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Bridgewater College Teacher Education Program Lesson Plan

Date: 5/6/15

Title of Lesson: Ming Lo Moves The Mountain

Subject Area(s):

Grade Level(s): 2nd Grade

2.6 The student will demonstrate map skills by constructing simple maps, using title, map legend,
and compass rose.
Content Objective(s): The learner will be able to understand a sequence of events after listening to
a story and be able to create a map legend based on details.

IEP Goal/Objective:
Assessment (based on objectives): The learner will be able to create a map that
outlines the story in detail and create their own map legend.

-Ming Lo Moves The Mountain (at least 6 copies)
-A list of questions for after reading the book (teacher only)
-A list of items that students must include in their map (one per student)
-Pencils (one per student)
-Map Legend on the PowerPoint
- Sticky notes (one per student)
Integration of technology: Using the document camera to show students the
worksheets as the teacher is explaining it and PowerPoint of the map legend.
Alternative Plan: Have students go back to their seats and pass out the
worksheets so that students can follow along.

Anticipatory Set (Hook & Agenda):

(Teacher holds the book up for the students to see.)
Teacher- The title of this book is Ming Lo Moves a Mountain. Do you think it is
possible to move a mountain?
(Teacher calls on two students)
Teacher- We are going to read the story and find out if it is possible to actually
move a mountain.

-If students call
out the teacher
will just tell
them that that
will be a

2 mins

Access/Review Prior Knowledge:

(Teacher reads story to the class.)
Teacher- I am going to ask the class some questions but before I do, raise your
hand if you think that Ming Lo moved the mountain, without talking.
(Teacher waits for students to respond)
Teacher- Now raise your hand if you think he did not move the mountain.
(Teacher waits for students to respond)
(At the end of the story the teacher goes through a list of questions.)
(The teacher will call on about two students per question and then tell the
students that we are moving on.)
Teacher- I would consider this story a folktale. A folktale was usually passed on
by word of mouth. Not all folktales are true and some are constantly changing as
they get passed down. It is kind of the same thing as the game telephone.
Has anyone played the telephone before?
(Teacher waits for students to respond)
Teacher- Telephone is a game when the first person will come up with a
phrase and then pass it down to the next person. This will keep on going
until it gets to the last person and they have to say the phrase out loud.
Just like in telephone how when the last person will say the phrase out
loud and it is sometimes a little different or changed, that is the same
as in a folktale. Does that makes sense to everyone?
(Teacher waits for students to reply)

Teaching Process & Modeling (Content is presented, accessed, or built):

Teacher- Now what you are going to do is each of you is going to create your
own map of the story. I have this worksheet of things that you must include. This
is independent work, so you are going to be working on this on your own. You are
going to be creating your map as if you were looking down at your map, a birds
eye view. You should also sequence the events in the order that everything
happened. Lastly you have to include a map legend you may. Does anyone
remember what a map legend is?
(Teacher calls on a student to answer)
Teacher- Yes, it gives information by using symbols. For example if you are going
to make triangles for trees you need to show me that triangles represent trees in
the map legend. On the Smart Board I have a slide of an example of a map
legend that I want us all to look over together. On this example it looks like it is a
birds eye view of a town. When I am looking at this map I see a picture of a book,
it makes me think what it could represent. What I am going to do is I am going to
look at the map legend and see if a book represents anything. Oh, I see that a
book, on the legend, represents a library. Does anyone have any questions about
what a map legend it?
(Teacher waits and sees if anyone students have questions)
Teacher- Now you are going to start your map of all the things that Ming Lo went
through to move the mountain. I want your best work for this. I will be picking
three students works to show to the class that I feel have worked very hard and
have included details from the story. After you are done working I will be around
to collect your work. If you are in my reading group you will be reading chapters
three and four of Day of the Dragon silently. Everyone else may pick a book from
their book box or read a copy of Ming Lo. You may go back to your seats silently
and begin working.
Guided Practice & Checking for Understanding:
Independent Practice:
(Students go back to their desk and teacher hands out the paper for them to start
(The teacher walks around and helps students, as needed.)



-Sit next to
Katya and
Camden while
they are
working on the
map to help


(Teacher puts a sticky note on every students desk)
Teacher- Now I have placed a sticky note on each of your desks and you
will have to draw an example of one of the items that you have included
in your map legend. We will place all of them on the board so that all of
our friends can see.


Declarative Statement Summary:

Teacher- Today we read the story about Ming Lo and learned that a folktale is a
story that is passed down over time. Each of you created a map that was also a
sequence through the story.

1 min

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