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Website Exploration
1. Go to NASAs official website,
2. Near the top of the page, click on for Students. Once that page loads, click on
for Students on the left-hand side of the page and select your grade band (5-8).
3. Scroll down to the find it fast! section. Click on search by subject.
4. Click on the icon labelled Earth and answer the following questions.
a. From the Videos and Pictures section
i. List the two roles that the oceans play on earth.
ii. What is the cause of Coral Bleaching?
3 pts
5. Navigate back to the main search by subject page, click on Asteroids, Comets,
and Meteorites and answer the following questions.
a. Give a reason why Meteors appear bright in the sky.
b. Why do the tails of meteors all point in the same direction?
c. When is the next major meteor shower?
i. What is its name?
ii. How did it get this name?
2 pts
6. Navigate back to the main for students page. On the left hand side, click on the
icon named NASAs Women of STEM.
7. In your own words, answer the question Who was Sally Ride? (At least 5 points
of information should be included. Be sure to address her major accomplishments
and position at NASA.)
5 pts.
8. At the top of the page, click on multimedia. On the left hand side of the page,
click on interactive Features. Explore the Apollo 11 landing Site and Eagle
section. Answer the following questions.
a. Who were the two astronauts who first walked on the surface of the moon?
b. How did Neil Armstrong describe the surface of the moon? What did he
compare it to?
c. At the end of the audio clip, what are the astronauts erecting? (Check the
transcript if audio is unavailable.)
d. Explore the feature for a few minutes. Write one or two sentences about
what you discovered.
9. At the top of the page, hover on Missions. Choose a popular mission to
describe in a few sentences. Be sure to include name, dates, destination, latest

discoveries and anything else you find interesting!

4 pts.


Answer Sheet:
Q4) a- i)




Q5) a----/1
c- i)





Q8) a----/1







TOTAL POINTS: -----/10

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