Jeremy Strands Testimony-Liberty Movement Speaker and Former Agnostic

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Strands Testimony
Liberty Movement Speaker and Former Agnostic
The person of Christ is an amazing phenomenon. There are very few places on this earth that
has not heard about Him or what He accomplished on this earth 2,000 years ago. The impact He has
had in the lives of people of every race, culture, class, continent, and age is overwhelming.
The overwhelming evidence and personal witness of Christ throughout the earth stands to
reason that He did exist. The debates and interpretation of what He did, what He said, why He came is
also overwhelming as expected because Christ is such a powerful figure that we have been scratching
our heads over who this Man was and is. Like a scientific phenomenon that leaves us puzzled and
hungry to find an answer or solution; Christ has been a phenomenon that has done the same. But the
best way to find out who He is, is by studying the sources that are reliable and time-tested without
I was never always a Christian. From being faced with college curriculum and very opinionated
professors I became an agnostic for almost two years from early 2007 through late 2008. Although I
didnt know what to believe or what was truth; I believed that truth existed and that it could be found.
I didnt care where it led me. If the truth led me to atheism, Buddhism, paganism, or Mormonism I
didnt careat the least, I believed that in truth came freedom and in that there is peace.
Through my two-year search I ventured through philosophy, science, and historical evidence to
find out if God exist; if so, then who/what is He. How does He show Himself? What does He say? It was
a very emotional and stressful time as anyone could imagine. Trying to understand this life or why we
even live is the most challenging question for anyone.
I wouldnt have guessed that I would arrive at the person of Christ after all that time; but I did.
Through my findings I discovered that there is more evidence for the existence of Christ and what He
did than there is evidence of Napoleon Bonapartes campaigns across Europe. The places where He
taught, where He preached, where He healed the sick, where He gave sight to the blind, where He
walked on water, and where He was crucified is still there today. We can stand in the very garden
where Jesus was praying just moments before he was betrayed and captured. We can stand at the very
hilltop where He was crucified on the cross and gave his last breathe and uttered, It is finished.
No other figure in history has ever claimed to be the Son of God. No other figure in history has
had thousands of eyewitnesses testify of His power and His love on all people. The real mind boggler
for skeptics is that these miracles happen today all around the world and even here in the United
Right now there are Christians (men, women, and children) being martyred in Nigeria, China,
Syria and other countries across Africa, Asia and the Middle East by the hundreds. But where there is
death there has also been life. Just in the past decade there have been hundreds of accounts of people
being healed, exorcised, and even coming back from the dead; all in the name and power of Jesus.
I encourage everyone to take an honest look at the evidence and to not be afraid of where
truth may lead because truth sets you free and the peace that comes with knowing Christ and serving
Him surpasses all things that the world has to offer. After all, Christs Kingdom is not of this world and
He came to give life from death into everlasting fellowship with Him and God the Father: the Creator of
29 May 2014

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