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Task 9: Analysing public buildings


The old building

The previous building had been demolished in order to build a new exhibition centre
to accommodate Arts focused on South Asian
arts and played a key role in the development of the Nottingham Mela, where
EMACA Visual Arts supported the development of artists of African/Caribbean

Project location
origin. Together, these partners created a strong and dynamic new organisation to
drive the successful development of New Art Exchange in Hyson Green, Nottingham.
(Website: New Art Exchange, History)
New Art Exchange is a modern architectural design that has its distinct look. The
approach of the building is impressive with its matt black painting and the formation
of the windows throughout the building spread in different sizes of the building,
partitions are freely shaped in response to aesthetic or functional requirements. The
entrance of the building has a unique space with curtain wall to allow sunlight into
the caffee bay and the reception. The hall-way to the rear of the building treated with
large windows at the north side to receive indirect sunlight to gain simplicity, purity,
geometry and austerity.
Pacifically, the architect introduced the phenomenological aspect space as New
Art Exchange is an exhibition gallery, community events centre including children
activities and school events. The windows of various sizes reflects the idea of the
architect in providing an impressive atmosphere for all visitors especially children
In terms of ergonomics, the furniture of the N.A.E is designed to carry the features
of the exterior. (Black Matt) furniture was arranged to form a permanent exhibits at
the caffee and the reception area with an artistic scale to work in combination with
objects inside the showroom.

Looking up stirs from level 5

New Art Exchange (Nottingham)

Project Location:
39 - 41 Gregory Boulevard
Nottingham NG7 6BE
United Kingdom
Date completed: 31 May 2009
Hawkins Brown Architects
Civic Trust Award 2009
RIBA Award 2009
RIBA East Midlands Award 2009
Nottingham Lord Mayors Awards for Urban Design 2009, Overall Award
Nottingham Lord Mayors Awards for Urban Design 2009, New Build Award
Nottingham Civic Society Commendation 2008
NAE was formed in 2003 as a new organisation and partnership between APNA Arts
and EMACA Visual Arts.

The circulation of the building well lit by adequate sunlight especially the staircase. Its
clear in the form of spiral with large windows facing the south.
The design of the building organised to meet exhibition requirements, children
activities, and local community events. Its clear in its from to find the path up to level
In parallel with N.A.E, lays Hyson Greens Library on the right and Hyson Greens
Community Centre lays on the left. This is the combination of the three buildings
work together to deliver the best services right in the heart of the community.

Book; New Art Exchange. Next we change earth. New Art Exchange Catalog.
New Art Exchange History
Available from: []
Date accessed: 25/04/2015
Photos: Ali Zayed

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