Reflection 1 Seminar

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Teaching Analysis

My student teaching experience thus far has been both fulfilling and insightful. I am
learning so much and progressively feeling more and more comfortable and prepared in front of
the classroom. The students in my 10th grade geometry classes at Union City High School have
been more receptive and connected to me than I imagined. They seem to relate to and are
interested in meperhaps because I am on the younger sideand as a result, they are more
interested in the material when I am teaching. Students have already complimented me on my
teaching and some have even improved since I started with them. Their feedback is invaluable
and they have proven to be an integral part in my fruitful experience.
I have picked up some new and useful techniques during my internship already. These
strategies have already proven successful in my lessons. One of my strengths is my ability to
play to my students strengths. It is so important to keep students motivated, and sometimes they
need extra encouragementespecially the lower-level performers. I always try to keep these
particular students engaged, but not always successfully. I have learned if you call on them when
you know it is something they know and can answer it is a way to boost their confidence in front
of the class, and ultimately keep them striving. Another one of my strengths is my enthusiasm
for and knowledge of my content area. I take pride in my mathematical abilities. That passion
keeps me motivated and it shows when I am presenting a lesson. My comfort with the material
also makes it possible for me to dissect the students ways of thinking. Often times, there are
more than one way to solve a math problem. It is my responsibility to know all the different
possibilities, and also to know the most common way mistakes can be made so I can nearly
predict how the students will perceive the information and where they will have difficulties. For
example, when checking homework and tests, I give problems that include areas where the

students make common mistakes. I check for certain things with certain studentsthings Ive
particularly been working on with eachand check if they have applied the tools that I have
given them on the problem areas weve been working on. This is an extremely helpful and
effective form of assessment for me.
One of my weaknesses that Ive noticed is that I tend to go too fast when presenting my
lessons. Once my adrenaline starts flowing I get a little speedy, but some of the student might
need for me to slow down; I have, however, improved on that since I first started. Sometimes I
also assume that the students already know or remember something when I shouldnt. I should
make sure I clearly explain things, even if I think it seems redundant; extra reviews and reteaching are often necessary. I also need to make sure I focus more on the quiet students and not
so much on only the kids that voluntarily participate all the time. This way I can make sure all of
the students are getting the material. Circulating throughout the classroom instead of just
standing up in front is one way I can make sure all of the kids are paying attention and engaged.
Culturally responsive teaching is essential in connecting with your classroom. One
strategy I have been using is differentiated instruction. With an almost entirely Hispanic
population in my school, the ethnic backgrounds of my students are not so diverse; however,
their learning abilities, parental involvement, and interests vary. For example, in one of my
inclusion classes, I have to differentiate instruction for all levels of students. In order to do so, I
like to use graphic organizers and Smartboard technology that can allow the students to use
additional manipulatives. This keeps all of the students engaged, while providing extra visual
aids for those who need more help. My goal is to benefit the higher functioning students, at-risk
students, and inclusion students simultaneously.

One main aspect of my teaching philosophy is building a caring and supportive rapport
with my students. Nowadays, there are certain boundaries that teachers cannot cross, but I
believe you can be warm and comforting with your students while still being stern and respected.
If they feel you care, they will perform better or at least try harder. Some students dont get
enough love and attention at home. If they cant get that support at home, hopefully I can
provide some of that kind, nurturing feeling to them. As a mom, it is only natural for me to feel
inclined to portray that motherly role, and Ive felt that already with my students. I am, however,
aware that I must keep an appropriate distance and balance.
As I move forward as a teacher, I plan to play to my strengths, keeping my enthusiasm
and passion for math a constant. I aim to continue to strengthen my instruction and techniques
with personal assessments and reflection, while getting better at discovering my students
strengths and weaknesses individually. I also hope to become more versed with differentiated
instruction and discover new and improved ways to provide for the abilities of all of my students,
keeping in mind their cultural, skill level, and many other differences. I am confident that my
level of care and my personable nature will continue to be one of my most positive attributes.
I have developed for myself a three-step plan towards reaching my professional goals:
1.) Absorb- take in all that I can from my student teaching, other teachers, and first years of
teaching. 2.) Assess and grow- Reflect on what has and hasnt worked for me and/or my students
throughout my beginning experiences, and learn how to adapt and change my lessons and
strategies accordingly, all while continuously developing my own teaching philosophy. 3.)
Application and evolution- apply all that I have learned throughout my career to my classroom
management and teaching and constantly evolve with time and personal growth to become a
seasoned and well-respected teacher.

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