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Name:___Lisa Bassett__________________ Date:_December 2014__________

Grade:_2nd______ Title:___Pizza Toppings_(for Dyslexia)________________

Musical Focus : concepts/skills to emphasize











Materials: Smartboard presentation,

Toppings manipulatives, colored


If doing extension, have unpitched

percussion instruments.

Teacher performs Pizza Man with body percussion.

.5 min

Repeat after me: Pizza Man, Pizza Man, Make me a pie.
Do that line twice.

3 min

Make me a pie, and pile it high.

Do that line twice
(Project Words on smartboard with picture illustration correlating to words. Color code the
rhythm underneath double beamed eight notes in blue, single eighth notes in yellow, and
quarters in green. )
Do whole chunk, Pizza Man, Pizza Man, Make me a pie,
Make me a pie and pile it high.
Eight notes are pats, quarter notes claps.
We have been learning about what kind of musicians?
Composers What is a composer?

2 min

Today we are going to be composers.

National Standard(s) Addressed:

Singing, alone & with others, a varied
repertoire of music
! Performing on instruments, alone & with
others, a varied repertoire of music
! Improvising melodies, variations and
Composing & arranging music within specific
! Reading and notating music
! Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
! Evaluating music & music performances
! Understanding relationships between music,
the other arts, & disciplines outside the arts
! Understanding music in relation to history
and culture

Objectives: Learners will

By the end of the lesson students will be
arrange the toping into four beat pattern
By the end of the lesson students will perform
in Rondo form their individual group

! Written
# Individual

# Informal
! Other:

We have an A section, it will be Pizza Man, can you do it with

me again?
Now I am going to give you a paper and pencil with a partner,
find a seat with your partner facing the board?

.5 min

10 min

Write two green quarter notes on board, Can anyone tell me what this
Would sound like? Can we do it as a class, doing body
Percussion like earlier
Put green quarter two blue eights can someone tell me what this would
Sound like, do it as a class
Do the same for 2 blue eighth and a green quarter, and 4 blue eighth notes in pairs of two,
as in the worksheet.
With your partner color code your notes so they match the ones on the board.
As a class match the toppings to one of the rhythms,
you and your Partner match the toping as we go.
(On the smart board project the top portion of the paper with the addition of images that
match the toppings listed next to it).
Go and make a composition using the toppings and the rhythms
5 min
You will need 8 toppings to finish out, two per measure
So I cannot fit Pepperoni, Black olives, and onions, in
One measure, I can fit Pepperoni & Black Olives in a
Measure, and Onions can go in the next one.
(For this portion have a smartboard element where you have the measures, and then images
with the name, picture, and rhythm that you can drag and drop onto each measure.)
Students will then take manipulatives and organize them in groups of two toppings each, to
copy the patterns off of onto their papers.
Closing Activity: (consolidation of lesson)
Number the groups, have them form a circle and
Perform it in a rondo form Pizza man toppings 1, pizza
Man, toppings 2, ect. (ABACADA) (Performing groups can either read
manipulatives or paper)

9 min

Notes/Extension: If time permits have them perform them in non

pitched percussion.
If not enough time, compose as a class, and just do it A B A.
Total Time: Abt 30 minutes

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