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Soccer is a major game across the globe. It unites people irrespective of their background.
Soccer contributes greatly to world at large in various ways. It also contribute to the development
of the countries. In the past and at present times, football players are facing tremendous
challenges regarding racial discrimination and abuse. Football lovers and stakeholders warn that
if racism and all its forms of manifestations are not curbed, the function of football to unite
different people will be defeated or weakened. Individual players do suffer from this art from
supporters. Sometimes, players end up leaving to different clubs because of racism. The
Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) is the international governing body
responsible for organizing major football tournaments in the world. Its responsibility is to ensure
fair game devoid of biases. Several incidents of racism continue to rock the football fraternity
and as a football lover concerned about the future of the game, I embarked on an exploratory
journey to establish whether FIFA has done enough to restore tolerance and respect into football.
To begin with every research, topic identification and drafting of a thesis are central to the
successful execution of the research. After I chose my topic, the next stage was to evaluate the
sources as to which ones were good and reliable for my research. I did my first search on various
sources through text books and articles and I got different information from these sources.
Unfortunately, they were not relevant to my research. Again, I did a deep search through
different sources like webpages, news, magazines. Finally these sources were good and well
established sources which I relied prominently on throughout my entire paper. As soon as I
identified my sources, I drafted my proposal. Surprisingly, not many research work has been
conducted on racism in football. This made my search for literature a bit difficult from the


beginning. Most of the information were new articles, so I had to glean from several articles to
produce a good material. Quite sincerely, I didnt expect that FIFA would organized a match as a
measure to fight against racism. I thought I would have seen several punishments or punitive
actions rather to discourage individuals and clubs from racial behaviors. Although I did find
couple of punitive measures taken by FIFA in past racism occurrences, I was delighted to note
the other avenues theyre utilizing to totally eradicate racism from football in the years ahead.
Findings from my information search encouraged me to broaden the scope of my original topic.
Initially, I was exploring whether FIFA has done enough to reduce racism from soccer in Europe,
but I had to enlarge the territory of the study to cover the whole world because I saw several
examples of information which were from across the globe on the subject matter.
Beginning, the essay was quite a high hurdle for me to cross. For some reason, I was seized by
writers block for several hours when I began the paper. When I finally surmounted that, I
realized a lot of contradiction in information on the web as I moved from one website to another,
I had to spend several hours to verify some of the works I cited before relying on them. I felt
really fulfilled when my essay eventually was completed. It was a moment I had been waiting
for. It was a great delight to come to the concluding periods of my research and I felt proud to
have done this all by myself.
Throughout my entire educational career, I have learnt and worked on different research papers
but it seems to me that there are vast different in terms of working on thesis, choosing a topic and
searching for sources. Before this class, I thought every research was the same but this class and
for that matter research has really made me an outstanding person. What I learnt that makes it
different was how to cite from other writers or sources in order to avoid plagiarism and also how
to use MLA format to format my work. Again, the use of free writing was also one of the new


thing I learnt that was different from my previous classes. I also have a lot of information that I
hitherto did not have with regards to racism in football.

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