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Think- Alouds

By: Dominic Rutan and Callie Pirog

What are Think-Alouds?

When a reader says their mental acts aloud while
reading a passage
Used for teachers to model the thinking process while
Used in any subject area to provide students a glimpse
into a teachers thinking

How are Think-Alouds beneficial?

Enhances students abilities of the thinking process

Allows students to understand what they comprehend
Connects meaning and understanding with text
Students who thrive in listening comprehension
Points out confusing content

We Do It

You Do It!
Partner up!
Each partner chooses one of the paragraphs
Try out Think-Alouds

Closing Discussion
What did you think about when engaging in Think
How would this Before Reading Strategy help with
reading comprehension?
Do you think this strategy helped you with
comprehending the material? Why or why not?

Evans, R. (2008). The Third Reich At War: 1939-1945 (p. 381). New York, NY: Penguin Books.
Simmons, G. (2007). Euclid. In Calculus gems: Brief lives and memorable mathematics (p. 29). Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America.
Ortlieb, E., & Norris, M. (2012). Using the Think-Aloud Strategy to Bolster Reading Comprehension of Science Concepts. Current Issues in Education, 15(1).
Retrieved January 26, 2015, from
Simmons, G. (2007). Euclid. In Calculus gems: Brief lives and memorable mathematics (p. 29). Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America.

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