Howmanyskittles 240

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How Many Skittles?

Description: Addition: Sums to 10

Subject: Standard1:Demonstratescompetencyinmotorskillsandmovementpatternsneededtoperformavarietyofphysical
activities.K.CA.4:Find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number for any number from 1 to 9 (e.g., by
using objects or drawings),And record the answer with a drawing or an equation.
Grade: Kindergarten
Duration: 30 minutes
Indiana Academic Standards: K.CA.4 :Find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number for any
number from 1 to 9 (e.g., by using objects or drawings),And record the answer with a drawing or an equation.
NASPE Standards: standard1:Demonstratescompetencyinmotorskillsandmovementpatternsneededtoperforma

Objectives: The students will add numbers to create sums to ten with 100% accuracy on assessment.
Prior Knowledge: The students will recognize numbers 0-10. The students will understand the concepts of
Materials: Hula Hoops, Number Cards, /,
Opening Set/Anticipatory Set The students will be provided 10 skittles. The teacher will ask the
students to compose addition sentences.
Instructional Sequence
The students will be provided 10 skittles. The teacher will model how to add two groups of skittles
together. The teacher will provide each student will ten skittles and an addition template. After
practicing several problems, the teacher will play a brain pop video on addition. The teacher will model
how to join (add) two groups together.
Independent Practice: The teacher will organize groups of students. The groups will practice adding
numbers together. The teacher will place ten hula hoops on the floor. Inside the hula hoops numbers 1
through 10 will be placed. The teacher state addition problems as the groups move forward hula hoops
as they join (add) numbers together.
Closure: The teacher and students will review addition problems. The teacher will call on random
students to review addition sentences using the hula hoops. The other students will evaluate by a
thumbs up or thumbs down depending on accuracy.

C. Ashlee Karsteter
EDUC 240-Physical Education
23 March 2015
Adaptations: Students with an IEP or student that need additional support,, will receive additional practice in a
small group setting. This will be determined after the assessment.

Assessment of Students: The students will complete a written assessment. The teacher will review
assessments to determine who needs additional adaptations.

Bibliography, References: Additional references may include: http:// addition practice. Students
may also need one on one assistance or small group assistance if having
difficulty with concepts.
I created this lesson myself.

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