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STATE OF DELAWARE HISTORIC PRESERVATION TAX CREDIT APPLICATION PARTS - REQUEST FOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION DE SHPO OFFICE USE ONLY "NBS Ne. (ifapplable Praeat Wo: Tastractions: Upon compleion of te vhabliation, lars foon wi sqwesslativeplotomaphs of fe conplecd wok (bah eteoe nd ior ens) oe Delanare State Hisrie Preservation Ofc. Ifa Pit? Application hes nt been sulted in evan of projet completion, kms ssompany tis Reqs for Cerieate of Compicion.tehaeatachnets nol on backoff. Typeae pit ac ie 1. NAMBOR PROPERTY: __Ehinger HalL Adis: 14 Kings Highway ast cy: Dover, county Kent. ste DE tip 19901 2. DATA ON REHABILITATION PROJECR: Rehabiiation work began on: 10/15/14 Retbitiaion work wns completed on: 1/15/15 For approved phased projets nds: Fase of. Preted Project Completion Dat: Part? Applicaton approved on: 12/24/14 Crest vended fo Pec: 8 Date of Aver “Qualities expetinesstibuted solely fo the rebaitaton ote histori seach allowable ner consti, and ello ite work: a arrnicann — ‘bereby apply for a Cesiteat of Completion or ihe sehabitaton credo under the tote of Delaware Historie reservation Tex Credit Progam, Tete atest ‘hot the foto provide i tothe best of my nda, cote, an tt in my opion to cusped eiition mets the Secretory ote terer Standards and Gudeles for Rehaiaron ni consisten with the work descr inthe Pat 2 Cetin of Reba Appin, None: Michael J. Kopp Sig: Dev orgmization_Elizabeth W. Murphey School, Tne. Adiress:_42 Kings Highway East City: Dover, ‘state; _DE Zip: 19901 Daytine Telephone Nunes, 302-734-7459 mano: 4. TAXPAYER CLAIMING CREDIE (fr abil manson ere) None: Elizabeth W. Murphey School, Inc. sigasture: Dates, ovgtienien_Elizabeth W. Murphey School, Inc. ‘Sec See of ToayerNonber,_SOLE3 Tax ID ~ 51-0064321 Adiess_42 Kings Wighway Bast iy: Dover Sute_DE___ 2p: 1.990) Daytime Telephone Number: 302-734-7478 E-mail (optional: _mkopp@murpheyschool.. or; DE PO Otis Une Oy “The DE SHPO has reviewed the Historie Pesan Tax Creal Appleton, Pt 3 - Request fr Cente of Completion forthe above listed Ceted Mitre Property an has dtenined ta th compled rehabilitation, or phe thereof, snot eonssent wth th Seeretary ofthe erin Standards onl Guelives for Rehab, acs it conpale wi doe hsricharater of de property ofthe dstet in whieh ts lote, The Dare Divino even hss ben ied ‘tthe cet, Bae ‘Balsnere Se Hitsae Frsenvation Ooer [DE SHPO Offic Revieweielaphave No (CORTIFICATE OF COMPLETION “The DE SHPO hos reviewed th Historie Preseretion Tax ret Application, Pat 3 - Request Se Cece of Completion fr the sboe-atedCenied Hos Propet an as determined that he complied seatiiaton, othe carpeted previously approved pas hero, onsen th the Srey oh ners Standards ad Gutdelnes for Rabin ents cate wih trie carats to property tees im neh islocted, Bec he dle Indieed below a Cesificate of Completion savaided: fer the competed rehabiliatian eer he completion of he ebbiation of Fons oF Bate ‘Daivaze Sata Hise Preven Oficer DESHPO Offs RevonarTeephone No @ — STTEor oetawane CouPuration soueout For c.anano cn) FORM 1811AC 0905 DELAWARE HISTORIC PRESERVATION TAX CREDITS Be bates PART A- NAME AND ADDRESS OF CURRENT QUALIFIED PROPERTY OWNER 4. Enler Federal Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number: 51~0064321 2, Nome of Curent Qualied Propary Owner Lizabeth W. Murphey School» Tne. 3 Adtoss 42 Kings Highway East cly Dover Ste pz 2 19901 4, Location of Qualifying Hstole Property (Wf diferent from above) cy Stato Zp 5. Qualifying Dstes Pact itApproval 12/34/14 at lil Approval PART B - TYPE OF HISTORIG PROPERTY Cote histor propory else fora fedora ax creitunder Section 47 ofthe IRC. (fons 20% of expenses as eros) Ctted resdental hist property (committed to lo Income housing) elgbe fora federal tx credit under Section 47 oftha IRC. (NOW 30% of expanses as cele) X Cate histori property not egies fora federal tax erect undr Section 47 ofthe IRC. (Albus 20% of expenses as cro) Cotfed residential historic property (commited to lw income housing) not eligible fora fedora tax credt under Section 47 ofthe IRC. (lous 40% of expensos as ret) ‘The quslifed property owner hereby cartfes that the above information fs tue, corect and complete Michael. J..Kopp Executive Director. 4/16/15. NAME TE, até ‘STOP: Only complete Part A and Part B of this form. Part C of this form will be compioted and cortified by the Delaware Division of Revenue and the Delaware State Bank Commissioner Office. PART C - COMPUTATION OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION TAX CREDIT 4. Quslited expenditures in tho rehabilation of any csi historic property s 2. Multiply Lino 1 by the percentage colected in Part B % 3, Tentative Historic Preservation Tax Cred (Line 1 mulplod by Line 2) 8 : 4. Creditlintation 8 STOP: Is the histore property, which Ie not wig Ibe for « federal tax credit under Seotion A7 of the IRC, a cored rolabuation that Ie oveuplod by tho camer? ‘YES - ter th sar ofLine 3 or Lino 4 on Line & 5, Delaware Historle Preservation Tax Credit. 8 Tho Datu of verve onthe Offa fe Sal Benk Cormssloa herby cay ta fe abovs cre compat Is us, come en anata NAME ‘DIVISION OF REVENUE TITLE ~ baie ‘Nave ‘STATE SANK COMMISSIONER TITLE pare @ cressssevorne Ln Bank ‘Amerka’s Most Convenfent Bank? THE ELIZABETH W MURPHEY SCHOOL INC ecmanggemn HIF empeceane STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT Page: Bof 3 Statement Period: Nov 01 2014-Nov 30 2014 Cust Ret 7987260380-401-E-"* Primary Account # 706-7258330 INVOICE _ ORS, INC. ~emetery Road 1, Delaware 19952 DATE INVOICE # Banos os -/ 398-9283 Fax (302) 398-9290 BILL To: ‘The Phe W. Nurpey School, ne 42 Kings Highway E, Dover, DE 1990! = DESCRIPTION xin work pero ot 14 Kings Highwy on October 24.25, 77,28 an 2,204 (pitursenloes) 1,983.30 Less cost of electrical repaits (haven't received a copy of the bill for services yet) ae 444]. TOTAL ori usewsoensione Deo or Buss 199225640 a mn in rvmeoarus a, 4 $81,983.30 QUALITY EXTERIORS, INC. L OICE 60 Hopkins Cemetery Road Harrington, Delaware 19952 DATE INVOICE # innois sane (302) 398-9283 Fax (302) 398-9290 BILL TO: ‘The Blisbath W. Muy Soot, Ie. 2 Kings Highoay Dover, DE 19901 : = DESORPTION “Roun Per proposal of uly 20, 2014 for woskat 15 Kings Highway, Lect - nl 4625000 TOTAL 94625000 ucrionze — veeumnstecenmore Die For Bu 1900285 €20Dcr incon proeeowusA. a Quality Exteriors, Inc. -abeth Murphey School—14 Kings Highway Repair Report November 21, 2014 Rotted wood Rotled wood replaced a_i res | Rotted wood replaced Rotted wood replaced Rote woodeptced Quality Exteriors, Inc. -abeth Murphey School —14 Kings Highway Repair Report November 21, 2014 Rotted wood Rotted wood

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