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Current Social Media Stats & Goals


Facebook 1,281 fans


Percent growth Goal (End of Q2)

1,367 fans

6.3 %

25% growth (320 fans)


404 followers 433 followers 6.7 %

30% growth (122 followers)



30% growth (20 followers)


2.8 %

Facebook Paid Promotion Strategy

Promoted (Boosted) Posts

The promoted test post was successful, but we noticed that the engagement rate was
similar to stats of some organic posts that were particularly trendy, timely or funny. To
optimize our use of budget moving forward, we plan to boost content created by the Brick
Factory (specifically blogs) and continue posting the more lighthearted, image-based posts
without promotion, since they tend to do well organically.
Goal: Engagement
Trial 1 Boosted Post Results:
Post: Check out our latest blog: How the Rise of Smart Phones and Tablets Is Impacting Our
5,543 users reached
17 link clicks
8 post likes
1 page like (new follower)
Most Successful Organic Post:
Post: Well, we usually hate bad stock photos. But these are just too good.
Maybe we can use them in our next design project...any volunteers?
538 users reached
32 link clicks
14 post likes
Plans moving forward:
Boost blog post every week at $25.00 max budget per week (2 weeks = $50 total)
Tactic: Ensure each post is supplemented with a vivid image
Tactic: Tailor-target each post based on theme (example below)
Tactic: Experiment with Facebook Dark Posts

Dark posts allow brands to create multiple variations of the same post
without flooding your timeline. (Facebooks tool for A/B testing)
Tactic: Optimize post for engagement

Sample Targeting
Blog Post Promoted: How the Rise of Smartphones and Tablets is Impacting Our Clients

Location: United States

Interests: coding, Content management system, Drupal, Computers or Technology,
smart phones, mobile phones, web hosting, user experience design, user
experience, iPhone, SmartPhone, Android
Age: 18 - 65+
Mobile Placement: News Feed
Desktop: News Feed

GOAL: Increase website clicks to Brick Factory blog

NOTE: The targeting for each ad will change based on the blog post being promoted.

Page Promotion

The page promotion strategy has been successful. We plan to continue our budget to meet
our goal of 320 page likes by the end of Q2. At this rate, we will achieve our goal early.
Goal: Page likes
Trial 1 Page Ad results (targeted by location):
115 New page likes (fans)
3,050 people reached
3.77% Conversion rate
Fan growth from Feb. 1 - Feb. 24
2 new page likes (fans)

Targeting (Advanced options):
Location: United States
Interests: computers, coding, Content management system, Drupal, Computers or
Technology, smart phones, mobile phones, web hosting, user experience design,
user experience, iPhone, SmartPhone, Android, Business and Industry > marketing +
advertising + Politics and social issues > charity and causes + environmentalism +
community issues
Behaviors: Digital activities > Facebook page admins + technology early adopters +
small business owners
Age: 18 - 65+
Budget: Choose the lifetime option ($50 for two weeks: start 4/7/15 - end 4/21/15)
Placement: Desktop news feed, Mobile News Feed, right column

Ad Placement:
Desktop news feed
Mobile news feed
Right column
Plans Moving Forward:
Continue with ongoing Facebook Page Promotion with a max budget of $25 per
Tactic: Optimize post for page likes

Twitter Paid Promotion Strategy

Follower Growth and Boost Campaign
For the first trial, we created a Follower Growth and a Boost campaign to gain followers and
boost engagement with our content. We were able to sponsor multiple tweets in each
campaign, but now realize that Tweets in each should be different, and written with one of
two goals in mind:
1. Follow us
2. Engage with us
*NOTE: The followers campaign is the same as promoting your account
Trial 1 Campaign Results
Follower Growth Takeaways:
53,028 users reached
26 follows
.05% conversion
*NOTE: The above stats portray a 0.05% conversion rate. We realize now that Tweets in
followers campaigns should not include links or hashtags but rather should be succinct,
powerful calls to actions (possibly with images) that encourage users to click the follow
button. Tweets should explicitly say follow us.
Sample Followers promoted Tweet:
Full-service digital agency specializing in nonprofit web development. Follow us for the
latest in design and development.
Boosted Tweets Takeaways:
11,424 users reached
88 Engagements
0.77% engagement rate
A/B Testing Takeaways:
Tweets with Gifs or images do better than tweets with hyperlinks alone.
Tweets about social media tips do best, with or without images.
Tweets that begin with questions tend do better than Tweets without questions.

Plans moving forward:

Tactic: Continue A/B testing with boosted posts for larger sample sizes
Tactic: Begin A/B testing with images in followers campaigns
Tactic: Begin A/B testing with language
Budget: Continue boosted post campaign at $25/week for two weeks. Total: $50
Budget: Continue followers campaign at $35/week for two weeks. Total: $70
Location: United States
Gender: Any
Languages: English
Interests: See below

Technology and computing

Business news and general info
Business software
Human resources
Organized labor and unions
Small business

Cell phones
Computer networking
Computer programming
Data centers
Enterprise software
Graphics software
Network security
Open source
Tech news
Web design

LinkedIn Paid Promotion Strategy

Page Ad
The page ads for LinkedIn were unsuccessful, garnering over 1,200 impressions and zero
clicks. This could be a result of either ineffective ad copy or generally ineffective ads on the
part of LinkedIn. As a result, we plan to cut the budget for the LinkedIn Paid Promotion
Trial 1 Page Ad Results:
Revamp Your Web Presence
764 users reached
0 link clicks
Revive Your Web Presence
456 users reached
0 link clicks

Location: Washington D.C. Metro Area
Industry: International Trade and Development, Philanthropy, Think Tanks, Program
Development, Fund-Raising, Nonprofit Organization Management or Consumer
Job Function: Media and Communication, Marketing, Program and Project
Management or Community and Social Services
Audience Expansion: Enabled
Sponsored Content
The sponsored blog post for LinkedIn was more successful than the page ad, garnering over
3,600 impressions and only nine clicks. Based on these results, in addition to those of the
page ad, we are beginning to conclude that users dont feel any pull to interact with
LinkedIn Ads in general. However, as we only tested this with one blog post, we would like
to test with other blog posts to see if this issue is content-driven.
Trial 1 Page Ad Results:
How the rise of smart phones and tablets is impacting our clients
3,641 users reached
9 link clicks
2 interactions
0.3% engagement rate

The targeting for each ad will change based on the blog post being promoted.

Overarching Social Media Strategy

Rule of thirds
o of content should promote your business, convert readers, or aim to generate
o of content should surface and share ideas and stories from other thought leaders
in your industry or like-minded businesses.
o of social content should be based on personal interactions with the goal to build
your personal brand.


Updated Budget

Ad Type




Dark Post Campaign





Promoted (Boost) Post





Promoted Page





Followers campaign





Boost Campaign





Page Ad





Sponsored Content




Trial 2 Grand Total

Start date trial 2: 4/23/2015
End date trial 2: 5/07/2015



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