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Lesson Plan

Katherine Espich

Lesson Plan: Hopscotching

Description: Students will learn how to hop on hopscotch squares consistently throughout the

Subject: Hopscotching
Grade: K-3rd grade
Duration: One session of 30 minutes
Indiana Academic Standards:
PE 1.3- Students begin to understand how being physically active contributes to their health.

PE 1.4- Young children engage in a variety of physical activities that serve to promote an active
NASPE Standards:

Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor

skills and movement patterns.

Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies

and tactics related to movement and performance.

Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health,

enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.


Students will demonstrate how to hop on one foot on hopscotch squares while looking
Students will demonstrate how to hop on two feet on hopscotch squares while counting
to 7.
Students will be ablee to recall the four key steps to hopscotching.
Prior Knowledge:

The students will need to know how to get there balanced while standing on one
foot at a time. This lesson will develop the childs balanced ability while hopping on

one foot or two on hopscotch squares. This lesson will also help the students how to
count while demonstrating the hopscotch activity.
Materials: Hopscotch squares, outside
Opening Set/Anticipatory Set

Good morning class today it is a beautiful day! Guess what we will be doing, PE class
outside. Have you every hopped on both feet? What about just one? Well today we will be
doing a little game called hopscotch. Have any of you heard about that game before?
During the hopscotch game it is very important to keep your balanced. To make it even
harder we will be counting to 7 once you advanced to the next level of hopscotch.
Instructional Sequence

The teacher will tell the students to gain their balanced while putting both feet on
the floor arms spread apart. Tell the students to put their arms out like they are flying.
Then the teacher will tell the students to swing their arm backwards and forwards to get
the feel of swinging. Once they got their balanced and swinging down they will work out
a step at a time. Balanced then swing your arms. Once the students arms are back
behind them they get ready to hop on the hopscotch square. Now the students have
mastered all the steps to getting ready to do the activity they will repeat the steps to
become advanced.

Balanced your body to be able to stand on one foot

Swing your arms side to side to get you going to hop on the hopscotch squares
Hop onto the hopscotch squares
Repeat- Do every step again and again

Guided Practice
Students will get in groups and line up to take their turn hopping on the hopscotch
Teacher starts out by having the first student get in ready positioned to hop onto the squares. She will
then say ready, set, go. The first student in line is in ready positioned and will hop onto the first number one
square, and then he/she will hop onto the follow squares after number one. When there is one square that
means hop onto one foot, when there are two squares that means hop on two feet. He/she will then hop all the
way to the end of the hopscotch then turn their body and head towards the front of the hopscotch.
Students will count the numbers they hop on while doing hopscotch.

Independent Practice

Set up- Put the three sets of hopscotch squares on the concrete outside. Make sure the
sets are spread apart to give the students space to be able to hop and swing arms.
Divide the students in three different groups. You can put them in two groups if there are
not many students that day. They will line up behind the first student to do the activity
while giving that student there personally space.

Teacher will ask questions and wait for answers. The students may shout out the answer
without raising their hand. Students will answer1. What were the 4 steps to get ready to hop on the hopscotch squares?
Balanced, swing, hop, repeat
2. Can anyone demonstrate how we hopscotch and count to 7 while eyes forward?


Students practice hoping with two feet.
Students practice hoping on the hopscotch squares while looking down.
Students practice hoping on the hopscotch squares while looking down and counting to
Students practice holding a ball while hoping on the hopscotch squares.
Students practice doing the hopscotch multiplies times in a row.
Students practice being time while doing the activity.

Assessment of Students: Students are able to recall the 4 steps to hopscotching

Students are able to demonstrate how to hopscotch while counting

the numbers.

Bibliography, References:

I went on the website
ds.cfm to look up
the standards. I also used
to look up the Indiana standards.

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