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L iver Pathology

Liver Pathology
R: Chapter 18
Phys: Chapter 70
H: Chapters 92, 301, 302, 309
Liver studies (FA12 p360) (FA13 p334)
Nutmeg liver (FA12 p362) (FA13 p335) (SU13 p156)
Budd-Chiari syndrome (FA12 p362) (FA13 p335)
Reye syndrome (FA12 p361) (FA13 p334)
Wilson disease (FA12 p364) (FA13 p337)
Hemochromatosis (FA12 p364) (FA13 p337)
Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (FA12 p362) (FA13 p335)
Hepatic adenoma
Hepatic angiosarcoma
Hepatocellular carcinoma (FA12 p361) (FA13 p335)

3 Question Warm-Up


1. After the loss of his job, a 35-year-old man has diarrhea and hematochezia.
Intestinal biopsy shows transmural inflammation. What is the diagnosis?

2. What effect will a competitive antagonist have on efficacy and potency?

(FA12 p261) (FA13 p229) (SU13 p25-26)

3. What effect does stress have on adipocytes?

4. Hepatic Adenoma

Most often in females 20-44 (OCP years)

Risk Factors: OCP use, anabolic steroids, (glycogen storage disease types I and III)
Sx: RUQ pain, but usually there are no symptoms because it is often an incidental finding on
Malignant transformation in 10% of patients
Rx: DC the OCP, serial imaging and AFP, +/- resection (esp. if > 5cm)

5. Hepatic Angiosarcoma - Malignant endothelial neoplasm in liver

Risk Factors: vinyl chloride, arsenic

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6. What is seen in Budd-Chiari syndrome? What conditions are associated with

Budd-Chiari syndrome? (FA12 p362) (FA13 p335)

L iver Pathology

End of Session Quiz

7. What is the mechanism by which aspirin can cause Reye syndrome?

(FA12 p361) (FA13 p334)

8. A young man presents with ataxia and tremors. He has brown pigmentation in
a ring around the periphery of his cornea. What treatment should he receive?

9. What is the underlying problem in Wilson disease? What are the characteristics
of Wilson disease? What is the treatment for Wilson disease? (FA12 p364) (FA13
p337) (SU13 p158)

10. What is the classic triad of symptoms in hemochromatosis? What lab

tests are used to diagnose hemochromatosis? What is the treatment for
hemochromatosis? (FA12 p364) (FA13 p337) (SU13 p158)


11. What are the risk factors for the development of hepatocellular carcinoma? (FA12
p361) (FA13 p335) (SU13 p159)


Rapid-Fire Facts

Hepatomegaly, abdominal pain, ascites

Green/yellow corneal deposits
Low serum ceruloplasmin
Cirrhosis, diabetes and hyperpigmentation

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