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The completed work

shows very little
originality. The student
did not challenge
themselves creatively.

The student showed

The student showed
some uniqueness and
originality and creativity
creativity while designing
in designing their dolls.
their paddle dolls.

The student went above

and beyond when
working originally and
creatively on their dolls.


The final paddle doll was not

carefully drafted in pencil nor
decorated. The surface of
the doll looks incomplete and
did not make good use of the

The student took very

little time to draft out in
pencil their design for
their doll. They worked
too quickly with the 2D
and 3D materials.

The student exceeding

drafting expectations
and worked very well
with the materials.


The student did not show

enough effort when
doing the activity. The
student did not follow the
classroom rules.

The student showed little

effort when doing the
activity. The student
followed some of the
classroom rules.

The student worked

hard, stayed engaged
during the whole class
time. The student
followed all the
classroom rules.

The students listened to

all the instructions and
completed all required
parts of the activity.

Work Habits

The student did not listen to the

instructions. The student did
not complete the requirements
of the project; include
hieroglyphs, geometric patterns
and use both sides.

The student listened to some

instructions and completed
part of the requirements;
include hieroglyphs,
geometric patterns and use
both sides.

The students listened to all the

instructions and completed all
required parts of the activity;
included hieroglyphs,
geometric patterns and used
both sides.

The students listened to all the

instructions and completed all
required parts of the activity;
included hieroglyphs,
geometric patterns, used both
sides and more.


The student carefully

drafted their design in
pencil and worked well
with the materials.

Total Score:

Lesson 1
Symbols as Language:


Lesson 2
Whos Your Mummy?



Mummy Case
Signs and Symbols

Lesson 3

Paddle Doll

Not Just a Doll

(Paddle Doll)

Form v. Function

2D v. 3D

Patterns and Geometric


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