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EDU 500 Educational Philosophy

Personal Educational Philosophy

My pursuit of a career in education was decided upon at a young age. My father was a middle
school teacher and coach in an urban school district for 35 years. He often told us (my two
siblings are also teachers) that he never worked a day in his life. Every day he went to school.
His view of himself as a lifelong learner stuck with me as I observed him more closely through
my own middle school years. Along the way I saw my father foster positive interactions and
relationships with his students and colegues at school and sporting events that we attended
together. There was no doubt that he loved what he did; he exuded joy and enthusiasm in all
areas of his life.
My decision to enter the Health and Physical Education teaching realm was actually a third
choice. I had also considered English as well as Art Education. My choice of Health and
Physical Education spoke to my love of movement and personal health and wellness global
forms of communication. 25 years into my career, after having taught all ages from 2-18, I do
not regret my choice. My area of study is really the ultimate area for guiding experiential
education. My choice has let me expand my expertise into the realms of coaching, student
advocacy, restorative practices, professional development for teachers on various topics
including wellness and social and emotional learning.

Comment [SH1]: WHY checklist items

addressed here.

The words Learn to Live - Live to Learn were etched onto the cement facade of my Junior High
School. They have become part of my personal philosophy of education. I believe educators are
born, hard-wired with the gift of relationship-building. This is the basis of all learning. I believe
that learning is an educational journey. On this journey my responsibilities as an educator are
LEARN with students; not for them or to them
LEAD experiential learning through play
PROVIDE continuous choices and opportunities to learn
FACILITATE situations to aid and strengthen social and emotional growth
Knowledge is Power. Education has the power to change the world. I will be the change I want
to see in this world by being responsible for:
INSPIRING divergent thinking
GIVING learners space to grow
TENDING to the learning environment daily
SHOWING a deep care for the well-being and future of students
PREPARING students to CHANGE society, not just to fit into society
As my teaching style and educational philosophy has evolved, I have found myself shedding my
label of Health and Physical Teacher, and becoming more of a convener, leader and guide. The
philosophy outlined above is how I would teach any area of knowledge, with any age learner.
Discussions, community and relationship building, small groups, experiential learning and play
are all ways that I have always encouraged learning to take place. I can use even the smallest

Comment [SH2]: HOW checklist items

addressed here.

opportunity (a comment, a gesture of kindness) as a learning situation. Life Skills (cooperation,

problem solving,communication) are part of my daily lesson plan. Educating has become my
mission in life. Social and emotional education has always been a fixture in my personal
philosophy of education. I am now hoping to use my experience and gifts and the rest of my
career to inspire and guide the next generation of learners.

Comment [SH3]: WHAT checklist items

addressed here.

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