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British Origami Society oa Be These mosls, and the one on the cover hove been as the mask cescribect to creote zyes and Thove also changed propertion: Spiing Convention, Fiday 14° Api - Sunday 16 Apri 2000 Fitzwilliam College, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge 3D MASK © Etc Joisal 1999. Unauthorised eeproduttion is forbidden Volley Fold BE CRACFUL This special crep is explained a diogonat. ind steps. First, Unfold. pinch o shor volley Tun over, ‘along the: horizontal, diagonal lt is ifficuk to drow diogroms for 3.D models, ond dfficut to understand suth diogroms. So. this is my first ottempr 10 diagram with a cigital comero — it moy be on unfonilir method, but | hooe you ull oppreciote. seeing the hand positions cond shadows. @€ CAREFUL ! There: ore 40 photos, onky 16 oF which show “reals* steps. as in a conventional sot of diagrams. These steps are indicated by o BLAGK number. The other 24 steps or “intermediary* steps, indicated by 0 GACY number AND latte. The basic ideo of the model is economy, By this. i mean economy in the: number of qronses. ond economy in the: use of pooer. Ths is best understood by ooking ot the crease pattern iagrom on the right. The gray shoding represents o1eos oF paper hidden in the Final model. The use of ‘rounded eases’, 2a = "broken ceases! lik this cond “easioning* Hod the poper about Tem of the paper, (172i) in fom the edge. means thot your first attempts pro- bobiy wont be too perfect: Yes need to proctice, testing different 3yoes ond sizes OF pooer. When making 3-D models, choosing exactly the sight pooet is 2b To moke the crimp eosily, put your left hond thumb ‘ond fist finger on the ends ‘ ° Of the short cease. more. dificult than the folding eracess then on the inside, press down itl. The meozuromonts given ia the ith your right hand thumb. istnations ossume @ pope sie of 20 cm oe ieches) square. 2c Toke out your right thumbs ‘ond fata the emp Firmly uith your lft hon Tuan over. This isthe result, seen here from the: bock. Make 2 mountain Folds thot stort from the: ends ofthe crimp, perpendicular to the edges of the sheet like this, 3b This is the resut Tum over. ‘Moke rounded 'mountains* ‘end “valleys” as shown. 5 Use. your thumbs on the, Front to create the volleys, ‘ond first Fingers behind to create the mountains, 4a Note thot the rounded mountains Cre not exoctly perpendaulor tothe, edges. This form already suggests 0 mask con't you think ? 5 and 5a This is the second importort crimp, tout more coxmetional thon the frst The rests shown a in steps 5e ond Sf. 25am Lame ATES 5b Before you flatten this inside reverse fold, look ot step Se 5c INSIDE VIEW, Adjust the position of the Flot triongle so that tis centrally placed Benen the mountoin creases: then make the crease. XQ, 5d Before completing the crimp with another inside reverse Fol, moke sure you leave. lem (1/2in) oF poper inside the nose. 5f With just 5 folds (1 diagonal. 2 crimps, and 2 valleys in the chee) {you have already cieated 0 most. from here onwords, 'm sure you con «eate your own veriations. 0 90 to step 6 ba Place your frst Finger gains the insice of the nose. a 4 a THE NOSE, First, create short horizontal mountain ond valley creases, (95 shown. Tum over. 7 Create 0 rounded chin uith 0 pleat fold which 6b | ._ begin about Lom (1/2in) The special secret weopon ( a ‘below the mouth is 0 MASK MACHINE (please, dont tell anyone about it!). I's 0 very sophisticated chop-stick or Something similor. Simultaneously Tuck the comer right inside, 15 for as the centre line. push down with the stick fon the front, and inside. with your first finger. This creates the Who nostris ‘nd the crimp in the upper lip. 9 To finish the brow, we need to create. bath "broken® ond “rounded! creases. The broken crease sin the middle. Of the rounded ease alreacy made. The result con be seen in stop 10. 9a BROKEN CREASE. Hold your right thumb os showin, ond push forword fran the boc with your lef hond, 9% Then, ceote © ROUNDED mountain thot begins ot the end of the: broken «crease ond ends at point X Bee very careful when rounding these mountains | ks not possible to undo o mistake (what stress I. 10 Arter repeating step 9 on the right hand side, {your mosk should look lke this, We need now to create 0 mountain fold thot lies flot ogoinst the cheek 100 First, uith your left humo, ress the mide of the rounded mountain mode berate, so thot it touches the cheek 12a eating the rounded moukain 10b Then, without moving your left thumb, siuival the pleot ot the edge of the poper so that A touches 8. This will create ‘new broken crease under you lef thumb. Moke 0 sharp cease. Repeat on the right 12b To give the ears more volume, ‘url the paper. of These 2 new broken ceases edte tensions tho: pres the cheek layers together Narrow the masks by folding the left ond right corners behind, as shown, 13 This isthe To create the forehead, make the some kind of pleat (05 for the chin ig L13] Fist create rounded mountains (step 120) then creare eors by moking valleys (step 12) 13a The pleat in progress ‘Moke the same lock os For the chin, tucking the comer right inside. to the cenire line. Tun over. os 15 INSDE VUE ‘The eyes ore mode by sinking comer C “To make the sink easier, bold loyers D ond € together in your left hond IF you wore 2 eyes, repeat on the right

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