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Queen city Times


Charlotte, NC Sunday, July 15th 2011 3 pages

Special Edition: Cyberbullying

Dear Reader
In the following newspaper, you will find many pieces of my
writing regarding cyberbullying. The genres presented will include a
newspaper article, an advertisement, a graph and a poem. Each piece
will be describing a current issue associated with cyberbullying as
well as tips and strategies to overcome a cyberbully. These different
genres will all build up to the story of a local (fictional) student who
committed suicide due to cyberbullying.
The purpose of this collection of pieces is to inform parents,
teachers, and students of the serious threat that is cyberbullying, the
consequences associated, and certain strategies to prevent
cyberbullying. Throughout the presentation of these pieces, many of
the different topics associated with cyberbullying will be covered.
Cyberbullying may be a foreign term to some, but not for long. Although the solution is very complex, it is an
issue that is in need of attention. By the time you finish reading the following pieces, you will understand why a solution
is necessary and know what you can do to help.

Schools Notice Increase in Cyberbullying

Schools across the country are reporting a rapid
increase in cyberbullying attacks. Cyberbullying is the
use of technology to harass or attack someone else.
These reports mostly refer to middle school students,
although this does not mean they are limited to middle
schools only. This recent increase in attacks is due to a
number of things with the ease of access to technology
at the top of the list. Cell phones, laptops, and tablets
are all becoming regular household technologies that
children have access to. If ever put in the wrong mood,
children are able to make a snap judgement and send
hurtful messages to someone.

ability for a cyberbully to remain anonymous in many

situations can cause increased consequences. Although,
in this case, it can be hard to resolve the issues, there
are certain strategies that victims and potential victims
can follow in order to prevent a cyberbully attack.
These strategies include:

Teach children how to react.

Monitor childs internet usage.
Encourage children to confess all incidents
witnessed or involved in.

While cyberbullies can cause great devastation,

these strategies can help protect your child from any
future incidents and teach them what to do when
confronted by a cyberbully.

There are several negative effects that

cyberbullying victims must endure. These effects range
from lowered confidence all the way to suicide. The

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Cyberbullying Increase in Middle Schools

Cyberbullying Incidents (Reported)













This graph depicts the reported

middle schools. The horizontal
axis shows the years from 2000
to 2010 while the vertical axis
shows the percent of middle
school students who reported
being cyberbullied compared to
all middle school students
surveyed. This graph is not a
perfect representation as it did
not include all middle schools in
the United States.

Cyberbullyings Traumatic Consequences

The following poem was submitted by a local student.
He is speaking about his friend, a 15 year old girl who
recently committed suicide due to cyberbullying.
She was young and smart with only two friends,
And everyone was mean because she didnt follow trends.
She never disrupted anyone and was quiet as a mouse,
She would leave school and go straight to her house.
She would check her cell phone, to no surprise,
There was hate from everyone, both girls and guys.
She tried to ignore them but could not avoid,
The inevitable truth that she was destroyed.
She could no longer focus and dropped out of school,
Still receiving messages that she was not cool.
She received these messages from morning to night,
People telling her to end her own life.
I know what youre thinking, how could one be so rude?
Ive pondered this question since the night she turned blue.
Raising awareness is the most important,
As cyberbullies hide in grass like a venomous serpent.

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Is Your Child Safe on the Internet?

How can you know whether or not your child is using appropriate websites? With our new and
improved firewall program, you are now able to block certain websites! There is no better time than
now as the recent skyrocket in cyberbullying incidents has shocked families all around the city.
Call today at 1-800-123-4567

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