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Annotated Bibliography

Is Talent Solely Based on Genetics?

Jamie A. Ashby
Professor Malcolm Campbell
English 1103


Annotated Bibliography
Chang, Emily. Innate Talent and Behavioral Genetic Analysis-CNN. YouTube, YouTube. 9
October 2013. Web. 1 March 2015.
This videos value is pretty significant because it informed me about the different genetic
testing that scientists are doing in China, parents are sending their children to camps to
find out what their special talents are by doing special genetic analysis testing per child.
Furthermore, the parents will receive the tests results via consultation and then they will
most likely decide the childs career path and decide how they will nurture each childs
individual talents, skills and characteristics. This was a segment from a CNN
broadcasting, so, the reliability is quite valid because CNN is a worldwide news
broadcasting station.
Galton, Francis. Hereditary talent and Character. Published in Macmillans Magazine.
Published in 1865. 27 Feb 2015
This article helped by giving statistics and facts about the relationships of artists from
1600-1830. It gives a family tree 100 artists (famous) and how 65 out of 100 of them are
related. The usefulness to me is great because my paper relates on all talents, art included.
This gives me an idea of the gene flow of the family members. Most if not all of the
artists are European and all male, so this does not account for the distant relatives of
different races or for the women of the family who could also have an artistic talent.

Hopkins, Will G. Genes and Training for Athletic Performance Journal of Applied Physiology
87, 1035-1037 (2011): 167-98. Heritage Family Study. Web. 3 March 2015.


The value of this source gives more insight on athletic talents. These could include:
physique, height, hand-eye coordination and more. Also, it tells how some people are
more naturally conditioned to do other sports, while others are not naturals. It is useful to
my paper because it gives insight to something other than artistic talent, but other talents
such as athletic talents. Again, it debates if a persons success in an activity is solely
based on natural ability or is it from hard work and dedication and if you dont start a
sport at an early age you will not be guaranteed the same success as someone who starts
at a young age. This article was published by a European online newspaper called The
Syed, Matthew. Bounce: The Myth of Talent and the Power of Practice. The Truth about
Talent: Can Genius be made or is it Preordained? 6 May 2011. Web. 28 Feb. 2015.
This article gives insight on the dynamics of using both genetics and preservence as the
two driving factor for talent. The articles usefulness is great because it gives a
counterclaim if its just solely genetics playing the role of talent. It talks about hard work
and honing skills rather than brute talent and non-traditional schooling. The source is
reliable because it contains a seal of approval by the National Association of Science at
the bottom, the article could be used to disprove my hypothesis or used to strengthen it, if
the claims are not supported well.

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