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Task 6: Villa Savoye

the refurbished house is now open to visitors year-round.

As previously mentioned, Le Corbusier took an approach to house
design which applied industrial principles of factory buildings on an
individual scale; in sum he was interested in progress and the use of
technology. This way of thinking was in line with the current teachings
and approach of Walter Gropius and the Bauhaus. The form of an
object was to be generated from its natural functions and limitations
while the nature of the object is determined by what it does.
Le Corbusier believed that the key to having an architecture respond

Free plan
Strip windows
Free faade composition
A series of sketches are included to illustrate the incorporation of
these points in the Villa Savoye. A grid of supports and load-bearing
ceilings were arranged to make up the skeletal frame of the Villa
Savoye. The columns are placed on consistent intervals rising directly
from the ground and elevating the main floor allowing the house to
appear as if it is floating. They also channel the movement of the car
below and accentuate the main axis of the home; the entrance. The
garden area is moved from the typical site to the rooftop terrace or

to precise machinery was geometry and further to that, what he called

pure volumes. This mathematical approach of these pure volumes
proved that architecture can be more than mechanical stereotype
Villa Savoye
forms.6 The Villa Savoye employed this logic taking into consideration
Is a modernist villa in Poissy, in the outskirts of Paris, France. It was ideal geometric proportions as well as the ability to direct the visitor Gossel, Peter and Leuthauser, Gabriele. Architecture in the 20th Century.
designed by Swiss architects Le Corbusier and his cousin, Pierre in its design.
Taschen, Hohenzollernring. 2005: P: 187-235.
Jeanneret, and built between 1928 and 1931 using reinforced concrete.
Curtis, Willam J.R. Le Corbusier: Ideas and Forms. Rizzoli International Publications Inc., New York. 1992: P: 93-99.
A manifesto of Le Corbusiers five points of new architecture, the
Gossel, Peter and Leuthauser, Gabriele. 2005: P: 225.
villa is representative of the bases of modern architecture, and is
Curtis, Willam J.R. 1992: P: 97.
one of the most easily recognizable and renowned examples of the
Gossel, Peter and Leuthauser, Gabriele. 2005: P: 231.
International style.
Le Corbusier. The Complete Architectural Works. Vol 2, 1929-1934. London.
The house was originally built as a country retreat on behest of the
1964: P: 24.
Savoye family. After being purchased by the neighbouring school it
Baltans, Jos. Walking through Le Corbusier A Tour of his Masterworks.
passed on to be property of the French state in 1958, and after surviving The building highlights Le Corbusiers five points for a fundamentally Thames & Hudson Ltd, London
Main Source:
several plans of demolition, it was designated as an official French new aesthetic:
Villa Savoye. 2012
historical monument in 1965 (a rare occurrence, as Le Corbusier was Columns
Eslie Vikse
still living at the time). It was thoroughly renovated from 1985 to Roof
Available from:
1997, and under the care of the (Centre Des monuments Nationaux), Garden
Date accessed: January. 2014

Task 6: Egyptian Temple

Red granite piers supported a roof with a clearstory; the

windows were set so that sunlight coming through them
illuminated the twenty-three statues of the pharaoh placed
around the edge the wall. (Moffet, M. Fuzio, M. Wedhouse,
2003. p27).
On its sequence of spaces, it has the perception alignment
with the other two Pyramids as surroundings. During its
peak time, the Pyramids surrounded by several small
residential buildings that referred to as for the workers
and other leading personals within the close circle of the
Pharaohs. The Pyramid cantered the site of Giza Pyramids
in a closed space
The relevant order of the Pyramid is in sequence parallel
square plan to form the Pyramids and the small buildings
Durham Cathedral, interior view
around it have formed horizontal hierarchy on the
boundaries of the site in the design of architecture.

Task 6: Medieval Cathedral

Pyramid Temple of Khafre: The second pyramid of Giza

that of Khafus son Khafre is of all the Giza valley temples,
the lower temple of Khafre remains in the best state of
preservation. Essentially square in plan, with thick limestone
walls encased in red granite, its central hall is an inverted

altar site and extending in a westerly direction. This was the

orientation of the new building.
The entrance foyer at the west end is called the narthex, but
Durham Cathedral, 1093-1133
this is not found in all medieval churches such as Durham
Location: Durham, England
Cathedral. Daily access may be through a door on the north
Architect: Thomas Barton
or south side. The largest, central, western door may have
The church plan
been reserved for ceremonial purposes.
The interior space without the chairs or pews that we are
used to seeing today. In very extensive buildings there may
be two side aisles, with the ceiling of the outer one lower
than the one next to the nave. This hierarchy of size and
proportion extended to the major units of the planthe
bays. The vault is the arched roof or ceiling, or a section of
it. An aisle often surrounds the apse, running behind the
altar. Called the ambulatory, this aisle accessed additional
small chapels, called radiating chapels or chevets. Of
course, there are many variations on these typical building
blocks of medieval church design. Different regions had
different tastes, greater or lesser financial power, more or experienced architects and masons, which created the
diversity of medieval buildings still standing today. (website,
Although medieval churches are usually oriented with the Medieval Churches, Valerie Spanswick)
altar on the east end, they all vary slightly. When a new
church was to be built, the patron saint was selected and
the altar location laid out. On the saints day, a line would
be surveyed from the position of the rising sun through the

Task 6: Liverpool Cathedral

By Gilbert Scott Built 1904 1978

Liverpool Cathedral
In comparison to Durham Cathedral, Liverpool Cathedral
displays a wide array of architectural styles from Early
English Gothic, to the majesty of the Renaissance at St
Pauls and the sixties modernism of Liverpools Roman
Catholic Cathedral while Durham Cathedral oriented with
the altar on the east end. In the Middle Ages and up to the
Reformation in the 1500s, the Church enjoyed enormous
power and wealth, and cathedrals are eloquent symbols of

its dominant place in British society.

The choir (11) is at the east end of the cathedral. It is here
that the high altar (13) is generally found. The clergy
traditionally prayed here and an elaborately carved screen
was often built to separate them from the general public in
the nave. This part of the cathedral is often called the quire
- the 19th century spelling of choir. St Pauls in London still
uses this spelling.
The north and south transepts (7, 9) separate the choir
from the nave. This means that the layout of cathedrals
usually forms the shape of a cross. Side altars are found in
the transepts as well as the tombs of important people. The
central tower or dome (8) of the cathedral is found at the
centre of this cross. These high towers are supported by
piers or pillars. At Salisbury Cathedral, it is possible to see
that the piers have been slightly bent out of shape by the
weight of the tower.
The tombs of past bishops and famous saints are often
found in side chapels (2, 3). In the later middle Ages, the
wealthy would pay for private chapels to be built where their
families could say mass in private. (Website, The Cathedrals
of Britain, Centuries of style)
As a modernist the design of Durham Cathedral and
Liverpool Cathedral valued for its historical, religious, and
style rather than modernism technology. Todays techniques
are far more sustainable in designing mighty buildings
especially in energy saving, space and the way buildings are

Moffet, M. Fuzio, M. Wedhouse, L. A world History of
Architecture. Oxford Press Inc Inc, 2003.
Medieval Churches. 2015
Valerie Spanswick
Available from [
The Cathedrals of Britain.2015
Centuries of style
Available from: [
Date accessed17/04/2015
Egyptian Temple. 2015
The mystery of a temple
Available from:
Date accessed: 18/04/2015

Images on this section: Personal Hand Drawings

Task 6: Precedent for (Ground and Figure)

Learning outcome from precedents:
Dutch architects Ateliereen Architecten have completed
a 25-metre tall viewing tower at an outdoor sports park in
Reusel, the Netherlands. This was the most architectural
project that influenced the project design right from the
first design concept.
The climbing of the stairs is a surprising experience,

because of the different intersections of stairs and cubes

and the varying directions of the cladding was the main
feature that I have adapted in my project.
The function of the (Tower) is the clamping wall. The
clamping wall is an entertainment facility for climbers
to experience climbing in outdoor environment while
watching the surrounding views within the Arboretum

Material selection
Design layout and orientation of the project in
order to provide a unique view of the park
Make the project accessible for all genders and all
Apply safety measures such as handrails for
staircase, lightning rod in an event of a lightning and
rubber platform for the children.

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