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Artifact 1 Rationale

Formal Education Achievement Report

The Formal Education Achievement Report artifact required me to identify a student to
evaluate for the Woodcock Johnson III Tests of Achievement. Within this report, I summarized
background/demographic information, the reason for referral, academic background information,
administered and conducted the assessment, interpreted and summarized results, and supplied a
list of recommendations. This artifacts objectives connect to CEC standards 1 (Learning
Development and Individual Learning Differences), 4 (Assessment), and 6 (Professional
Learning and Ethical Practice).
I mastered the knowledge and skills in learner development and individual learning
differences (CEC standard 1) while completing the Formal Education Achievement Report
artifact. The mastery of learner development and individual learner differences is an area of
primary focus within this artifact. The rationalizing behind administering the formal education
assessment is to assess a student that has displayed individual learner differences that may hinder
their performance academically in the classroom. To address the students individual learning
differences I created a list of recommendations that would promote learning development for the
This artifact also required me to enhance my knowledge and mastery of assessment (CEC
standard 4.) I used a variety of methods to assess and collect data on the students academic
ability. The formal assessment that I completed was the Woodcock Johnson III Tests of
Achievement. This formal assessment required me to administer, evaluate, and interpret the
results of twelve subtests that assessed reading, writing, and written language skills. My
knowledge of interpreting and analyzing the data retrieved from administering this formal
education assessment allowed me to understand that all of the students standard scores ranged
from 98 120, which was average- high average. This helped me to determine what
recommendations would be beneficial for the student. In addition, I collected background
information from teachers and parents that helped me in administering the assessment as well as
interpreting the results.
My knowledge and skills in professional learning and ethical practices (CEC standard 6)
were developed while completing this artifact. I demonstrated my knowledge of skills in
professional learning and ethical practices by following the protocol of receiving permission
from the students parent to administer the assessment to their child. With obtaining permission
from the students parent, I guaranteed the confidentiality of their childs results and
interpretations. I also took into account the childs background, which I acquired from the parent.
They expressed their concern of how their child becomes overwhelmed when given long,
overwhelming tasks. This benefited the student since I made sure to give the student multiple
breaks to ensure that she would perform to the best of her ability.
The student I assessed for the Formal Education Achievement Report was positively
affected by my mastery of CEC standards 1 (Learning Development and Individual Learning
Differences), 4 (Assessment), and 6 (Professional Learning and Ethical Practice). By completing
this artifact, I was able to comprehensively understand all facets of administering, analyzing, and

interpreting a formal education assessment. This assessment was beneficial to the student as I
was able to assess and determine which recommendations would benefit the student
academically in the future. This assessment will assist those giving instruction to the student in
targeting skills and areas of weakness to help the student progress towards higher levels of
achievement. Future students will also benefit from my experience with the formal education
assessment process. I will be knowledgeable and experienced in this process, providing in-depth
interpretations, recommendations, and results that will help a TEAM to determine if a student is
eligible for an IEP or 504 plan.

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