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After Reading

Take 6

What is it?
Students are grouped in pairs
Both student roll a die
o Higher number writes on review sheet
o Lower number continues rolling the die

When a six is rolled, students switch roles

At the end of a short time, students review
their work

How it can be used in the class

Very helpful for reviewing with partners

Fun, low stress way of reviewing
Perfect for the end of a unit

Multiplying Fractions- we would have just completed a
Would have read the article,
o Using Alice in Wonderland to Teach Multiplication
of Fractions
With a partner roll a die, whoever rolls higher starts
completing the worksheet first
When the other person rolls a six, switch roles

Facts from Article

Multiplication can shrink quantities, or enlarge them
o (Alice growing large and shrinking)
1. Multiplication by a number less than 1 results in a product that is less
than the original number, and multiplication by a number greater than 1
results in a product that is more than the original number 2. Multiplication
by a very small number will result in a very small product but will not result
in a product of 0
To multiply fractions, multiply across. The numerator by the numerator
over the denominator over the denominator
o ex: x = 6/12 =

Fisher, D., & Brozo, W. (2014). Text 6. In 50 Instructional Routines to Develop Content Literacy Pearson Etext
Access Card. Pearson College Div.

Taber, S. (2006). Using Alice in Wonderland to Teach Multiplication of Fractions.Mathematics Teaching in the
Middle School, (December 2006/ January 2007).

Content. (n.d.). Retrieved March 16, 2015,


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