has to be able to show that dumping is taking place, calculate the extent
of dumping (how much lower the export price is compared to the exporters home market
price), and show that the dumping is causing injury or threatening to do so.
(WTO) Anti-dumping measures must expire five years after the date of imposition, unless an
investigation shows that ending the measure would lead to injury. (Therefore, these measures
are so lengthy and they last so briefly, they become more work than they give output. -too
risky to say?)

(Main Point: Get Rid of Borders! And address the Affirmatives)
Inherency 1: Dumping is when a company exports a product at a lower price than the
price it sells in its home market.
(Murthy 2009)"Dumping" involves an importing foreign company selling at unfair
lower prices that lead to domestic suppliers of the same product suffering losses.
According to the WTO, a company can be charged with dumping if it exports a
product at a price lower than what it normally charges in its own home market or
if the import volume grows to an extent that leaves domestic manufacturers at a
Inherency 2: Anti-dumping is against the act of dumping products into another country.

(WTO 2013) The WTO Agreement does not regulate the actions of companies
engaged in "dumping". Its focus is on how governments can or cannot react to
dumping it disciplines anti-dumping actions, and it is often called the Antidumping Agreement.
(WTO 2013) Typically anti-dumping action means charging extra import duty
on the particular product from the particular exporting country in order to bring
its price closer to the normal value or to remove the injury to domestic
industry in the importing country.
(CHUGH) The purpose of antidumping duty is to raise the price of the commodity
when introduced in the market of the importing country

Harm 1: Dumping has caused many issues among countries, both internally and
(EconomyWatch) Dumping results in the following: Hurts a countrys domestic industry
and producers. Impacts the sales volume. Hurts the market shares. Triggers decline in
profitability. Leads to job losses.
(EconomyWatch) Nations dump products to eliminate competition, secure monopolies
and increase their share of international exports

Harm 2: If we implement the Affirmatives plan, the benefits of anti-dumping will disappear
(EconomyWatch) Its advantages are: Re-establishes fair trade and fair competition. Provides
protection to the domestic producers and the industry. Rectifies unfair trade practices pertaining
to dumping.
- (Ojha 2008)Anti-dumping measures will help protect domestic producers and is the only
mechanism that countries currently have against foreign producers, in order to survive in a
world market

Harm 3: The issue of anti-dumping is embedded in the economic inequality among

WTO, Anti-Dumping, subsidies, safeguards: contingencies, etc.

Opinions differ, but many governments take action against dumping in order to defend their
domestic industries.
Top Reasons to Oppose the WTO

Many countries do not even have enough trade personnel to participate in all the
negotiations or to even have a permanent representative at the WTO. This severely
disadvantages poor countries from representing their interests. Likewise, many countries are
too poor to defend themselves from WTO challenges from the rich countries, and change their
laws rather than pay for their own defense.

Solvency 1: WTO does not comment on dumping, and countries have taken into their
own hands on how to fight against dumping in their country. However, if no countries

and no borders existed, dumping would no longer become an issue, since we would
simply only be world citizens.
(Top Reasons to Oppose the WTO)The WTO has protected for pharmaceutical companies
right to profit against governments seeking to protect their peoples health by providing
lifesaving medicines in countries in areas like sub-saharan Africa, where thousands die every
day from HIV/AIDS. Once again, the WTO demonstrates that it favors corporate profit over
saving human lives.
Solvency 2: Helping each others development would help the global economy.
(Keqiang) "We should see each other's development as major opportunities for ourselves and
we have far more common interests than differences...."

Inherency 1:
Inherency 2:
Harm 1: Dumping has caused many issues among countries, both internally and
(Chugh) Usually, the intentions of charging such low prices to foreign consumers is to be
able to wipe out the domestic industries and eventually acquiring monopoly power in the
foreign market
Free trade versus fair trade: the Dumping Issue Anti- dumping regulations also create
the potential for abuse: domestic producers may allege dumping by foreign rivals solely
to stifle competition and to keep their own prices high.
Harm 2: If we implement the Affirmatives plan, the benefits of anti-dumping will disappear
(Ojha 2008) According to them, anti-dumping is an instrument that is necessary as it acts
as a safety valve that ensures domestic political support to trade liberalizing initiative.

Anti-dumping in their view is the price paid for the maintenance of an open trading
system among nations.
Harm 3: The issue of anti-dumping is embedded in the economic inequality among
Free trade versus fair trade: the Dumping Issue: Anti - dumping regulations also create
the potential for abuse: domestic producers may allege dumping by foreign rivals solely
to stifle competition and to keep their own prices high.
CHUGH Further, anti-dumping duties can be presented not as protection but as
encounter against unfair competition.
CHUGH Had price discrimination taken place by a monopoly firm within one economy,
the government would have intervened to stop consumer exploitation by enforcing an
Act similar to the MRTP Act, in India. Hence, in the international context, it is the
antidumping duty that protects the domestic producers initially and consumers in the
long run.
CHUGH (case) In a protest against Chinese business tactics, Indias small and medium
enterprises have warned that they were hurt by typical Chinese predatory pricing
intended to drive rivals out of the business so that Chinese companies could capture the
Indian market and then raise prices to more normal values.
CHUGH (case) A survey conducted by Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce
and Industry (FICCI) highlighted that majority of small and medium-sized manufacturers
(SMEs) had suffered a serious erosion of their Indian market share over the past year,
because of cheaper Chinese products. It is also estimated that Chinese imports were 10
to 70 percent cheaper than comparable Indian products. The bite was felt by companies
in a range of sectors, including processed food, light engineering, building materials and
heavy engineering, chemicals and textiles. Already, Indian manufacturers face serious
competitive disadvantages in comparison with China, including poor infrastructure and
rigid labour laws that perversely discourage companies from growing and instead
promote inefficient fragmentation. Even if these disadvantages are removed, Indian
companies will not be able to fight a Chinese price mechanism of an artificial nature that
targets specific industries and wipes them out.
Harm 4: India has been negatively affected by Chinas practices
(Murthy 2009) "China poses the greatest threat to the Indian industry
(Murth 2009) According to the WTO, a company can be charged with dumping if it
exports a product at a price lower than what it normally charges in its own home market
or if the import volume grows to an extent that leaves domestic manufacturers at a
disadvantage. For instance, India's Directorate General of Anti-dumping and Allied
Duties that investigated L&T's complaint against imported Chinese tire presses, declared
that it found that they increased to 7% of total volume of India's domestic tire press
market in 2007-08, compared with just 0.6% in 2004-5.
Solvency 1: WTO does not comment on dumping, and countries have taken into their
own hands on how to fight against dumping in their country. However, if no countries
and no borders existed, dumping would no longer become an issue, since we would

simply only be world citizens.

(Top Reasons to Oppose the WTO) The UN Development Program reports that the
richest 20 percent of the worlds population consume 86 percent of the worlds resources
while the poorest 80 percent consume just 14 percent.

Solvency 2: Helping each others development would help the global economy.
(Murthy 2009) "In this time of global recession, dumping can become a serious issue."

1) Subramanian, A Crisis Calls for a "Crisis Round"
2) Murthy, India, China lead global anti-dumping dance
3) WTO, Anti-dumping, subsidies, safeguards: contingencies, etc.
4) TNN, China is not a threat to India, Li Keqiang says
5) Chugh, Antidumping and competition law: Indian perspective [pp. 5-7 & 44-46]
6) Top Reasons to Oppose the WTO
7) Hunt, Do Anti-Dumping Duties on China PV Panels Make Any Sense?
8) EconomyWatch, Dumping, Anti-Dumping
9) Klitgaard & Schiele, Free versus Fair Trade: The Dumping Issue
10) Ojha, The Economic And Legal Analysis Of Dumping [Intro, Chps. 1 & 2]
11) Ensinger, China Is World's Top Dumping Offender


12) Nemana, A tryst with TOMS

13) Herron, Energy Journal: EU-China Solar Battle Escalates

Protectionism ranges from tariff increase (Korea and Turkey) to restrictive import
licensing (Indonesia) to state aid (US, Germany, France, and UK), antidumping actions
(India) and discriminatory government procurement (Malaysia)
China is not a threat to India, Li Keqiang Says (2013)
India, China Lead Global Anti-Dumping Dance (2009)

Cross Ex to the Negative Side:

-Wouldnt you agree that it is a pretty lengthy process to impose an anti-dumping duty?
-If Anti-dumping duties are so hard to obtain, then why is it presented as such an urgent
-How would one actually determine if the price is unfairly low? ****CAN WE REPHRASE THIS?
-Isnt the normal value of a product almost impossible to determine?
-Dont the anti-dumping measures expire after 5 years? (Thats not a very long time.)
-So it takes a long time to get them, and they only last 5 years, correct? (Later in the argument is it even worth getting?)
-Wouldnt rising prices in the economy just cause more issues?
-Arent price differences natural and normal in our world?
-How would you suggest the poorer people in these countries survive if there cheaper goods are
not available?
-Dont you think there is a reason that anti-dumping duties take so long to go into action? (a bit
too open ended and gives them a chance to explain.)

Cross Ex to the Affirmative Side:

-Doesnt dumping lead to monopolies?
-Is it not unfair that the workers in domestic countries will be cheated of what they really should
be making?
-Why should prices be able to change at the will of a country just so they can further their

-Wont dumping just lead to only a few countries in power?
-Wouldnt you say fair competition is key to a functioning economy?
-You say that anti-dumping duties causes prices to rise, but isnt it only changing the price to its
true value?
-Hasnt the need for anti-dumping duties proven that there is injury from dumping?
-Wouldnt allowing dumping just cause an illegal practice to continue?
-Wouldnt the intention of charging very low prices be to wipe out domestic industries?
-Doesnt dumping completely undermine the idea that local/small/medium sized business are
helpful to the economy?
-You say that China is not a threat to India, but doesnt your evidence for that seem to only
come from a Chinese point of view?
-Isnt protectionism in a globalized world more harm than good in this day in age?

Magnitude: Anti-dumping is a detrimental issue; dumping is not the cause of this turmoil.
Time Frame: The short-term would allow the consumers to benefit from cheap goods, as well
as those businesses dumping. The long-term will allow the global economy to flourish with the
openness of global trade, and consumers to continue to prosper.
Probability: The probability of our plan working is extremely high. Lessening the constraints of
anti-dumping laws will allow the flow of free trade to maneuver with more ease among countries.

Magnitude: Dumping is a detrimental issue that is the cause of economic and political turmoil
Time Frame: If we continue to have borders, this issue of dumping and anti dumping conflicts
will just perpetuate forever. No one side will ever win out because the short and long term
benefits will never happen if the laws fluctuate as much as they have been. Therefore our plan
will have the best outcome in the long run because it eliminates that back and forth policy.

Probability: The probability of this plan working is extremely high. By taking away borders and
operating as one nation, the issue of dumping would cease to exist. This is because we would
be working towards the same universal purpose of our world, not just for our own individual

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