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Diocelina Guillen

Education 2301
Marian Ellis
Philosophy of Education
My philosophy of education is that each student deserves a great
education. As a soon to be teacher, I will provide the best education to each
student. I would like to specialize in Special Education and ESL. I am looking
forward to take an oath and declare, that no student will be left behind. I will
re-enforce that in my curriculum. I would like to make an impact in the life of
young children so that they can become responsible ladies and gentlemen.
By doing so, I will challenge these students in a classroom setting to
learn to take responsibility of their work. I will do my best, to help students
that have disabilities and allow them to grow as a great student. Yes, there
will be challenges. Special education means a variety of students with
disabilities. That includes ESL students, 504 and other disabilities. I am
looking forward to the challenge myself.
I want to teach students, so that they have room to grow and learn to
be an individual not every student is the same. I would have to learn to
understand each student as an individual. I would have to also, teach
students to understand that each is allowed to grow and become the best

they can be. I would like to include students in the teaching and discussion
so that they can learn. I want to learn a system where these students with
learning disabilities feel comfortable in the subject that they are not
comfortable with. I want to be able to take them underneath my arms and
keep them on top of all their classes and assignments.
Making in impact in these students is my major goal. I am determined
to teach and help students, to the best of my knowledge so that students
can be the best that they can be. I am not afraid of learning to understand
each student as an individual because that is a part of me. I am looking
forward to becoming a teacher and helping these kids understand the best
way that they can learn.
As a future teacher I will enjoy every day of teaching and allowing kids
to grow up and watch them learn at the best of their ability. I want to be a
teacher that can make a great impact in the life of these students. I was born
to teach and help students understand that they are capable of more than
they think. I cant wait until I can use the best of my ability and let students

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