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Running Head: Service Learning

Service Learning
Amber Dykstra
Ferris State University

Service Learning


Service Learning

This paper shows the importance of service learning and what I expect to learn out of my
experience. I will be working closely with a rehabilitation facility to enhance my knowledge in
geriatrics, state regulations, collaborating with other departments, and taking on a supervising
role. At the conclusion of my project I will be a more knowledgeable nurse, and will be able to
help my patients, their families and communities with their everyday health decisions.
Service Learning
According to the National Service Learning Clearing House, service learning is a
teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction
and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen
communities. This service learning project will help me unfold my skills as a nurse and assist
me to make better plans for residents and staff.
To enrich my nursing skills I have chosen Altercare of Big Rapids Center for
Rehabilitation and Nursing Care. The Rehabilitation Center of Altercare is focused on meeting
the needs of not only the patient, but of the family as well. It is important for nurses to remember
to support families in a time of healing. According to Liberman, because having an informed
and supportive family often makes the difference between success and failure in the
rehabilitation enterprise, family members and all treatment providersoften from different
agenciesmust be kept apprised of progress, problems, and treatment plans. Although
Liberman was addressing issues with mental health, I believe what he said can be beneficial to
all forms of rehabilitation.
Patient needs are a high priority at Altercare, shown by descriptions of their goals. For
example, Altercare's therapy capabilities focus on specific clinical outcomes that support

Service Learning

independence, including mobility and self-care. Our rehab professionals are dedicated to
teaching goals and measuring success for every patient (Altercare).
To obtain a high level of satisfaction and safety for patients, Altercare is strictly guided
by the Michigan laws and regulations. It is beneficial for caregivers to understand these
regulations to enhance the patients rehabilitation and nursing services. These laws are in place to
protect patients from wrongful doing and mistreatment.
As a volunteer I will spend at the minimum 60 hours enhancing my understanding of
geriatric care to share with the community. I have spoken to Kelly Holmes, the Assistant Director
of Nursing (ADON) and have come up with a plan that will strengthen my geriatric knowledge
of care, drugs and understanding their generation. I will also understand the point of view from a
supervisor position.
While volunteering at Altercare I will assist the ADON to understand more supervisor
roles. State regulations are not only enforced in facilities like Altercare, but hospitals as well. By
learning more regulations, I can ensure the safety of residents is in place in an appropriate plan of
care that follows the laws.
Another objective is to identify new interventions to prevent the spread of disease and
illnesses. There are many situations in the nursing home where infection can spread quickly.
Pneumococcal vaccines are available to prevent pneumonia, and influenza vaccines prevent the
flu, but there are other illnesses that the patients need to be aware of. I will learn of new
approaches to contain illnesses.

Service Learning

Objective three is to display an understanding of appropriate dressing interventions for

wounds. No matter how many prevention interventions are used, there are patients with
conditions that make them susceptible to wounds and they can develop pressure ulcers. I will
demonstrate an understanding on the appropriate wound dressing changes for the different types
of wounds.
Objective four is to collaborate with other departments and services to provide the best
care possible for patients. I will work with social workers to understand the mental health issues
involved with new patients being admitted into facilities. I will also collaborate with dietary,
admissions and activities to ensure that patient specific outcomes are met. Services provided
outside of the facility include but are not limited to hospice, spiritual guidance and specialist
offices. I will understand the different aspects of each service and the approaches needed to work
together to give the best possible care.
Activities to meet objective
To help individualize each patients care plan, the facility performs care conferences.
Care conferences are where all departments of the facility come together with the patient and
family and come up with specific goals the patient would like to meet. I will attend a minimum
of ten care conferences and participate in each one.
To meet my goals of wound care I will also assist in monitoring wound care plans and
devise a care plan with the ADON.
Evaluation Plan
At the end of my service I will have a better understanding of the supervisors role in
patient care. A part of the plan of care is to also educate the patients so they can take that

Service Learning

knowledge out into the community and help their generation understand the new diseases that we
are facing in the medical field.
To provide the best care, I will collaborate with the different departments and learn that it
is not only nursing, but other departments such as dietary, that help a patient with rehabilitation. I
will utilize social workers for patients as well as families. Social workers provide a great service.
They assess the mental health of families and determine if they are able to provide appropriate
care for their loved one at home. The combined departments will facilitate patients to heal with
less stress than needed.
Contact Information
Agency: Altercare of Big Rapids Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing Care
Title: Kelly Holmes R.N.
Phone: (231) 629-8317
Address: 805 West Avenue Big Rapids, MI 49307

Service Learning

Altercare of Ohio. (2012). Rehabilitation for results. Retrieved from
Liberman, D. & Liberman, R. (2007). Rehab Rounds: Involving families in rehabilitation
through behavioral family management. Psychiatric Services (54)5. np. doi:

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