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Organizing and Planning for Writing

Name: Kelsey MacLeod

Grade: 2
Date: March 26, 2015
Subject: English Language Arts

GCO 2 Reading and viewing: Students will be able to communicate information and ideas
effectively and clearly, and to respond personally and critically to a range of texts.
GCO 3 Speaking and listening: Students will be expected to interact with sensitivity and
respect, considering the situation, audience, and purpose.
GCO 9 Writing and representing: Students will be expected to create texts collaboratively and
independently, using a variety of forms for a range of audiences and purposes.
GCO 10: Students will be expected to use a range of strategies to develop effective writing and
media products to enhance their clarity, precision, and effectiveness.

SCO E: (Read aloud): Students will be expected to sustain one-to-one conversations and
contribute to small- and large-group interactions
SCO : Speaking and Listening: Students will demonstrate a growing awareness of social
conventions such as turn- taking and politeness in conversation and co-operative play
Writing SCO A: Provide regular opportunities for students to receive feedback to their work
(one-to-one, small-group, and large-group conferences)
SCO: Teach students how to record and organize their information. Model note-making and
organizational strategies, and give students practice in such activities as a group and/or

Student Learning Goals:

I can listen to fluent reading and use the 4 reciprocal teaching strategies: predict, question,
clarify, and summarize.
I can write and revise independently and collaboratively. I can create an outline of my
thoughts and then write them down.
I can be a writing teacher and help my peers with their writing
I can confer with my peers when I need help with my writing
I can organize my writing (informational or story based) by using a story web

A Tale of Despereaux
pencils, paper, erasers
smartboard, lesson plan, USB with notebook file
chart paper and stand with the page: Good Writing Teachers.
white board, white board marker and eraser
two conferring centre signs-one at the red table and one by the computers

OPENING: Read Aloud

10:30-10:40 Read aloud The Tale of Despereaux. Chapter 30: To the dungeon.
All students sit in their spot on the carpet.
I will use reciprocal teaching during this read aloud.
Summarize: What happened in the previous chapter? How can you summarize it for us?
Clarify: What does plump mean? What does witty mean?
Question: What could the consequence be?
Predict: What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

Students will: ask questions, make predictions, summarize, clarify

I will: check for understanding, clarify vocabulary, demonstrate back-up and reread.

10:40-10:55 Organizing and Planning for Writing

Have students return to their desks.

Pose, Pause, Bounce, Pounce. Hands down!

(Pose question. Pause while students think. Call on a student to respond. Call on another
student to build on the previous students response.
Question: What would you say organization means?

1st slide and 2nd slide: Bring up Story Web/organizational chart on smart board.
Grade 2, today I will introduce you to another type of graphic organizer than the one you
usually use to organize your thoughts. There are many different types of organizers you can use
and each one has a special purpose. The strength with this particular organizer is that it helps
us organize the main topic, from the subtopic, and the details.

3rd slide: Activity! Organize the thoughts for the story!

Main topic, subtopic, and details are at the bottom of the slide.
What could be the main theme/topic?
What could be the the subtopic?
What could be the details for this subtopic?

Drag the words where they should belong.

4th slide: example of organizing thoughts for an informational text: the 4 Food Groups.
How is it organized?
How can organizing our thoughts help us write?

From now on, when you start a new writing piece, you will use this Story Web (hold it up for
them to see and give each student a copy of the organizer).

Today, I will be conferencing with some of you. If I am conferencing with someone and you
need help what should you do? (ask a writing teacher in the class).
Where do you go to confer with a writing teacher? (one of the writing centres).
How many are allowed at each writing centre? (4).
When I confer with you, would you like it if someone came and kept interrupting?
So, while I am conferring with a student, unless it is an emergency, you will have to confer with
a writing teacher in the meantime.

Remind students the role of the writing teacher and that it is written on the chart paper.
Good Writing Teachers..
read the story
ask: What is the main theme?
say: Write more about the main theme! Tell me all about it!
say: You should add that!


10:55-11 Lead a stretching activity.
Touch your toes, put your hands in the air, take a deep breath in and out.
Instruct students to sit down in their chair and continue to take deep breaths in and out.

Have Luke quietly distribute the writing folders and Katelyn distribute the writing tools.
11-11:40 Students work on writing
Students may confer with a writing teacher at one of the conferring centres. (Max 4 people
at each centre).
At 11:05, once students are settled into their writing, I will confer with the following
students: Dylan, Maddy, Grace S, Jace, and Mya.
CLOSING: Silent Reading
11:40-11:58 Students may get their black box of books and select a spot in the room to read.
Only 4 are allowed on the carpet.
During this time I will ensure that students are on task and have books to read.
I will confer with students to ask about what they are reading.

11:58-12 Transition: students put away books and prepare to go to the cafeteria for lunch.

I will asses student comprehension and ability to communicate during the read aloud with
the 4 reciprocal teaching strategies.
I will be conferencing with students from 11:00-11:40 for writing
I will be conferring with students from 11:40-11:55 for their reading.

Students read silently at their own level and choose books appropriate for their level. Students
have chosen their own topic to write about. Peer support and conferring is encouraged, as well
as students writing independently.
When I confer with students for reading and writing, it will be to help them improve their
reading and writing at their level.

NB Grade 2 curriculum
6 + 1 Traits for Writing by Ruth Culham p 100-105


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