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Name:_Jared Laginess

Date: 2/26/15
Unit Essential Question: What is worldview, what components make
up a worldview and how do you deal with worldviews different from
your own? How do you identify the significance of the historical,
political, social and religious context and its relationship with the
literature written in that time? Why is this important to recognize as
human beings?
Lesson Topic: Human Rights Issues
Class: 10th grade Pre-AP World Literature
Focusing on the National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER)
Mission the 4-Part Agenda for Education in a Democracy
To Knowledge
In Democratic Society
of the Mission

Safe and Caring for

We are advancing the 4-part mission by examining a topic outside of our own
culture and society, which is an essential part of being enculturated in a
democratic society. Students will need recognize that they have a
responsibility to speak out when our rights as humans are violated. We are
also creating equal access to knowledge by collaborating in groups, so that
we all learn together.



Standard 4.1a- Conduct
short as well as more
sustained research projects
to answer a question
(including a self-generated
question) or solve a
problem; narrow or broaden
the inquiry when

Literacy and
Write clearly and
coherently for a variety
of purposes and

Democracy and
21st Century Skills:
Read, write, listen and
speak effectively

appropriate; synthesize
multiple sources on the
subject, demonstrating
understanding of the subject
under investigation. (CCSS:

Standard 2.1a- Cite strong

and thorough textual
evidence to support analysis
of what the text says
explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the
text. (CCSS: RL.9-10.1)

Students will be able to
demonstrate conducting
short as well as more
sustained research
projects to answer a
question (including a
self-generated question)
or solve a problem;
narrow or broaden the
inquiry when
appropriate; synthesize
multiple sources on the
subject, demonstrating
understanding of the
subject under
investigation by

Literacy and
Students will be able to
demonstrate writing
clearly and coherently for
a variety of purposes and
audiences by writing a
formal letter to the U.S.
Ambassador to

Democracy and
21st Century Skills:
Groups of students will
be able to express their
concern about a human
rights violation in a
letter for the purpose of
reading, writing,
listening and speaking

examining multiple
sources for a human
rights violations that
they want to focus on.

Students will be able to

apply citing strong and
thorough textual
evidence to support
analysis of what the text
says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from
the text by writing a
letter to the
Ambassador that is
supported by research.

ASSESSMENTS What is your evidence of achieving each objective?

How will students know and demonstrate what they have learned in
each of the areas, all of the objectives?
Students will be
assessed by their
research into a human
rights violation.

Students will be
assessed by providing
research that supports
their argument in their

Literacy and

Democracy and

Students will be
assessed by following
the form of a formal

Students will be asked to

identify and find a solution
for the human rights
violation that they find in
their letter.

21st Century Skills:

Human Rights

Literacy and
Formal Letter

Democracy and
21st Century Skills
Human Rights


Why is it important to be
able to research a topic
without a lot of direction?

Literacy and
Why is it important to be
able to organize our
thoughts and ideas into a
formal letter?

Democracy and
21st Century Skills
How do we solve bad
situations that seem out
of our control.

How is an argument
enhanced by supporting it
with research?

This is the actual planning of the lesson activities.

Anticipatory Set Purpose and Relevance

The warm up for this lesson is a video on Human Rights that can
be found on the Human Rights Awareness websites front page.


I will ask students to share a few things that they know about human


Building Background

Link to Experience: Students will realize that all humans have

rights designated by the U.N.

Link to Learning: We will link this to human rights violation that

we have seen in our book.


Activity Name
What are human rights?

Anticipatory Set
1. I will explain to students the learning target for the lesson, and
I will have a student repeat it back to me. We will watch the video
then go over the activity, and students will pair off into the
groups that I have assigned for them.

2. Students will research their human rights topic and prepare to begin
writing their collaborative letter on Monday.


Instructional Input Includes:

1. Students will take vocabulary quiz.
2. Students will watch the human rights video.
3. Students will begin their group research on human rights

issues, and by the end of the class period have a good idea of
what they want to write about.

Models of Teaching:
Concept Attainment and Inductive Learning

Guided Practice:
Students will be guided on how to write a formal letter and what
the goal for this activity is.

Checking for Understanding:

Checking for understanding will be done as needed. I will be
going from group to group to check on progress.
Independent Practice:
Students will research on their own after seeing some websites
that I believe would be helpful for them to examine during their


Accommodations, Modifications, and Student Adjustments

I do not have any accommodations, modifications, and student
adjustments that I am aware of.


Review and Assessments of All Objectives How will you

and how will the students know they have achieved the
objectives of the lesson?

Students will be able to demonstrate conducting short as well as
more sustained research projects to answer a question (including
a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden
the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the

subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under

investigation by examining multiple sources for a human rights
violations that they want to focus on.

Students will be able to apply citing strong and thorough textual

evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as
well as inferences drawn from the text by writing a letter to the
Ambassador that is supported by research.

Literacy and Numeracy:

Students will be able to demonstrate writing clearly and coherently for
a variety of purposes and audiences by writing a formal letter to the
U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan.

Democracy and 21st Century Skills:

Groups of students will be able to express their concern about a
human rights violation in a letter for the purpose of reading,
writing, listening and speaking effectively.


Students will be reminded that this leads into our collaborative letter
writing over the next two class periods.


Next Step
Continue to writing of collaborative letter.

Post-Lesson Reflection ( For the Teacher)


To what extent were all objectives

I believe that we achieved all objectives. Students seemed to grasp
the understandings from the lesson.

What changes would you make if you
teach the lesson again?
I would probably give more guidance to students on where to
research and what is a valid source.


What do you envision for the next lesson?

We will begin to write our collaborative letters.

To what extent does this lesson achieve
the Mission of the Agenda for Education in a Democracy? To
what extent does this lesson achieve the 21st Century Skills?
I believe this lesson achieves the missions goals because we are
challenging student to look at problem in our world and create a
solution. This makes them stewards of the world around us.

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