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Mobasseri 1

Tara Mobasseri
Mrs. Dagher
UWRT 1102
2 February 2015
Research Proposal
1. What are the negative effects of technology (media) on society?
Primary purpose:
2. To inform the audience and also myself about this topic.
3. How big of an impact does modern technology and media have on teens today?
4. Does reducing technology improve this situation?
5. My opinion about this topic is that in todays world technology (including media) has
influenced the lives of many. It has increased fears/phobias, stress, eating disorders,
psychological issues and many more. One of my personal experiences is related to what
my career will be in the future, which is a dentist. A jaw disorder that is effected greatly
by stress and being under pressure. This jaw disorder called TMJ is not anything serious.
It has been scientifically proven that stress triggers it and therefore one must not stress.
Using my phone and constantly checking social media has brought much more stress to
my life and less free time to be healthy and exercise. For that reason, I have been trying
to use my phone and be on social media less. I noticed my jaw not hurting as much and
having more time on my hands to do more active things. This is why I was interested in
researching healthy replacements for technology and finding ways to solve this problem.

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