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Chloe Rakos

EDE 200
Classroom Management Plan
April 27, 2015
My ideal classroom for my first year of teaching would be a 3rd grade class of about 20
students. My student population would be mostly general education with a few classified special
education students who are most likely pulled out for the subjects they struggle in but are in my
classroom for most of the day. I will teach all subjects throughout the day. Ideally, I would like
my student population to be diverse in terms of both abilities and culture. The ideal school my
class would be in is a middle class suburban area with parents who are very involved and
supportive. My ideal classroom would also have access technology such as a Chromebook for
each student, a few iPads, a SmartBoard, and a document camera.
Physical Design See Figure 1 Attached
My classroom is designed to create the ideal environment for my students and I to learn
and grow together. The two most important things I considered when creating the layout for my
classroom from Steeles Framework were social contact and task instrumentality. In my
classroom, I have created several areas for social contact between students and myself. Social
contact is important to me because I believe that students need to not only develop in their
academics but also develop in their social skills and understanding. Students have opportunities
to work together and interact at their desks, which have been arranged in to tables, at the front
carpet, in the reading corner, at the kidney table, and at the round tables in the back of the room. I
wanted to have many different places around the room for students to be able to work in different
environments and settings rather than always at their desk. These are also different settings in
which students and I can interact together.

Task instrumentality is also extremely important to me. As an organized person, I want to

have all the necessary materials in my classroom organized, orderly, and accessible. All the
shelves that have been placed in the classroom are for my classroom library. I want to have as
many books as possible easily available to my students. On these shelves I plan to have books
organized in a way that makes it easy for my students to find what they are looking for. I have
also placed storage units around the room for supplies and the students belongings. The
students belongings will go in the storage units on the same wall as the door. Supplies will be in
the storage units on the opposite wall. I have also tried to place things in the room as spread apart
as possible so that students can move around easily and get where they need to go.
My plan to develop classroom rules is to have an idea of the rules I want to have in place
but let the students have their input as well. On the first day of school, I would like to have my
students brainstorm a list of rules that they think would be good for our class. I believe that
giving students input in to what the rules of the classroom will be makes them more likely to
want to follow them because they are partly accountable for what they are. Because students will
often come up with very specific rules, I would then like to take these rules and put them in to a
more broad, all encompassing rule category. I would display these different categories as the
main rules in our classroom but also display the more specific rules under them so students have
a better idea of what the broad rule should look like. I also believe that rules should use positive
language so doing this will allow for me to word the rules that students come up with in that way.
I believe that the best way to teach these rules to my students will be to model to my students
what the rules look like in the classroom. I think a really engaging way to do this would be to do
a brief modeling myself of the rules but then after a couple days of practicing these rules, group

students and assign them each to a rule in which they have to create a skit to model what the rule
should look like.
The class running routines that I feel will be most important in my classroom are the
morning routine, the procedures for leaving the classroom (bathroom routine), and the end of day
routine. My plan for the morning routine is that when students enter the classroom, they should
check in for the day which includes checking off their name and what they are going to have for
lunch, unpack their backpacks, place their Home & School folder in the designated bin, copy
the homework that is on the board in their planners, and read the morning board which will tell
them what to expect for the day and direct them to the task that they should be doing to begin the
day. For leaving the classroom, students will be using a magnet board system. Each student will
have his or her name on a magnet. The magnet board will have different sections on it to indicate
if the student is in the bathroom, at the nurse, with another teacher, absent, or in the classroom.
Before the student leaves, they will have to notify or ask me and then they will have to move
their magnet to the location that they are in. When they return, they should move their magnet
back to the in the classroom section. The routine for the end of the day will be to check their
planner to make sure they have everything written, once they have gotten approval of their
planner, they will gather all necessary materials and put them on their desk and pick up their
Home & School folder, they should then get their backpack out from the storage area and place
the necessary materials that need to go home in their backpack. Finally, they should make sure
their desk is tidy and that they have everything, push their chair in, and line up at the door.
The two most important lesson running routines will be transitioning and getting
supplies. Transitioning from one part of the lesson to another will be very important in my

classroom because I plan to start many of my lessons with students gathered at the carpet and
then send students off to work independently. Therefore I will call students to either come to the
carpet or get up from the carpet table by table so that there are only 4-5 students getting up at
once. As for getting supplies, students will have necessary supplies that they will need for a
lesson out in an easily accessible. Students should either get these supplies when they are already
up and transitioning or when there are no more than 3 people already in line to get the supplies.
The most important interaction routines in my classroom will be interaction with
technology, interaction during group/partner work, and proper times for socialization. Because
my ideal classroom will have a Chromebook for each student, students will need to know the
proper procedures for using them. Students should only be using their Chromebooks to work on
assignments or when told they can use them for free time. Students will also know to bring them
to school charged but if they need to charge when they get to school, they do not have to ask.
They will also know to only be on websites that they have permission to be on or if researching,
use proper Internet safety guidelines. For group work, students will know that if the groups are
not already selected for them, they will have guidelines for selecting a group that they will be
able to work with cooperatively. They will also know to keep their voices low to medium level
and be monitoring if their group is getting too loud. They will also know that when working in a
group, they should share responsibility and respect each others ideas and opinions. Because I
believe social-emotional growth is critical in the classroom, I also believe that there is a time for
socialization. When students finish their work, they will be presented with several options for
educational, yet social, activities that they can do with partners or groups of their choosing. They
will also know that when they complete their morning work, they will be allowed to socialize
until the first lesson of the day starts.

In order to show students I care about them, I plan to know personal facts about my
students, share personal information about myself with my students, and provide support for my
students. Learning personal details about students like who their family members are or their
favorite TV show character gives you something to talk about with your students and relate to. I
also plan to reveal some personal information about myself with my students so they can relate
to me but will be sure to not cross boundaries with information that is too personal. Lastly, I plan
to make myself readily available to support my students. This can be academic or personal
support. I will do this by making myself available during free periods like lunch or before or
after school for help on academics or just to talk.
To foster a sense of community in my classroom, I plan to allow students time to share
about themselves, have time for socialization, and have students work together towards common
goals. In the first few weeks of school, every day, I will have one or two students bring in some
personal items or something they want to share about themselves with the class. I will also
provide opportunities throughout the year for students to share about themselves. I also want to
provide opportunities throughout the day for students to socialize so they can get to know each
other and build relationships. As I said before, I will have guidelines for socialization in my
classroom so that students know when it is appropriate. I also want to foster a sense of
community by having my students work towards common goals together. This will be done
through cooperative learning activities. I would also like my students to work toward common
goals through community service projects in which they are all responsible for doing something
or participating in order to reach their goals.

To foster positive relationships with parents, I plan to make positive phone calls or send
positive emails to parents, give a variety of opportunities for parent participation in the
classroom, and have a Home & School connection folder. I believe that not all phone calls
home should be for things that are going wrong in the classroom but for things that are going
well. Starting off your relationship with parents regarding something that is positive about their
child. I also want to give many different ways parents can get involved in my classroom. Parents
are very busy people there isnt one way of participation that is going to work for all of them. For
example some parents will be able to come in and help with class parties while others may be
able to provide snacks for the party but not be able to come in during the day. Another thing I
want to do is have a folder for each student in my classroom that is strictly for things parents
need to see or thing I need to see from parents. Completed assignments, class announcements,
class calendars, progress reports, and more will be sent home in the folder. Parents can make
comments on these things or write notes in the folder and I will look at them. This folder will go
home every day and brought back to school every day to keep a constant opportunity for
communication between parents and myself.
There are three different types of misbehavior that I plan to address in my classroom;
minor, more serious, and chronic. I plan to have discipline in my classroom that is individualized
to the student. Discipline has to be meaningful to the student so something that works or one
student may not work for another. I plan to deal with minor misbehaviors with mostly nonverbal
cues for the student such as proximity to the student, tapping on the students desk, or giving the
look. I plan to deal with more serious misbehavior through meaningful consequences. For
example, if a student has been being disruptive in class and they really enjoy recess because it is

a time they can socialize, then a meaningful consequence would be to have them stay in for
recess. For chronic misbehaviors, I plan to work with the student to create a behavior plan that
works for them. Involving the student in the creation of the plan will make it something they will
really want to work to adhere to and achieve the goals that we have set together.

Figure 1 Classroom Layout


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