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Technology Workshop: The Sound of Technology in Music Class

Villa Rica Cluster

Learning Objectives:

Teachers will explore and become familiar with technology tools that can be
implemented in music class.
Teachers will be able to integrate at least one of the technology tools into
their current lesson plan.

NETS Teacher Standards Addressed:

ISTE 1a; 2a,b; 3a

Materials Needed:

IPads for all teachers (10-12)

Promethean Board
Chart Paper
Sticky notes
How to handout
Promotional flyer
Google survey

Step by step instructional process:

1. Open powerpoint (slides #1, #2)
2. Introductions (slide #3, #4)
a. Group tables by grade levels
i. Elementary
ii. Middle
iii. High School
3. Use chart paper to write down ways that your table integrates technology
into the classroom. (slide #5)
a. Choose a spokesperson to share with the group
4. Hand out IPads (slide#6)
a. Explore apps and make notes
5. Work on integrating at least one app on an existing lesson plan (slide #7)
6. Evaluation / Survey (slide #8)

Monkey Drum app
Real Piano Pro app
Notes for Little Composers app
Garage Band app
Sound Drop app
InHarmony app
DrumJam app

Google form https://docs.google.com/a/carrollcountyschools.com/forms/d/1PEPpAR9MLaMRfADc0AutoOUYJst9FRF0lomLHKw3qI/edit#

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